February’s Rose


《诗殿堂》(Poetry Hall)翻译家团队

(2019-09-15 10:47:27) 下一个










The Purpose of Poetry Hall


Poetry Hall is a not-for-profit journal that aims at providing a platform for all Chinese and English language poets to publish their well written poems; Poetry Hall is a Chinese and English bilingual journal that aims at introducing well written Chinese and English poetry, in both the original language form and its Chinese or English translation form, to the world. Our criterion for selecting contribution is quality; our specialty is bilingual, using both Chinese and English to publish poems. Our philosophy is: Poetry is the voice from the heart. Therefore, we advocate poetry that comes from the bottom of poets’ hearts, that is rich in substance, and that conjures up vivid images and suggests cherished artistic conception.








会   长:徐英才


理 事 会 成 员(按拼音顺序):





总    编:徐英才

副总编:张    庭

内容总监:冰    花


主    编:虔 谦(新诗部)

主    编:天    端(古诗部)

主    编:焦海丽(评访部)

主    编:魏建国(诗论部)

主    编:颜海峰(翻译部)

主    管:李    莉(配音部)


副主编:李    莉(评访部)


编    辑:欧路行,魏红霞,西鹰,谢利(按拼音顺序)



主    任:薛   凯

主    编:Sylvia Cavanaugh

副主编:Lisa Vihos

编    辑:(按英语字母排列)

Gerry Brauer, James Burton, Danny Fahey, Cheryl Hamann, Scott Mills, Judy Rowe












汇丰零售银行产品分析团队全球总监、汇丰美国亚裔社团主席。国兴领导的分析团队致力于数据开发, 支持企业发展。汇丰是全球最大的银行之一,涉足66个国家和地区,服务38,000,000 客户。国兴的团队集中于芝加哥和印度/中国,运用先进的机器学习手段,在顾客需求定位,行为分析,生命周期维护,以及价格优化领域里精心耕耘。国兴领导的亚裔社团在美国有七个分会,会员达1,100 个。社团主要致力与文化的推广,帮助亚裔员工的事业发展,帮助银行成为最佳雇主。国兴还是Ascend的中西部分会董事会成员。他积极帮助年轻一代职业发展,协助面试技巧训练,和经常参加论坛活动。他在2017年被评为芝加哥地区少数民族领导之一。国兴本科毕业于复旦大学英美语言文学专业,研究生是伊州大学的商业硕士。他平时喜欢阅读,翻译,和旅行。


 GUOXING CHAI,GLOBAL HEAD OF RETAIL BANKING PRODUCT ANALYTICS, HSBC,NATIONAL CHAIR, ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER COMMITTEE, HSBC USA. Guoxing leads a team of retail banking product specialists in data mining to create insights for business decisions.  HSBC is one of the largest international banks in the world.  It operates in 66 countries and territories, serving 38 million customers worldwide.  Guoxing’s team of data scientists operate between Chicagoland and India/China to deploy advanced analytics and machine learning models in the areas of customer needs identification, customer targeting, spend behavior analyses, life-cycle management, portfolio valuation and pricing optimization.


Guoxing leads Asia Pacific Islander Committee (APIC) at HSBC USA.  APIC has 7 chapters across the country, with circa 1,100 members.  The APIC’s mission is to enhance cultural awareness, support career development for Asian Americans and support corporate initiatives to enhance employer’s market position.  


Guoxing is a Midwest chapter Ascend board member.  He is active in local community activities in mentoring young professionals, conducting mock interviews, participating in career development panel discussions.  He is named one of the “Business Leaders of Color” by Chicago United in 2017.   


Guoxing has an undergraduate degree in English Language and Literature from Fudan University and a graduate degree in Business Administrations from University of Illinois.  His hobbies include reading, translating, and traveling.  




戴岩 / DAI YAN




Translator: Christopher Tai. Immigrated to Canada with parents as a child, have been writing poems in Chinese for over ten years.  Stage Director of Canadian Chinese Poetry Recital, Many of his poems have been published in various well known poetry publications and periodicals.








Ding Liqun, an English teacher of College of Foreign Languages in Shandong Agricultural University, is an amateur literary translator, with some translations published in the magazines such as Foreign Language and ArtTranslationsHunan Literature, and two translated books, Alice Adams, In Full Flower: Inspired Designs by Floral’s New Creatives.













Translator: Garry Guan is a graduate of Peking University, the Institute of Ethnic Studies, The Central Institute of Nationalities (presently Minzu University), and University of Pittsburgh. He currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. He is the Managing Editor of Chinese Cultural Relics, Official English Translation of Wenwu (Cultural Relics), Research Associate of History of Art and Architecture, Department of History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh, and Member of the Experts Advisory Committee on Arts, Archeology and Museology for Chinese Cultural Translation and Studies Support Network (CCTSS). He has served as The Administrator of Chinese Language Division of American Translator Association and Contract Interpreter and Escort Officer for the U.S. Department of State.




