


(2007-11-16 14:32:52) 下一个
Maman étudiés française avec mon fils et mon fille.
女儿一年级时进了法文班,半天是在法语世界。法文,math, social study全部用法语上课。
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Ruby@Cuisine 回复 悄悄话 说老实话,我觉得这么早就开始学法语并且有些基础课程还用法语来上并非好事。语言是一门工具,如今反倒让语言成为障碍物了,实在可惜。很多当地人都在高中或者大学才开始学另一门外语。英语比什么都重要。那些法语老师让孩子在家多讲法语,这怎么可能呢?家长不懂法语,他们跟谁去练习?尤其是中国人的孩子,又要母语,又要英语的已经很不容易了,却还要学法语。唉。都说孩子可塑性强,但我觉得打好基础更重要些。
小凤凰 回复 悄悄话 是不是在加拿大有的区域是说法语的?明年我女儿也将要开始学法语了,总觉得法语听起来很柔软很好听的。
夏日余晖 回复 悄悄话 My LG thinks it's good for kid learning more when they are young. But it's still different from their learning Chinese. My kids spoke Japanese only when they came here, and during the first 2 or 3 years. Then we started speaking Chinese and English at the same time.
I think another foreign language is too much to them.
However, what I can do now is to help them, and don't let them give up.
And lots of work to me and my kids.

sinead4273 回复 悄悄话

Guess what, the French immersion school, my little guy is in is No. 1 in Windsor, also, top 10 at least in Ontario. but you know, 80% of them are immigrants. Chines, of course are the most. Chinese, even sell their house, and buy one close to school, so, their kids can go into this school......

Well, I certainly know what it is like to help them to prepare and understand home work.

My LG wants me to move my little guy out of this school. I said, so many Chinese are there. And their parents are not even fluent in English, let alone French. So, what gives me the right to be lazy, to move our little guy out.

But lots of extra work.