

有Group member 在问CPA找工作的问题,我先预定这个版面啦

(2007-03-28 20:25:30) 下一个


但是如果没工作经验,你是CPA,CFA,应聘entry level,会不会有overqualified的问题呢?

我主要找的是政府工,登记了二十份审计工作,都是联邦政府.但又不知道够不够,再申请多几十份才够?如果你们有看我的简历,其实我一直都在为人民服务.去年我在政府做审计的时候心情奇好.你在BIG 4也许不很厉害,但是到了政府,你可是顶尖级人马.保证一年升一级.如果你们有移民局的经历,其实跟平民讲话的都是小官,看他们的口气,好牛啊...........GS-9(副县长待遇, 多小的官,从七品) 以上的人永远也不用见customer.我老板GS-13,(副州长的待遇)几个平时是上帝一般的团长(军队里面长官就是再生父母)见了她都要毕恭毕敬.我坐在老板的前面,团长们路过了以为我是什么新来的高手.居然招呼问好.有幸我的几个老板都是13,他们的地位雷打不动,都没比我们这些菜鸟多读几年书,不知何是CPA,竟然是总预算师.很多CPA混了一辈子还是个Controller.

没什么,就是年轻的时候比其他人每天多干了一个小时.中年的时候比别人反而干得都少.去那里找这样的工作啊.如果你在BIG 4,要多干几天一个星期.如果你真的不想发财,没什么区别.政府的综合待遇比BIG 4 的好.我混在里面几年了,造就了我这样一代想吃纳税人钱粮的新人. 如果你想干一番惊天动地的事业,政府也可以,官大了,可以直接上书到议会改预算,提审计报告,你退休前会有机会的.

可惜我混的是小城市大部门,现在想找个大城市小一点也可以的部门居然找苦了.你们有谁有找政府工作的经验呢,是不是要多申请几十个工作啊.现在政府的都是网上申请了,懒得见你,顺便查查你的祖宗是干什么的.还有,BIG 4 我都申请了,他们比政府的人还牛啊,居然像打火箭一样,去了不回.BIG 4去不了,BIG 20 我也申请了,他们也是小牛啊.虽然我不是什么名校毕业,但拒绝信也给我一封啊.

请你们提些意见,好让我再努力一下. 谢谢啊.

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初夏的果实 回复 悄悄话 I'm going to take CPA exam in CA. I'm evaluated my coursework right now.

The bachelor degree I got from China has been accepted by board-approved agency, but the agency didn't show how many units in accounting courses, how many units in business-related courses.CA board requires 24 units in Accounting and 24 units in Business-related.

My major is Business and Economics, so I think the units in accounting courses are not enough. I realized from website of CA Board of Accountancy, the courses I took from a vocational school are acceptale, but this school just evaluates coursework by hour, not unit. Could anybody advise how many hours are required by CA board of Accountancy? How can I do in this situation? Thank you for any reply.
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 回复枯鸦的评论:
You're welcome! Good luck!
枯鸦 回复 悄悄话 回复alicewye的评论:
thanks a lot for the information. I have sent out my application to CES. After making a quick accessment, I have made decision to sit for Delaware States. I know that whole lot factors will be involved regarding certification and license, well, I'm going to warry about it until the time comes. However, I really do appreciate your prompt response.
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 回复枯鸦的评论:
Also, if you have any question about the process, please be more detail, so that we can help. :)
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 回复枯鸦的评论:
I think you should follow whatever the board website asks you to do, because they are the one to process and say yes to your case.
fsnb8118 回复 悄悄话 回复枯鸦的评论:
I just sent your question though the group email. I will let you know if there is any update news. Thanks.
枯鸦 回复 悄悄话 fsnb8118,
Chunky 回复 悄悄话 回复fsnb8118的评论:
In CA, you have to send everything including the check to the agency, or they won't process. :)
fsnb8118 回复 悄悄话 回复初夏的果实的评论:
Try not to pay anything up front!!! They are accoutants expert in cash collection. It took me three days to finish the packet.
Chunky 回复 悄悄话 回复初夏的果实的评论:
Send your sealed tran and diploma to th evaluation agency. They will send the evaluated tran to CA board. It won't take 9-month. At most 2 months.
初夏的果实 回复 悄悄话 Thank everybody for your answer.They are really helpful.