顾丹柯 / GU DANKE




GU Danke, translator of classical Chinese, and visiting scholar in the University of Edinburgh and the University of Toronto.He has published the translation of Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (2006, Shanghai World Publishing Corporation), An Illustrated Introduction to Chinese Culture (2008, China Translation & Publishing Corporation), The Book of Filial Piety, the Twenty-Four Stories of Filial Piety, Dos and Don'ts for Children (2010, China Translation & Publishing Corporation), The Book of Filial Piety was collected in the Library of Chinese Classics (2016, Chinese Translation Press), Illustrated Chinese Stories Series (11 books translated, and 9 books proofread and revised, 2018, Picture-Story Publishing House). He is now a member on the standing committee of the Chinese Classics Translation Society, and deputy chairman of both Changzhou Linguistics Society and Changzhou Translation Association.









Guo Yingjie, Ph.D., associate professor at the School of International Studies, Shaanxi Normal University, is mainly engaged in the teaching and studies of British and American literature. From 2013 to 2014, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of English, Northern Arizona University, USA. Currently, he has published one monograph, one textbook and three co-authored textbooks. As a lover of poetry, he attempts to write (See http://www.zgshige.com/c/2018-03-02/5538091.shtml) and translate some verses in his spare time. His translated works include “Wife, or Otherwise”(C/E, In Old Land, New Tales: 20 Best Stories of Shaanxi Writers, 2011), A Handbook for 2011 Xi’an International Horticultural Exposition(C/E, 2011), An Introduction to Ancient Olympic Games(C/E, 2012), Shaanxi: Foodies’ Paradise(C/E, 2013), etc.










Alex Huang, TAC, AUSIT, is a CATTI/NAATI certified translator in Sydney, Australia. He is dedicated to language services and multicultural communication as he works for Sydney-based Lionshield Communications and Multicultural NSW. Previously, Alex was an English TV news translator and presenter, university lecturer, corporate executive, distinguished

professor and industry mentor for MTI programs in China, and Director of Operations at an Australian migration group. He has published over 20 poems and essays, and authored two collections of poetry Poems of Qi Han and Imagefish. He has translated and published more than 20 bestsellers, picture albums and children's books including Safari, The Power Presenter, Apollo's Arrow, Fujian in Poems and Photographs, etc.










HUANG Jinzhu, female, living in Luoyang now, interested in classical literature, majoring in English Language and Literature, studying in the field of translation theory and practice, the member of Translators Association of China(TAC), the translator working on overseas projects in CITIC Heavy Industry Co. Ltd.





胡平 / HU PING




Hu Ping, born in Linyi City,Shandong Province, a member of Chinese Classics Bilingual’s Association, has obtained Bachelor’s degree from Nanjing Normal University, and now is studying Msater’s degree in Heibei Normal University, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics , research on Chinese classics translation. She has passed CATTI2, specilizing in Chinese classics translation,contemporary Chinese poetry translatio ,prose writing and translation for tourism publicity.





刘亚木 / LIU YAMU


刘亚木(小曼),加籍华人,高中时代移民加拿大。现任私营公司经理。她对翻译,写双语诗,填词,小说,和散文创作很感兴趣。她的梦想是成为出色的翻译家和双语诗人。毕业于New Brunswick大学,获商业管理学士学位。自2013年起创作超过100首双语诗词,译著有著名作家徐吁(1908-1980)的小说【鬼恋】,加拿大华裔作家潘宙的【来孩儿】,合译并出版美国华裔作家虔谦的获奖短篇小说集【奇遇】翻译并出版【英诗精选汉译100首】,中英互译超过100首古体诗和现代诗。


Ya Mu Liu(Xiaoman)  is a Chinese Canadian, immigrated to Canada when she was a high school student. A private company manager, interested in translating and writing prose, fictional stories and poetry in Chinese and English. Her dream is to become an accomplished translator and bilingual poet. She graduated from University of New Brunswick with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Since 2013, Ya Mu has created more than 100 bilingual poems, translated a famous story The Ghost, written by Xu Xu(1908 - 1980),  Con Lai by Phan Tru, co-translated published the award-wining work The Wonder of Encounters: A Collection of Short Stories by Qian Qian, translated and published A Selection From Top 500 Poems in English. Translated more than one hundred classical and modern poems between Chinese and English





李志岭 / Li Zhiling




Doctor LI Zhiling is a professor at School of Foreign Languages of Liaocheng University, Shadong Province, PRC.  He studied successively at Shandong Normal University(BA), Wuhan University(MA), Shanghai Internatioanl Studies University(PhD) and Eastern China Normal University(postdocral study). From 2003 to 2010 he  was the director of College of Foreign Languages at Shandong Agricultural Univeristy. In 2012 he went to America to work as the Chinese director of Confucius Institute of Philadelphia University. His major and research fields range from contrastive linguistics, Chinese graphology, stylistics to contrastive study of Chinese and western cultures.











