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I love this article. Thanks for sharing.
回复林贝卡的评论: Thanks for saying so :-)!
Very nice article.
回复林贝卡的评论: Thank you for saying so. H...
Useful. Happy St Patrick's Day to you.
回复林贝卡的评论: 谢谢,贝卡! 我又何偿不是边贴边学...
以前还真不知道to be shot,是很累的意思呢,谢谢分享...
回复林贝卡的评论: Thanks Rebecca! I like this be...
回复林贝卡的评论: Thanks for your compliments! I...
回复林贝卡的评论: Thanks for your message, Rebecc...
英语俚语: Poker Face 不把心思写在脸上
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英语俚语: \'富不过三代\' 英文怎么说?
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英语俚语: Dog and pony show
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