
random thoughts by 偶灯斯陋
偶灯斯陋 (热门博主)
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(2012-08-25 00:10:53) 下一个

密苏里共和党众议员托德.艾肯为了在保守派选民中为自己竞选国会议员造势拉选票而 大张旗鼓表明反堕胎立场,说出了 令人大跌眼镜的怪话: 女性在遭受合法强奸时,受孕系统会自动关闭。言下之意是女性因遭受强奸而受孕的几率极小,所以可以忽略不计,所以堕胎在任何时候都是应该禁止的。“合法强奸” 之说令人发指。此言倒是歪打正着地将其与女性为敌的真面目揭开来了。其实呢,反对妇女有选择堕胎的自由,同认为合法奸,真的没什么两样,都属于"War on Women"-- 对女性的战争

医学专家对于女性遭受强奸时受孕系统的生理反应有何说法?全美妇科医生和产科医生大会于八月二十日发出关于强奸与怀孕的声明 (Statement on Rape and Pregnancy) 

Each year in the US, 10,000–15,000 abortions occur among women whose pregnancies are a result of reported rape or incest. An unknown number of pregnancies resulting from rape are carried to term. There is absolutely no veracity to the claim that “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down.” A woman who is raped has no control over ovulation, fertilization, or implantation of a fertilized egg (ie, pregnancy). To suggest otherwise contradicts basic biological truths.   Any person forced to submit to sexual intercourse against his or her will is the victim of rape, a heinous crime. There are no varying degrees of rape. To suggest otherwise is inaccurate and insulting and minimizes the serious physical and psychological repercussions for all victims of rape. 




In an August 19, 2012 interview aired on St. Louis television station KTVI-TV, Akin was asked his views on whether women who became pregnant due to rape should have the option of abortion. He replied:          Well you know, people always want to try to make that as one of those things, well how do you, how do you slice this particularly tough sort of ethical question. First of all, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.[33] 


Hillary Clinton: Extremists want to control women 
Wake Up! It's Not Just Akin 
Campaign 2012: It’s the war on women, stupid       

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偶灯斯陋 回复 悄悄话 回复欢颜展卷林中闲坐的评论:哦

欢颜展卷林中闲坐 回复 悄悄话 It's a software bug :-)
偶灯斯陋 回复 悄悄话 回复欢颜展卷林中闲坐的评论:
It's been "Each year in the US, 10,000–15,000 abortions occur among women whose pregnancies are a result of reported rape or incest. " all along, and all the time. I wonder where you got this "10,00015,000 abortions"?
But thanks for reading!
欢颜展卷林中闲坐 回复 悄悄话 "10,00015,000 abortions" should read
"10,000-15,000 abortions"
偶灯斯陋 回复 悄悄话 按照医学专家的话,强奸就是强奸:"There are no varying degrees of rape." 那么使用任何词汇来修饰"强奸",都会触犯众怒. 不管你是如何理解,是理解成"正当" 也好,"合理"也好,"合法"也好,还是 "法定(意义上的)强奸", 非"法定(意义上的)强奸",“真是发生了强奸”, 还是没有“真是发生了强奸”等等等等, 都没有任何本质区别.

艾肯此言一出,其实不算"用词不慎",他就是为了反对妇女有人工流产的自由,反对堕胎,想将人工流产的权利堵截至绝路,故而在"强奸"上找出口; 他找到的借口就是将"强奸"分成legitimate or not,可惜,老百姓不买他的帐,妇女们也不买他的账。
