

My delimma with sleep and time alone

(2007-10-18 09:13:12) 下一个
By nature, I am a night person, which means if let go of all rules and responsibilities, I will stay up all night long and won't get up till noon the next day. However, life forced me to be an early bird. I need to get up 6am every morning, get the boys ready for school and drop 2nd boy to the bus stop before 6:55am, then go to work. There was even an exteme period when I used to get up before 4:30am and got to work at 6 am, so I could leave at 2 pm to pick my my first boy before 3 pm to avoid the day care charge. (I am so glad those days are over. It was horrible, consider my girl was a baby who didn't want to sleep at night often.)

I became fond of morning time on Saturday and Sunday morning now. Kids are sleep still, if I don't call them up, they can stay in bed without noise till 9-10 am. When I am up around 7 am, I can casually make a breakfast for myself, turn on some soft classic music, brew a fresh cup of coffee and while eating and drinking, read couple of chapters of whatever the novel I am interested in. I can listen to the birds chirring, bathe myself in the soft morning sun rays, and enjoy the whole downstairs all by myself. What a luxury in my busy life!

Having houseful of kids, who do not fall asleep early, my night time alone in peace starts very late, let's say after 10:30 - 11 pm. I have no problem to go to bed at that time on week nights but I am always reluctant to do that on weekends. So now I always struggle between my night cat life and healthy morning mom life on weekend.

Honestly, it is always harder to discipline myself. That is why, I often forgive my kids' misbehaviors, for it is partial gene, partial human nature!
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