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re-read Lesson 9 -- Nicole For President

(2009-08-14 18:24:31) 下一个

Lesson 9 -- Nicole For President

Speak English Like an American -- Lesson 9

Nicole and Ted discusses Nicole’s plans to run for student body president. Nicole wants Ted to ask his friends to vote for her. Ted agrees, in exchange for Nicole's help with his homework.


Nicole:  I've decided to run for student body president! If I'm going to become
             a senator one day, I should get some experience under my belt now.
Ted:      Andrea Jenkins is also running. She'll give you a run for your money!
Nicole:  Andrea Jenkins is an idiot. I'm by far the better candidate.
Ted:      Don't be so full of yourself! I might vote for Andrea.
Nicole:  Stop kidding around. Let's get down to business. I need your help.
Ted:      You want me to help you?
Nicole:  Yes, I need you to talk your freinds into voting for me.
Ted:      But you never give my friends the time of day. All you give them is cold shoulder.
Nicole:  That's because they've got blue hair and nose rings!
Ted:      They're better than your friends -- a bunch of goody-goodies and brown-nosers!
Nicole:  That's beside the point. Let's talk about your friends and their votes.
Ted:      Okay. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
             If you do my Chemistry homework, I'll help you get the votes.
Nicole:  I'm not crazy about that idea. But, okay, it's a deal. I hope I can count on you.

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