Li Zhengshuan, PhD of Peking University, Honorary Doctor of University of Stirling in the UK, is Professor of English literature, PhD supervisor, one of the academic leading scholars in his university, one of the core teachers in his province, one of the top teachers of his province, one of the outstanding young and middle-aged experts in social science in his province, one of the members of the "50 Young and Middle-aged Experts Project" of his province, a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution to his province. He got provincial-level awards for excellent social-science research 11 times and provincial-level awards for excellent teaching 6 times.


He teaches such courses as "Appreciation of English and American Poetry", "British Renaissance Poetry", "English Prosody", "Translation of Chinese Classics into English", "European Culture", and "Appreciation of English Songs". He presides over "Appreciation of English and American Poetry", a national superior course, national quality resource-sharing course and massive online open course. He is vice chair of China English Poetry Research Association, standing Vice Chair and Secretary General of specialized committee in China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese (CACSEC), Chair of Hebei Translation Society.









Luo Xiaojia,  English name Ivy, from Yibin City, Sichuan Province, Master of Arts,  born in 1980s, studying translation theories and practices, loving reading poems and translating them, teaching English in a college in Chongqing, China.







卢琪韶(Crystal Tai),性别女,生于台北,少时随家人移民美国,2007年获斯坦福大学教育行政硕士学位,之后在硅谷的英文媒体担任记者,兼任北美华人电视台双语主持人。曾英译李开复博士自传,另外英译本人外公的回忆录《九十春秋》,由胡佛研究院当作史料收藏,也是斯坦福大学东亚图书馆藏书。着有A Poetic Portal to Chinese Culture,以英文介绍中国文化与诗词,深受主流社会好评,并获得当地图书馆购买。


Crystal Tai was born in Taipei and immigrated to the US as a teenager. She received a Master's degree in Education Policy from Stanford University in 2007. Since then, she has worked as a journalist and translator. She has translated former Google China president Kai-Fu Lee's biography as well as her own maternal grandfather's memoirs from Chinese into English. The family memoir book, Nine Memorable Decades, now belongs to the archives of the Hoover Institution and the collections of the Stanford East Asian Library. When it comes to books, Crystal is also an author. Her nonfiction book, A Poetic Portal to Chinese Culture, introduces Chinese culture and poetry to English speakers.









Meng Chao Gang, born in 1951.6. Associate professor in a vocational college of science and technology in Beijing. graduated from English department, Hebei Normal University. He likes poetry, especially Chinese classical poetry. recently, He starts translating from Chinese to English.The works is scattered in various online poetry journals.









A literature lover, Qi Fengyan was born in Shenyang, Liaoning province in 1970’s. Some of her poems, essays and literature review articles have been published on journals and newspapers.














[译者简介] 任诚刚,云南农业大学外语学院英语教授;云南大学滇池学院客座教授。主要从事MTI硕士研究生文学翻译及英语专业翻译理论与实践课程教学。系中华(全国)诗词学会会员、云南省翻译工作者协会理事。入选中国当代诗词精品大系:《中华当代绝句精选》(1998)、《中华当代律诗精选》(1999)、及《中华当代词综》(2000);被收录2000年美国海外艺术家协会《世界名人錄》(新世纪卷)(世界人物出版社、中国国际交流出版社. 香港);《国际文化艺术人才大典》(亚太文化出版社. 2000年. 香港)。编著书籍:《旅美吟稿》(专著、1999)、《英汉诗歌鉴赏比较与互译》(2013)、译著《汉英对照韵译天安门诗抄一百首》(2016)等。


Ren Chenggang, a professor of English, College of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Agricultural University; guest professor. of Dianchi College, Yunnan University; who is mainly engaged in the teaching of translation theory and practice for MTI students, and is a member of China Poetry Society and a council member of Yunnan Translators Association. His works include in the Contemporary Chinese Poetry: Jueju (quatrains) (1998), Lvshi (Octet) (1999), and Ci (Lyrics) (2000); Literature achievement includes in “Who's Who in the World” (New Century Vol.); “World Talent Dictionary in Art and Literature” (Asia Pacific Culture Press. 2000. Hong Kong). He is the author of books: Autographic Poetry in America ( 1999); Comparative Appreciation and Inter-translation of Selected English and Chinese Poems (2013), and Chinese-English Translation of 100 Poems of Tian An Men (Rhymed Ver. 2016).








Jeff Rong was born and grew up in Langfang, Hebei Province. Working as an English teacher in Tianjin Normal Universtiy, he likes reading, writing and traveling. With a literary name of Leng Qianshan, he has published his literary works in such periodicals as Dushu, Tianjin Literature, etc.







石永浩(Anthony Shi),山东财经大学外国语学院副教授,爱好文学翻译,尤好散文、诗词翻译。任混语版《世界诗人》杂志客座副主编,在《世界诗人》《诗殿堂》《汉诗月报》等纸版及电子版刊物发表多篇翻译作品,翻译著作一部(山东画报出版社出版)。


Shi Yonghao (Anthony Shi), associate professor of Shandong University of Finance and Economics. His major interests are in literary translation, especially essay and poetry translation. He is Guest Associate Editor of The World Poets Quarterly, and  some of his translations have been published on The World Poets Quarterly,Poetry Hall, Chinese Poetry Monthly, etc. A translation work was published by Shandong Pictorial Publishing House.









