
The unconscious marriage

(2009-02-10 17:25:19) 下一个
Excerpt from "Getting the love you want" by Harville Hendrix

First of all, we choose our partners for two basic reasons:
(1) they have both the positive and the negative qualities of the people who raised us
(2) they compensate for positive parts of our being that were cut off in childhood.
We enter the relationship with the unconscious assumption that our partner will become a surrogate parent and make up for all the deprivation of our childhood. All we have to do to be healed is to form a close, lasting relationship.

After a time we realized that our strategy is not working. We are "in love", but not whole. We decide that the reason our plan is not working is that our partners are deliberately ignoring our needs. They know exactly what we want, and when and how we want it, but for some reason they are deliberately withholding it from us. This makes us angry, and for the first time we begin to see our partners' negative traits. We then compound the problem by projecting our own denied negative traits onto them. As conditions deteriorate, we decide that the best way to force our partners to satisfy our needs is to be unpleasant and irritable. just as we were in the cradle. If we yell loud enough and long enough, we believe, our partners will come to our rescue. And, finally, what gives the power struggle its toxicity is the underlying unconscious belief that, if we cannot entice, coerce, or seduce our partners into taking care of us, we will face the fear greater than all other fears -- the fear of death.
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