

别让偏见蒙蔽了理智 -- "义工毁容" 事件最新发展

(2008-10-24 09:40:55) 下一个
苏东坡与佛印禅师的故事相信大家都听过 -- 心中有佛则万物皆是佛,心中有屎则万物都是屎。 很多时候,当你讨厌一个人或者在心中已经认定一个人是坏人的时候,你很可能会把他/她的所有言行都往坏的方向想,把所有对他/她不利的指控都不经调查就认为是真的,而让偏见蒙蔽了理智。

各位在看有关选举的新闻,有或者谈论有关选举的话题时,请先自问一句 -- 我心中现在有一尊佛还是一坨屎?

义工毁容 事件最新发展:

1. Ashley Todd 的故事又变了,她是被打昏之后再被刻字的。 -- 之前是 held down, no mention of unconscious
2. 警方在 ATM 的闭路电视录影带上没有看到她拿钱。
3. 之前报道没有提到的细节 -- 她脸上的 B 是反的

当然,这件事本来就是一个小插曲,并不应该影响选谁的决定。而在有确凿证据证明 Ashley Todd 说谎之前,无论她说出来的版本多奇怪,都应该给她 the benefit of the doubt。


Police: McCain volunteer changes ATM attack story
By Associated Press
Friday, October 24, 2008

PITTSBURGH - Pittsburgh police say a McCain campaign volunteer who reported being held down by a black man who then cut the letter B” in her face has changed her story.

Police also say bank surveillance footage doesn’t show her at an ATM where she initially said she was attacked.

Police spokeswoman Diane Richard says investigators gave the 20-year-old woman a lie-detector test and are looking at some inconsistencies in her story.

The student, Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, initially said a black man robbed her at knifepoint near a bank Wednesday night and then cut her cheek after seeing a McCain sticker on her car.

Todd, who is white, now says she was knocked unconscious and doesn’t remember being cut in the face. She now says she only discovered the wound later.

No arrests have been made.
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