史潘荣,男,字广平,号闲云居士,英文笔名Joseph Spring,曾用笔名秦云润、月瑟、未央等,中国国学双语研究会会员、期刊英文编审、高校英文教师,16岁开始发表诗歌和散文,出版有诗集《流动的抒情》(2004)。在较长的工作和学习生涯中,始终酷爱着文学与翻译,甘心“以语言之舟楫,渡文学之江河”。


Shi Panrong, penname Joseph Spring, male, MA in English, linguistics and translation studies, is a poetry lover and translator. He is member of Chinese Classics Bilinguals Association, member of Shaanxi Translators Association, and editor for two periodicals. He started to publish works at the age of 16. Currently, he is working as an English teacher at a college in Xi’an, China. His interest lies in literary translation and technical translation. His publications include a poetry book, Flowing Lyricism (2004).







周期蝉,本名 单斌。赴美国留学, 获分子生物学博士, 在美国一所医学院从事癌症研究。近三年他在业余时间尝试中英文诗歌写作和翻译。


Magicicada: His name is Bin Shan. He obtained his PhD in molecular biology in the US. He studies cancer in a medical school in the US. He has written and translated poems in Chinese and English in his spare time for the past three years.







魏红霞(1971年8月—  ),女, 1995年毕业,安徽师范大学外国语学院文学学士,南京师范大学外国语学院文学硕士,南京大学和英国利物浦大学访问学者,安徽工程大学外国语学院副教授。酷爱诗歌和翻译,发表关于翻译的文章四篇,1999年曾在《英语沙龙》上发表双语诗歌《写在毕业纪念册上的话》。


Ms. Wei Hongxia (born in Aug. 1971) ,graduated in 1995, a B. A. degree holder and an M. A. degree holder in the English language and literature of Foreign Languages Schools of Anhui Normal University and Nanjing Normal University, visiting scholars of Nanjing University and Liverpool University of Britain, an associate professor working at Foreign Languages Schools of Anhui Polytechnic University, a poetry and translation lover. In 1999, she published a bilingual poem titled “Words Written on Photograph Album” in the monthly English Salon.







英国语言与文学专业本科,应用语言学(TESL)专业研究生毕业,毕业后任北京语言学院(现北京语言文化大学)英语教师。Grace从事语言教学、翻译等语言相关工作已有31年,其中包括在英语国家26年。语言功底扎实,工作态度认真。近15年来主要从事影视、文学、教育等社科领域的翻译和质量控制、以及中英双语的配音工作。北京奥林匹克运动会担任《奥帆交响音诗》歌词、诗歌和作曲家介绍的汉译,担任高清系列纪录片《发现中国》解说词英译(此片同时在上海教育台和美国Direct TV播出),担任高清系列纪录片《发现中国》的解说词英译,担任"可口可乐中国公司"《职业安全与健康》管理规定的翻译校订和录音, 翻译和审校百余部电影和电视片字幕,终端客户主要是迪士尼、帕拉蒙、21世纪福克斯、华纳等国际知名影视公司;担任王海平新编历史剧《黄叶红楼》的英译(已由澳洲Xlibris Corporation出版社于2014年3月出版)等


Qun Grace Liu is a native Mandarin speaker who has been living and working in English speaking countries for 26 years.Holding a BA degree in English Language & Literature and a postgraduate diploma in applied linguistics (TESL)she has been working for over three decades as an English lecturer, teacher-training course instructor, Mandarin Chinese teacher/tutor, and translator/interpreter, as well as voice talent. Experiences range mainly from the areas of English and Chinese language teaching, teacher training, translation, media, entertainment (movies and TV programs), to project management covering China, UK, and Canada. She has been mainly engaged in subtitle translation, literature translation and voice-over projects in the past 10 years.









Wang Ruli (1973- ) is an associate professor of English with a master degree in English language and literature and a doctorate degree in applied linguistics, who is currently teaching at School of Foreign Studies, Minzu University of China. She visited Boston University during the 2008-2009 school year, working with professor John T. Matthews, the former president of William Faulkner Society, on modern American novels. Her academic interests range from English literature, sociolinguistics to biography and poetry translation. She is the author of a monograph Research on the Social Variation of New English Lexical Borrowings and dozens of journal articles on literature and linguistics. Her Chinese translation of June Dally-Watkins’ autobiography Still Smiling was published by Central Compilation and Translation Publishing House in 2016. She has also translated six academic papers from Chinese into English for China Tibetology and Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music. Her WeChat public account Poetry Translation of Orchid (兰若诗译) is dedicated to the translation, spread and inheritance of classical Chinese poetry and has gained hundreds of followers.







