
random thoughts by 偶灯斯陋
偶灯斯陋 (热门博主)
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仇华言论无减有增:吉米 . 岂莫“杀光中国人”秀10天之后

(2013-10-26 02:43:06) 下一个
吉米岂莫在循循善诱地评论六岁男孩布来克斯顿的提议把在中国的所有人都杀掉以解决欠债问题是个有趣的想法之后,激起了在美华人的抗议,抗议他鼓励宣扬种族仇恨种族屠杀。几天之内有成千上万人参与签名抗议(其中包括本人签名)。在“变革”网站,有5000签名,在白宫网站,有45000多人签名。组织者号称抗议卓有成效:在ABC网站的原节目已经被拿掉,在YouTube网站的原节目则被标示为私人所有不予公开。在维基百科上这场争议也留下如下纪录:(注意到在Wikipedia里 关于JK的介绍里,前一段时间看到还贴有的争议/controversies一段已经被拿掉了,看来华人的抗议还是有效果的/11/4/13记)

During the October 16, 2013 episode, Kimmel held the "Kids Table" segment to invite several 6-7 year old children to discuss how to repay the debt owed to China. A boy suggested "killing everyone in China." This comment elicited some laughter from audience and Kimmel laughed it off and commented "that's an interesting idea." He later asked "should we allow the Chinese to live?" The boy stuck to his answer.[21] This show has drawn ire from offended Asian Americans and Chinese netizens. Critics have taken to Youtube and created a petition to the White House and a campaign on Facebook[22] boycotting Kimmel’s decision to air the comment on his show and asking that the show be investigated for its promotion of genocide and racism against Chinese. The petition demanded that ABC should "cut the show and issue a formal apology." [23] The petitioner argued that "[t]he kids might not know any better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC's management are adults. They had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial hatred."[24]Meanwhile, not all viewers of the parody found it objectionable. Gu Xiaoming, a professor at the School of Humanities at Fudan University, believed that some were reading too much into comments from a child, and the show reflected Americans' anxiety on the debt crisis to some extent.[25] The online video of this particular segment was taken down from ABC[21], however ABC and Kimmel did not respond to the complaints[23].
This episode is widely circulated online and overseas in China[26]. Boycott of Disney (Parent owner of ABC) are being organized [27]. Failure to censor the show for age-inappropriate material and in-appropriately light-hearted exchange and laughter over the child's "kill All Chinese" is reported to FCC for investigation. Groups of parents are also investigating possibility of class action lawsuits on behalf of children who accidentally were exposed to hate speech.[28] Immediately after this incident, on Yelp the Jimmy Kimmel show was still rated 4.5 stars [29], but on the local Chinese review site[30], the same show was rated much lower.



所以直到今天,他还在继续请名人明星上他的Live秀与人谈笑风生。这里链接或可看到岂莫(Kimmel)与祥低地扣木(Sean Diddy Combs) 相谈甚欢(10/24/2013)。不怕得罪华人的缘故,大概是因为老板罩着他吧。像ABC这样的大媒体有强大的榜样作用,一些寂寂无闻的小混混立马跟进起哄。这不,这里就冒出一家名为“唾沫新闻/ToMoNews US”的制作了一个“吉米岂莫的儿童餐桌让中国屁股痛“  (Jimmy Kimmel's Kids Table leaves China butthurt), 更加肆无忌惮地诋毁中国,表达制作人对华人的仇恨和侮辱,是非常明显清晰的种族主义言论。




美国孩子:"杀光中国人!"该沉默还是发声?(图) [by 北美崔哥]

话是孩子说的不假,但节目是成年人制作的,也是成年人决定播出的。节目播出可以听到背景的观众欢乐的嬉笑声,而不是那种应该出现的倒吸一口凉气的震惊,至少表示在场者对华人的敌意。如果主持人改说“We don't kill people." 而不是说"Kill everyone in China? That's an interesting idea." 至少还可以教育那个六岁男孩,让他明白种族屠杀不是有趣的方案,而是罪恶。

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