


(2007-03-30 12:47:59) 下一个


       XX 你好,

移民局电话, 书信双管齐下, 传达同一个信息: 某年某月某日的某时, 请持有效证件到某地参加入籍考试. 因为时间很紧, 接到电话后首先到了WHSMITH买了相关的书, 一本大的信息全面的移民考试大全, 一本是考试的Q&A, 根据考托福雅丝的经验, 书不用买, 就是Q&A了, 共计164道题, 不算难但比较偏, 不看书看来不好过, 在164道题中他们任意选其中的几十道. 最多不得错5个. 拿出了当年上学时的尽头, 从早到晚用一天的时间把问题全功下,看书的时候不能乱涂乱画因为考完试我得把书退回去, GET MY MONEY BACK!

        按照通知的时间地点, 下午两点考试但我九点从家里出发了, 开车50分钟到STOCKPORT的考试中心, 找到地点后我就自由活动了, 到卖当劳要了一个沙拉后就做下来看我的试题, 心理总紧张, 昨天晚上把题全看了了, 但现在还是在跳跃的看自己感到没把握的题, 终于到了一点, 我开始往考试中心走, 中心共有四员工, 一个胖ENGLISH LADY把我们考生的个人信息登记后开始一个一个的付款, 考试费是34镑. 把我的信息登记完后她指了一下她前面的计算机让我做那里考, 哇塞, 离你太近了, 我肯定发挥不好. 紧接着她的话我说, 你不介意的话我愿意做到远一点的位置, 我示意了一下我满意的那个位置, 她惊异我的小反抗然后说当然可以, 请随便做. 英国是一个非常民主的国家, 除警察外几乎很少有人告诉你你应该这样, 应该那样,……一般先征求你的意见,  主要是自己座在自己喜欢的位置考试会发挥的好些.

今天在考完试的时候我又经历了一次非常激烈的心跳, 一直在默默的看着考官的脸, 想在她告诉我结果前试图在她的脸上猜出结果, 但这个女人的脸庞没什么变化, 直到她将打印结果盖上红章后交到我手里说恭喜, 我的心才落了回去.  走出考场, 顿觉万里晴空.

激动了一会儿后我就到STOCKPORT的镇中心去了, 想找个有意义的景色拍下来给你传过去但始终没发现, 真对不起我不是专业的摄像师, 因为在他们的眼里处处是风景.

其实今天在回家的路上我看到车外的美景, 当时真想和你一起分享这份宁静和美丽.这个小小的国家确曾经是军事力量那么强大的国家. 按照海岸线来算, 从苏格兰最北边的海岸线到英格兰最南边的海岸线是1000公里, 也就是说用你的那量车按照100公里/小时的速度我们可以10个小时就从北到南走一遭. 怎么样有时间我们一起试验一下, 体验一下?!


下面是164道题中的前几十道题, 贴在这里也大家共享.
List some of reasons why migrants have come to the uk
What sort of work have migrants done
what were immigrants from Ireland and the west indies invited into the uk to do
name three countries that Jewish people migrated to the uk from, to escape persecution during 1880- 1910
which countries were invited to provide immigrant workers to help british reconstruction after world war 2
what year did woman gain the right to divorce their husband in the uk
when did woman first get the right to vote
are there more men or women in study at university
what percentage of the workforce are women
what proportion of women with children of school age also work
what is the percentage difference in pay between male and female hourly pay rates
how man young people up to ghe age of 19 are there in the uk
what percentage of children live in single parent families or step families
when do children take tests at school
how many young people enrol to go on to higher education
how man children under 18 are estimated to be working in the united kindom at any time
what are the minimum ages for buying alcohol and tobacco
in the 2001 general election, what proportion of first time voters actually cast their vote
what was the population of the united kingdom in 2001
how much has the uk po;ulation grown by in percentage terms since 1951
what is the population of northern Ireland
what is the population of wales
what is Scotland
when was the first census carried out in the united kindom
when will the next UK census be carried out
why was a census not carried out in the UK IN 1941
how many years must have passed before an individual census form is viewable by the public
what percentage of the uk population is made up of ethnic minorities
what is the largest ethnic minority in Britain
what overall proportion of todays African Caribbean , Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi communities in Britain were born there
what percentage of londons residents are ethnic minorities
what percentage of uks ethnic minorities live in the London area
according to the 2001 census, what percentage of people stated their religion as Christian
according to the 2001 census , what percentage of people stated their religion as muslim
according to the 2001 percentage of the uk population reported that they had a religion
what year did the church of England come in existence
which other name can be used to refer to the church of England
what is the title of the king or queen within the church of England
who is the head of church of England
who appoints the Archbishop of Canterbury
what must a monarch swear to maintain as pat of their coronation
according to the church of England, heirs to the throne are not allowed to marry who
what is the church of Scotland also known as
what percentage of the british population are roman catholic
what is the distance of the widest part across England and wales
what is the distance from the north coast of Scotland to the south coast of England
where is the welsh language spoken
where is the gaelic language spoken
in which year were the assembly for wales and the scotish parliament created
what are the two most widespread Christian denominations in wales
where are cockney dialects spoken
where are scouse dialects spoken
where are Geordie dialects spoken

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笔名2007 回复 悄悄话 好一个今朝家乡人依旧, 把我看的都想家了,恐龙.
最后的恐龙 回复 悄悄话 是在问我吗?