王磊(William Wang),笔名:宛城卧龙,河南南阳人,英文专业,文学翻译爱好者,尤好诗词翻译。《华文诗家双语精粹》英文主编,在中诗网策划并主持“中国诗文外译”、“外国诗文汉译”栏目;其原创及翻译作品散见于《诗歌报》《世界诗人》《诗文杂志》《国家诗歌地理》等多家报刊杂志;其英译著作有《现代诗人诗选(II)》(参译,书籍出版社出版,2012年)、《月的故乡》(中国文联出版社出版,2012年)等。2012年1月被国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC)授予2011年度国际最佳译者。


Wang Lei , (William Wang), pen name: Wanchengwolong, born in Nanyang city, Henan province. From English major, he's a lover of literary translation, especially poetry translation. He is  the English editor of Bilingual Essences of Chinese Poets, planning and hosting columns of Translation of Chinese Poetry to Foreign Version and Translation of Foreign Poetry to Chinese Version in China Poetry Website; His original and translated works have been published in The Poetry Newspaper, the World Poets Quarterly, Poetry Literature Magazine, National Poetry and Geography and other newspapers and magazines. His translated works in English include Selected Poems of Modern Poets (II) (Translated with others, published by Book Publishing House, in 2012) and  the Moon is my Hometown (published by China Federation of Literary and Cultural Circles Press, in 2012).He was awarded in January, 2012, as The International Best Translators for 2011, by the International Poetry Translation Research Center (IPTRC) . 






王昌玲1973年生,任职于安徽师范大学外国语学院,热爱中英文诗歌创作与翻译。有数篇汉语杂文英译作品在《中国翻译》、《英语学习》上发表,出版合译著数部:《心灵鸡汤·感恩青春》(2007,英译汉)、《爱屋及邬——纪念邬达克绘画雕塑邀请展》(2016, 汉译英)、《邬达克——从班斯卡·比斯特里察到世界》(2017, 汉译英);两次获得韩素音翻译大赛汉译英之优秀奖(2009, 2018),2010年首届海峡英语竞赛汉译英一等奖。座右铭: 我译,故我在。


Wang Changling, born in 1973, teaches at School of Foreign Studies, Anhui Normal University. She is much into writing poems both in Chinese and English as well as translating poems, especially from Chinese to English. She has published several English versions of Chinese essays in Chinese Translators Journal and English Language Learning and co-translated several books such as Be Grateful to Youth, Chicken Soup for the Soul (E/C, 2007), Love Home, Love Hudec: Painting and Sculpture Invitational Exhibition in Memory of L. E. Hudec (C/E, 2016) and Ladislav E. Hudec—From BanskaBystrica to the World (C/E, 2017); She has been awarded twice for Excellent C/E Translation in Han Suyin Award for Young Translators (2009, 2018), and she has taken the first place for C/E Translation in the First Straits English Contest (2010). Her motto: I translate, therefore I am.   







王庆国(1987年8月—  ),男,讲师,英语语言文学硕士,云南大学滇池学院教师,酷爱诗歌,2014曾在年刊《中国莎士比亚研究通讯》上发表译作《水调歌头:莎士比亚十四行诗第十八首》。


Mr. Wang Qingguo (born in Aug. 1987) is a poetry lover, an M. A. degree holder in the English language and literature, and a lecturer working at Dianchi College of Yunnan University. In 2014, he published a piece of translation work titled "Prelude to Water Melody: Shakespeare's Sonnet 18" in the annual Shakespeare Studies in China.







王梅兰, 网名五月花,祖籍福建,毕业于福建师大外国语学院,本科英语文学专业, 研究生比较文学专业。毕业后曾任教于厦门某高校。2001年移民加拿大。一年后,就读于安省温莎大学教育系,教育专业, 持有安省教师资格证书。


Mei Lan Wang (Mayflower), born in Fujian, P.R. China, graduated from College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and a Master of Arts degree in Comparative Literature. After graduation, she worked as a lecturer for one year at a university in Xiamen. One year after her immigration to Toronto in 2001, she went to University of Windsor, Ontario, majoring in education. She is a certified teacher with Ontario College of Teachers.







王大建 , 陕西西安人, 曾任教于西安外语学院(今西安外国语大学);1999年获亚利桑那大学博士学位,注重英语写作,对比修辞,和词汇语义学。主要参与翻译了《 天井》(虔 谦 诗 选,2017), 《奇遇》(虔谦短篇小说集), 及担任《诗殿堂》译者。喜欢写新意古诗词并翻译成英文(见《诗殿堂》)。


Wang Dajian, a native of Xi'an, Shaanxi, once taught at Xi'an Institute of Foreign Languages (now Xi'an International Studies University); received a Ph.D. in 1999 from the University of Arizona, with focus on English writing, contrastive rhetoric, and lexical semantics.  He has published English translations of Celestial Well and The Wonder of Encounters (2017, 2016, both by Minglu Zeng) and has been a translator for Poetry Hall.  He enjoys writing Chinese poems of classical styles and translating them into English (see Poetry Hall issues).







魏建国 1967年出生,北京人,汉族。现为中国人民大学外国语学院英语专业博士生。中国翻译协会会员。《英语沙龙》特约译稿人。译著有《关键时刻的英语演讲》等。


Wei Jianguo, born in 1967, is a Beijing native. He is a Doctorate Candidate in the College of Foreign Languages Of RUC, a member of Translators Association of China, and a freelance translator who has published more than 30 translations in the magazine “English Salon.” His other publication is: Famous Speeches at the Critical Moments.






