
精专K-12年级英语写作课,网课咨询微信 DrJoeWriting

My baby sister

(2007-04-28 09:18:51) 下一个


My Baby Sister

Lisa    age  10

    You and your baby sister are at the local playground, when suddenly your sister says, “I need to use washroom!” Oh, great! Now you have to take your sister home, and worse, you have to take off all of one snowsuit, one overall, three pairs of pants, and hard-to-take-off boots! What’s it like to have a baby sister? Do you have one? I do. Her name is Margaret. Margaret is the best baby sister ever.

    Honourable judges, teachers and fellow students, do you know what I’m going to talk about? If you said Margaret, you’re one hundred percent correct!

Margaret is two years old and she is very stubborn. Sometimes, she says, “Go away!” and pushes you until you go away. When she is naughty, it means either she’s happy or angry. When she’s giggling and smiling, it means she’s happy, and does a little bit of damage, but when she is angry, she pouts and does bad things. Once, Margaret poked my back with pencils. Ouch! It hurt! When my mother gets angry with her, she cries loudly and either my dad or I have to comfort her. It depends who she goes to. When Margaret is happy, she is funny and nice. She’s a great singer for a two year old. Margaret can sing ABC, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary had a Little Lamb and other songs, too. It’s funny, and sometimes she forgets parts or mixes them up.

     Margaret has a great memory. If you try to distract her from something she wants, she’ll play with you for a while, or she ignores you, but then she’ll go back to wanting whatever she wanted again.

    I love my sister’s hair. It’s really curly, though it’s hard to comb. I think she looks very cute like that. Margaret is tall. Right now, she is at my waist. Margaret is so skinny! If she’s not wearing anything, you can see her ribs, sort of. When she was born, she was very chubby. At my old neighborhood, the Chinese adults used to compete on whose child are the chubbiest. It used to be Margaret, but now it’s this little girl called Tina. Her face has a lot of flesh, which makes her look cute. Whenever Tina comes, Margaret always chases after her just to pinch her cheeks. Now, my sister doesn’t eat as much as before. I never know why, though.

    Thank you for listening to my speech about Margaret. You have all been a wonderful audience.

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