有一天他吃惊发现:她居然在精神上和他开始沟通交流: "约翰。我来这里。真是难以置信。这里一切和我们所想象和相信的一模一样。我们有着不朽的精神,我们能生存于身体死亡后,这是真的。"
| A profoundly spiritual accounting, July 19, 2003 Keyboardist and author John Novello's The Song That Never Ended: A Jazz Musician's Journey To A Love Beyond Life is both a personal love story and a recounting of a love that lasts beyond death. John Novello lost his wife, jazz singer Gloria Rusch, to breast cancer in January 2000, yet through mediums and the eternal connection of the human spirit, experienced a kind of "interdimensional" communication with her from beyond the grave. A profoundly spiritual accounting, The Song That Never Ended is a highly recommended addition to New Age Spirituality and Metaphysical Studies reading lists, as well as of immense interest to John Novello fans who appreciate his contributions in the field of progressive jazz rock fusion with the musical group Niacin. |