吴兴禄 / X. L. WOO


海外逸士 原名:吴兴禄(X.L.WOO),原籍上海。双语作家及双语诗人﹐自幼爱好文学,特好诗词。其专业是英文。现居美国﹐为全美神秘小说作家协会会员﹐加州好莱坞名诗人俱乐部荣誉诗人。并已名列美国国会图书馆出版之全美名人录2003年后各版中。已出版之中文著作有《新西游记》﹑《荒唐女侠》。其英文著作有USEFUL STRATEGIES IN EVERYDAYLIFEEMPRESS DOWAGERCIXIKUNGFUMASTERSEMPRESS WUTHEGREAT等。还有翻译著作二本《诗词英译》。


Brief Bio of X. L. Woo


Oversea Hermit, X. L. Woo by name, born in Shanghai, is a bilingual writer and poet. He was fond of literature and poetry since boyhood. His major was English. He lives now in the U. S. He is a member of the Society of Mystery Writers, an honorary poet of the Society of Famous Poets of California.His name is in the Who's Who of American Congress library. His publications include two novels in Chinese: "New Journey to West", "Sword woman of Absurdity", and five books in English: "USEFUL STRATEGIES IN EVERYDAYLIFE""EMPRESS DOWAGERCIXI""KUNGFUMASTERS""EMPRESS WUTHEGREAT", etc. And also two books about translations of Chinese classical poems.









Jerry Li Xie was born in Chengdu in 1991, has lived in Xining, Qinghai Province, moved to Shenzhen with his parents at 4, and immigrated to Victoria, B.C., Canada at 13. Li is currently an undergraduate English major at Shenzhen University School of Foreign Languages, and loves to translates poetry in his spare time.




薛武 / XUE WU


薛武,笔名无心慧眼,扬州大学外国语学院英语教师,美国达拉斯德州大学人文艺术学院访问学者,“七剑诗派”之“灵剑”,在《当代国际汉诗》、《世界诗人》、Verse Version、《诗殿堂》等国内外诗刊发表诗歌几十首,今年和龚刚、李磊等诗友一起出版《七剑诗选》。


Xue Wu, whose pen name is Wise Non-being,is an English teacher of School of International Studies of Yangzhou University and a visiting Scholar of School of Arts and Humanties of University of Texas at Dallas. As "Soul Sword" of "Seven Swordman Poetry Group", he has published many poems on poetry magazines like Contemporary International Chinese Poetry, International Poets,  Verse Version and Poetry Hall. A Selection of Seven Swordman has got published recently and become one of the poem collections that sell best on line.







许景城(1986-),福州人,诗人、学者,英国威尔士班戈大学文学批评与翻译学博士,英国生态批评期刊《生态公民》编委会顾问,加拿大女王大学宗教学院SNC 实验室合作研究员。主要研究兴趣与方向:道学、英美文学、威尔士文学、中国典籍英译、生态批评等。擅长中英文诗词写作和英汉互译,著有诗集《丁香松集》《英伦羽翼集》,诸多译作散见于《英语世界》《外国文艺》等刊物。参编《中国典籍英译析读》(主编之一,知识出版社,2017)等多部大学教材。多篇英文学术文章发表于Lexington Books, Palgrave Macmillan, Modern Language Review, and Perspective: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice等。


Peter Jingcheng Xu completed his PhD at the School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Bangor University, UK in January 2018. His research interest involves Anthropocenic ecocriticism, Translation Studies, English Translation of Chinese Classics, British literature, and Chinese literature. He is also a poet and translator. He has translated into Chinese context many contemporary British poets, such as Gillian Clarke, Jason Walford Davies, Ian Gregson, Robert Minhinnick and Emily Critchley, and into English a wide spectrum of Chinese literary texts (both ancient and contemporary). His translation works and reviews are published in some key journals, such as Foreign Literature and Art, The World of English, and Journal of World Chinese Studies. He has until now co-edited five English textbooks for Chinese university students, with Intellectual Property Publishing House, Peking University Press, and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. He has published several book chapters and book reviews with some key presses and journals, involving Lexington Books, Palgrave Macmillan, Modern Language Review, and Perspective: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice.









Xu Yingcai, an English teacher from Fudan University, and now works in DePaul University, mostly teaching Chinese studies courses. He loves Chinese and English cultures, Chinese and English languages, English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-English translation, and Chinese and English poetry and poetics.





