icemage2007-12-29 21:06:00回复悄悄话
Hi, everyone, I am new to this forum. I have passed the other three sections, and only study for BEC now. I am using Gleim to supplement with Becker for the IT section. Do you think that is enough? On the other hand, Gleim IT questions are really difficult, most of them comes from CIA or CMA exams, are we likely going to see them on the exam? Thanks!
29682007-09-27 15:13:34回复悄悄话
Great blog! I was wondering if I could join the study group here.
ivjasmine2007-09-14 23:01:31回复悄悄话
Does anyone have experience checking your scores from website?
I took BEC exam on Aug 31. The NASBA website reveals that I can find my score on line. But it always said my ID and BOD are not matched. In fact they match. I don't know whether the score is ready now. Is there any other way by which I can check my score an soon as possible? Thank you very much! --Vivian
fsnb81182007-08-20 20:40:00回复悄悄话
thanks for the BEC experience.
hoticecream2007-07-24 12:39:59回复悄悄话
I just took the BEC yesterday and didn't feel it was as easy as what people said. I got 30 Calucation MCQ, which made my time very tight. some of my friends who took BEC rencently got only 20 calculation MCQ. i guess that all depends on your luck. financial mangement, IT and cost accounting was heavily tested. there are only 3 MCQ for Chapter 2, 10-15 MCQ for Chapter one.
枯鸦2007-05-09 06:23:21回复悄悄话
it's all right. I've got your email. basically all the informaiton is in your blog, am I correct?
fsnb81182007-05-01 11:51:10回复悄悄话
I am so sorry to reply you late. What is your first name when you apply to join my study group? I was out of town and cannot recall those emails I received.
枯鸦2007-05-01 07:24:08回复悄悄话
I have joined the group, but haven't receive any additional email yet. In the email, you said you are going to update some information during last weekend. However, I haven't got anything yet since then. Are you still updating or you just left me out? (just kidding!)
alicewye2007-04-29 06:46:40回复悄悄话
Hi, BEC for me is not easy, because a lot of questions are not in Becker. well, maybe I was just bad luck.
I have heard anything about they will have sim in Bus. yet, but take whichever you feel more comfortable first. :)
fsnb81182007-04-26 18:20:19回复悄悄话
The form I mentioned about is at the front page. Right after the long Chinese article. It is a form about what they usually test on the CPA exam. Usually 50% of them will appear on the actual exam. Good luck. If you like to join our group and share your exam experience. Welcome to do so.
I took BEC exam on Aug 31. The NASBA website reveals that I can find my score on line. But it always said my ID and BOD are not matched. In fact they match. I don't know whether the score is ready now. Is there any other way by which I can check my score an soon as possible? Thank you very much! --Vivian
thanks for the BEC experience.
it's all right. I've got your email. basically all the informaiton is in your blog, am I correct?
I am so sorry to reply you late. What is your first name when you apply to join my study group? I was out of town and cannot recall those emails I received.
I have joined the group, but haven't receive any additional email yet. In the email, you said you are going to update some information during last weekend. However, I haven't got anything yet since then. Are you still updating or you just left me out? (just kidding!)
Hi, BEC for me is not easy, because a lot of questions are not in Becker. well, maybe I was just bad luck.
I have heard anything about they will have sim in Bus. yet, but take whichever you feel more comfortable first. :)
The form I mentioned about is at the front page. Right after the long Chinese article. It is a form about what they usually test on the CPA exam. Usually 50% of them will appear on the actual exam. Good luck. If you like to join our group and share your exam experience. Welcome to do so.