(2007-11-16 14:32:52)
Maman étudiés française avec mon fils et mon fille.
女儿一年级时进了法文班,半天是在法语世界。法文,math, social study全部用法语上课。
I think another foreign language is too much to them.
However, what I can do now is to help them, and don't let them give up.
And lots of work to me and my kids.
Guess what, the French immersion school, my little guy is in is No. 1 in Windsor, also, top 10 at least in Ontario. but you know, 80% of them are immigrants. Chines, of course are the most. Chinese, even sell their house, and buy one close to school, so, their kids can go into this school......
Well, I certainly know what it is like to help them to prepare and understand home work.
My LG wants me to move my little guy out of this school. I said, so many Chinese are there. And their parents are not even fluent in English, let alone French. So, what gives me the right to be lazy, to move our little guy out.
But lots of extra work.