颜海峰 / BRENT O. YAN




Brent O. Yan is a poet and translator who lives in Jinan and usually publishes his translations under the name of Brent O. Yan. He is now a candidate doctor of Beijing Foreign Studies University,associate professor of Shandong University of Political Science and Law, the vice-chairman of Chinese Poetry Association,vice-chairman of East-West Association of Artists, a member of Writers Association of Shandong Province of China, visiting deputy managing editors of the World Poets Quarterly, Translation Editor in Chief of Poetry Hall, vice editorial director of Northeast Asia Forum on Foreign Languages, Business Translation and an associate professor in Shandong University of Political Science and Law. He has published 4 translated books, 20 academic papers and many pieces of poem translation, for example, Selected Poems of Shihab Ghanem (English-Chinese Bilingual), Cuore (from English translation by Isabel Hapgood) and Mind Wanders: 100 Haikus by Lou Deping. He was awarded "Best Translator" in Contemporary Chinese Poetry Award. In 2017 he worked as a translator for International Festival of Poetry and Liquor. 





于岚 / YU LAN


于岚,笔名方壶斋,毕业于解放军外国语学院,曾在该院及北京第二外国语学院任教,后出国。现在在美国从事对外汉语教学。在国内时,发表过若干讨论翻译问题的论文, 参与编写翻译教材两种,独立出版翻译教材一种。担任过大学本科的翻译课教学。业余爱好散文,诗歌创作和翻译,但是很少发表在纸质刊物上,更没有出版过此类作品的书。使用的网上平台有cnd.org, yidian.org, mayacafe.com, mycoffeebean.org, smallstation.net,新浪博克,文学城等。


Yu Lan, aka Fang Huzhai, graduated from the PLA Foreign Language Institute and taught English, including translation, in that institute and in Beijing Second Institute of Foreign Languages. Now he is teaching Chinese as Foreign Language in the United States. While in China, he published several papers on topics of translation, co-authored two textbooks of English-Chinese translation, and published a textbook of English-Chinese translation in his own name. His hobbies include writing and translating prose and poetry, but seldom publishes his works in paper form. The online platforms he uses to post his works include cnd.org, yidian.org, mayacafe.com, mycoffeebean.org, smallstation.netsina blog,wenxuecity.com etc.











Dr. Yu Yuanyuan, associate professor at the School of Foreign Studies, Anhui University, academic visitor at the Faculty of English, the University of Cambridge, Director of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, and an enthusiast in poetry and poetry translation. As a scholar in the field of British and American literature, she has taught nine literature courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students of English major. Her publications consist of a monograph, a collaborated book, a co-edited China National Planning Textbook, more than a dozen academic papers (some are coauthored) in journals like Foreign Literature, Journal of Anhui University, etc. Other achievement includes five funded research projects.  







姚阳春,笔名巴雪 ,籍贯河南,云南农业大学翻译硕士在读研究生,古诗词爱好者,现在上海签证申请中心做英语翻译,兴趣爱好:文学翻译。


Daisy Yao is currently a postgraduate student of Yunnan Agricultural University and majoring in English Translation Who works as an English translator in Shanghai Visa Application Center. Daisy likes Chinese classical poetry very much especially poetry translation.







杨秀波(Ellen Yang),上海外国语大学硕士毕业。曾在《译林》、《译文》、《外国文艺》、《书城》、《四川戏剧》等期刊上发表多篇翻译文章及论文,参与过国家社科后期资助项目《美国文学大辞典》的词条编写工作。翻译过畅销书《魔术》。人物专著《读哈姆莱特》被英国不列颠图书馆与美国国会图书馆收藏并获颁证书。


Yang Xiubo, an MA graduated from Shanghai International Studies University; a coeditor of the dictionary, A Companion to American Literature, author of the book, Interpreting Hamlet which is included in British Library and Library of Congress in America; an English teacher in a university in China with some papers and translations published in journals such as Translations, Yiwen, Book Town, Sichuan Drama, etc.









Yang zhongren: professor at BIT Zhuhai College, lover of literature & culture translating. Personal view: "Poem should be the burst of true feeling, rather than a magic pen of imagination." 









ZHAO Yizhong:I graduated from Qiqihar University in the 1960s, majoring in English. Later I studied at Heilongjiang University and Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute for two years. I was the deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Handan City, Hebei Province, the vice chairman of Handan Municipal Translation Association, the director of the Hebei Provincial Translation Association, as well as the general manager of the Municipal Tourism Bureau. I have been an interpreter for a long time. For example, I was the chief interpreter of the general representative of L&A Water Treatment Company in Daqing City.  As an interpreter for leaders at minister-, provincial and city-levels, I have visited the United States, Canada, Japan, the then-Soviet Union, Switzerland, Germany and other European countries. Currently, I live in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. I like to translate ancient poems, and have translated more than 500 ancient poems, many Shakespeare poems and many modern poems, such as Ah Zi's "Looking through the Sunshine", "The Rich Brocade",Leap Dragon's "I am snowflake", ye Zhou's "My Motherland's Above", and Yu Kouzi's "I Live in the Hometown of Moles" in English translation.







