
落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色 一句最有魅力的中国古诗. 令人心旷神怡,宁静致远.

英语拾零: Once bitten twice shy.

(2008-11-07 21:32:10) 下一个
Once bitten twice shy.
一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草绳.

Idiom Definitions for 'Once bitten, twice shy'

If somebody is said to be once bitten twice shy, it means that someone who has been hurt or who has had something go wrong will be far more careful the next time.


If you are bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of rope in ten years. 虽然老美也听得懂这个意思. (甚至他们还觉得十分地有趣) 但是真正的用法应该是这样, Once bitten, twice shy. 意思就是当你第一次被咬, 第二次就有点怕怕的了. 举个简单的例子, 第一次去坐云霄飞车被吓到了, 第二次人家再找你去坐, 你就可以说, No, I am sorry. Once bitten twice shy.

和这句话有异曲同工之妙的句子是: A burnt child fears the fire!

Similar English sayings:

A burnt child dreads the fire .
The burnt child dreads the fire.
He who plays with fire gets burnt.

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