a few here:
Rec.Travel Library http://www.travel-library.com/
Theon-line reference for the international budget traveler. Do yourselfthe favor and check out this site! It's the encyclopedia of traveltips, opinions, travelogues .... and much more.
Lonely Planet http://www.lonelyplanet.com/
A condensed version of the books. There is plenty of good info and a great message board.
BootsnAll http://www.bootsnall.com/
Ahelpful site for those planning a trip. They keep a list of "insiders"for many areas of the world. The site also offers many stories andtravelogues of people currently traveling the world or those that haverecently completed a trip.
Hostels.com http://www.hostels.com/
A very informative budget traveler's independent hostel site. There are many links to hostels, stories and general travel tips.
Backpacking Europe on a Budget http://www.backpackeurope.com/
Helpful for those looking for independent hostels in Europe.
Air Brokers http://www.airbrokers.com/
A consolidator who specializes in "around-the-world" tickets. Ask for Sharon.
Another consolidator. Their prices aren't quite as good as Air Brokers, but it may be worth checking them out anyway.
Trains, Buses, and Ferries
Canac http://www.canac.com/
An invaluable site for those looking to travel by train. This site has links to just about every major country's railway site.
you all know that
World Climate http://www.weather.com/index.html
Weatherinformation for almost every major (and some not so major) cities inthe world, including average temps and average rainfall for every monthof the year.
Health and Visa Information
my site http://lubill.blogbus.com/
Helpful in preparing a first aid bag and in learning about which types of medicines to carry for extended travel.
Embassy World http://www.embassyworld.com/
Worldwide embassy links and visa information.
The ultimate on-line used bookstore. You can get great semi-dated travel guides or just a cheap paperback for the road.
Travel Clothing and Gear
REI http://www.rei.com/
American co-op of clothing, gear, travel, and outdoor sports and recreation goods.
Campmor http://www.campmor.com/webapp/commerce/command/ExecMacro/welcome.d2w/report
Camping gear on the cheaps.
Outdoor Review http://www.outdoorreview.com/defaultcrx.aspx
Outdoorsman's heaven. They include an outdoors auction site and some decent gear reviews.