I have already checked website of Board of California Accountancy and got a lot of information.I know the firstble is evaluation.The evaluation report will be available in 9 months. Is that correct?
Chunky 回复 悄悄话 回复初夏的果实的评论:
Evaluate your tran first. You can check out all the information you need from CA accounting board. If you have questions, call them. They are really helpful on phone.
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 回复初夏的果实的评论:
Hi. I hope my little information can help.
1. go to CA accountancy board website to check for the requiremen(http://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/forms/exambk1.pdf).
Check the FAQ. It has a detail page about foreign education.
2. Evaluation your tran from China. (website has info). As I know, community college credits which can be transfers to a 4 year university are countable towards to the eduacation requirement in NorthCarolina. But double check with the accountacy board in CA.
3. Once you applied, approved, you will get a NTS, then you can schedule your exam by that time. :)
Hope this can help.
初夏的果实 回复 悄悄话 本人在南加州,菜鸟一只,甚至都不知如何开始evaluation credit,很希望能有前辈及同道中人来指点一二。我在国内贸易经济本科毕业,学习过会计课程,但不是major, 在美国没有相关学历,只是在社区大学晚上上accounting的基础课程,同时在一家wholesale公司做全职bookkeeper.很希望能在这个专业里有进一步发展,希望不是痴人说梦。
fsnb8118 回复 悄悄话 回复Chunky的评论:
Hhahahahaha, from GS-9 to Gs-12 is non-competitive position, raise once a year. GS-12 above you have to compete with others........but all you need is MBA!!!! hahahahaha. My boss doesn't have a degree.......they cannot fire her, but send her to school for a year with pay........what kind job is that.

By the way, you can go up really fast in the government, but you have to win the election to be a leader.....I cannnot speak that kind of good English to win 2008 election.
Chunky 回复 悄悄话 You are soooo funny. I showed your article to my husband. He said: Wow...Promotion every year!!! You will be our President in a few years!!! Hahahah.... We enjoy your article....Keep on.
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 fsnb8118: 搞笑!!!我也在找工作,我不介意小城市大部门, 什么时候也介绍我去做做啊。 哈哈哈。
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 Hello, is anyone here working for accounting firms? I just graduated in Dec. 2006, B.S. Accounting. I am looking for jobs, could anyone give me some advice? For example, big company vs.small company, accounting firm vs. corporation ect. Thanks a lot.
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 回复quicklearner的评论:
I agree with you. Actually I like the way how the CPA exam design. Before taking the exam, I learn most of the stuff from school, but just learn, never really apply to a case, but CPA exams require us to understand and know how to apply. Great experience!
quicklearner 回复 悄悄话 I dont know about CFA, but as far as CPA, you have to have at least one year qualified working experience to be a CPA.To me, learning is the key, so no overqualify issue.
fsnb8118 回复 悄悄话 回复oharaJP的评论:
Please check my updates in the other section, I got an article for you.
oharaJP 回复 悄悄话 Hi, there. This is a great Blog. Well, I just graduated in Toronto with a bachelor degree major in business administration. I am planning to take severl accounting course then to write the CPA test. My question is since I don't have any working experience in accouting field, can I still write the test to get a CPA certificate first. If so, which state will you guys recommend for me? Thank you so much.
alicewye 回复 悄悄话 顶一下!
fsnb8118 回复 悄悄话 本文章是引用他人的作品.

CPA是注册会计师(Certified Public Accoutant)的英文缩写,是指依法取得注册

(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 简称 ACCA)
成立于1904年,是目前全球最大的国际会计师组织。ACCA 的国际地位举足轻重,
联合国于确定其环球课程时, 亦是以ACCA 的课程作为蓝本。

学员完成14张考卷并积累3年相关工作经验,可申请成为ACCA 会员,并授予 “特


文章来自: cpa和ACCA
作者:无间郁 日期:09/08/2006 08:57:44