张庭(散木轩主人)旧体诗词爱好者,偶写新诗;祖籍鲁任城(今山东济宁),金融博士,现旅居美国,任某大学金融教授(终身教授),华人诗学会副会长,汉英双语纸质诗刊《诗殿堂》副总编,同时兼任两家英语SSCI 杂志副主编。诗词见诸于国内外多家诗刊杂志,并收录于《天涯诗路—中国当代海外诗人作品荟萃》,《海内外当代诗词选》,《人生何处不相逢》和《隔不断的亲情-海外华人四川地震诗词选》等,有自编诗集《散木轩诗词稿》。去国已廿载,惟思念未改。


Zhang Ting (Sanmuxuan Zhuren), enjoys reading and writing Chinese classical poems and ci. Occasionally, he writes new poems. With his ancestral home of Jining city, Shandong Province (known as Ren City in ancient China), henow lives in the US. He has a PhD in finance degree and works as a tenured college professor. He is vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association andassistant editor in chief of Poetry Hall, as well as associate editors of two English SSCI journals. His poems and ci have been appeared on a number of journals and included in several books, including The Road of Poetry-A Collection of Chinese Contemporary Overseas Poets, Selection of Contemporary Classical Poetry at Home and Overseas, MeetWherever We live, and Across The Family- The Overseas Chinese Sichuan Earthquake Poetry Selection. He has his own collection of poems and ci - Sanmuxuan Poems and Ci. He has left the motherland for about twenty years but his homesick has become stronger and stronger.














ZHANG Junfeng, styled Mo Liink and steed, alias Master of Snow Plum Hall,  graduated from Foreign Languages University of the People's Liberation Army and Shanghai International Studies University, now working in Shanghai University for Science and Technology, member of Foreign Languages Association, and of Shanghai Science and Technology Translation Association, councillor of Chinese Classics Studies Bilinguals' Association. His trans. works include Strangers On A Train (Shanghai Translation Press), and he has been awarded the Han SuyinYouth Translation Contest twice. He worked in Shanghai Expo Bureau in 2010, responsible for receiving international VIP guests (foreign leaders, world top 500's executives, celebrities, etc.), and marked the 1st Level for professional national athletes in 2017 Shanghai International Marathon.









Zou chengbo, born in yichang in 1994, is a graduate student in the department of English and American literature at China three gorges university. He enjoys reading and writing poems.









Zhang Zhizhong, his ancestral place is Bo’ai County of Henan Province. He successively obtained a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature from Zhengzhou University, a master’s degree in English and American literature from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, and a doctor’s degree in translation studies from Nankai University, and he has done his postdoctoral study in aesthetics of poetry translation at Henan University. He is now director of Translation Studies Center of Tianjin Normal University, and professor of Foreign Languages College of Tianjin Normal University. Meanwhile, he is a part-time researcher at the Central Literature Translation Research Base of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, guest editor of The World Poets Quarterly and vice chairman of International Poetry Translation and Research Centre. He has done a huge amount of translation, including over 50 classic American movies (English-Chinese), the 84 episodes of TV play The Romance of Three Kingdoms and the movie entitled The Tale of Sister Liu (Chinese-English), etc. Until now, he has published over 80 books, 100 academic papers, and over 5,000 translated poems. Besides, he has published his own poems. In October, 2003, he received scholarship from Nankai University; in November, 2003, he obtained Excellence Award in the 15th National Translation (Chinese-English) Competition for Youth Sponsored by Han Suyin; in December, 2005, he was entitled as the Best International Translator for 2005; in November, 2006, he won the Prize for Distinguished Translator in the 2nd World Poetry Prizes Sponsored by Dr. CHOI Laisheung; in March, 2007, he was entitled as the academic leader for 2006 by Henan Provincial Educational Bureau, and in September, 2011, he won the Translation Prize of “Contemporary Chinese Poetry Prizes (2000-2010)”; in September, 2013, he was ratified by Tianjin City as the object of financial support in the project of “Recruiting One Thousand High-Level Talents in Three Years”; in November, 2017, he was rated as the object of financial support in the “Training Plan for Disciplinary Leaders in Universities of Tianjin”; in April, 2018, he won the third prize at the 15th Tianjin Municipal Awards for Excellent Achievement in Social Sciences for his monograph An Aesthetic Study of English Translation of Chinese Poetry. He has finished An Aesthetic Study of English Translation of Chinese Poetry, a project funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China, and A Study of the Styles and Schools of C-E Poetry Translation, a key project funded by Tianjin Social Science Foundation. He is undertaking A Study of the Translation of Chinese Poems in the English World, a project funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China.









Zhang Jimoaka Jimo Zhang, is an international certified senior translator (ICST) and a senior professor of English. He has taught Translation and Interpreting at the PLA Foreign Language University, The Ocean University of China and Qingdao University, English at Holland International Business School and Chinese and Chinese Culture at Missouri State University. His research interests include English linguistics and literature, translation theory and practice, especially the versification of Classical Chinese poetry into English. He has published more than 20 papers on translation and interpreting, and translated approximately 100 books (copies) covering a wide range of areas, including two Chinese novels, one being A Decade of Nightmares, which was published in the United States, and the other being Four Poplars, which is to be published in Canada.









Zhang Qiong, an expert member of Translators Association of China, President of Translators Association of Zhaoqing, an associate professor of School of Foreign languages of Zhaoqing University.






Modified on 2019-08-27
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