
落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色 一句最有魅力的中国古诗. 令人心旷神怡,宁静致远.

英语拾零: I put my foot in my mouth.

(2008-09-27 21:34:24) 下一个

I put my foot in my mouth.


这就是当你说了不该说的话时, 突然发觉你说错话了, 就会这么说. 有一次我跟老美在聊天, 他跟我说某某人是 Jerk , 想不到他一回头, 那人就在我们旁边. 他就很快说了一句, "I put my foot in my mouth." 话说我刚学会这句, "I put my foot in my mouth." 后, 我就一直想自己来用看看, 结果呢? 我居然说成了, "I put my foot in your mouth." 结果那个老美笑得合不拢嘴, 他说, "What did you say? You want to put your foot in my mouth?" 真是画虎不成反类犬啊.


Put Your Foot In Your Mouth ( say something embarrassing ... )
"put your foot in your mouth"

You "put your foot in your mouth" when you say something that makes a person feel embarrassed. Example: "Last night I was telling a joke, and I really put my foot in my mouth. I had no idea I was talking about Rob's wife." You can imagine how embarrassed you would feel and how funny you would look if you actually "put your foot in your mouth." Example: "I am so embarrassed. Are you sure he could hear me when I was talking in the next room?" Reply: "Yes. You really put your foot in your mouth." Note: The word "foot" is always singular when you say "foot in your mouth". Example: "Let's all be very careful what we say at the meeting tomorrow. I don't want anyone putting their foot in their mouth." When you say something which makes someone feel embarrassed or causes an embarrassing situation, you have "put your foot in your mouth."

From: YuGong
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