


(2010-05-15 21:23:11) 下一个
Picked her up after her ballet. She got 2 sessions today, first time point class, then the rehearsal in the evening. She was in good spirit, proud of her point shoes. We had fun chat in the car.

She: I want water mellon tonight
Me: Sure, let me kill one for you
She: You can't kill it, it is already dead! .... That is interesting, when flowers and fruits leave the trees, they are dead or the trees are dead? Like cherry blossoms, are they part of the tree?
Me: Of course, they are part of the tree, like hair is part of you
She: Hmmm, it is hard to explain.

Then we got home, as I was backing my car, I farted. She was listening to music but heard the noise.

She: did you say something?
Me: No, I just farted
She: I do that a lot, but I don't make noise
Me: So you never make noise?
She: You are not suppose to make noise in public. I just slowly let out ... then I run! ... But sometimes, other might not even care the smell.
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