
骨子里的蔑视 (ZT)

(2008-04-09 17:04:58) 下一个

由wolf blitzer 主持,在晚上六点到七点之间,就今天SF火炬传递因为抗议活动而改变路线和传递方式的问题,与Gloria Borger,Jack Cafferty, Jeffery Toobin of the so called“best political team”进行一番问答对话,

When asked how the possible boycotting of the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics 2008 would affect the important economic relationship with a growing superpower -- China, Jack Cafferty, a senior analyst on the CNN political team, responded with a powerfully opinioned answer. He talked of the United States’ growing debt to China because of the export and import trade deficit between the two nations and how the US is only getting “lead-filled toys” and other harmful items in return for its exports. He concluded his answer with the statement that the Chinese have always been “goons”, much to the other CNN analysts’ amusement.

Goons 就是一班傻子。他的话让我女儿都大吃一惊,这种语言如果不是来自骨子里的蔑视是说不出口的,CNN 就有这样的资深分析家,美国就有这样supercilious people!

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