

If Fergie can wear it, your daughter should not

(2007-09-15 10:31:28) 下一个

Couple of weeks ago, I was driving to work and listening to Ryan Seacrest. The topic was on little girls' dress these days. Some parents were absolutely shocked at how those little teen or even pre-teen girls dressed up so sexy these days. While some can't believe their moms let them go out this way, others were saying it is not surprising if you see how their moms dress. Ryan commented on that: If Fergie can wear it, your daughter should not. Ryan loves Fergie and her style, but it is just not for little girls in junior high and grade school.

I once talked to a teen girl on that topic. There is nothing wrong to dress sexy, if you know what you are doing and what consequence it might bring. I like sexy looks for myself from time to time, and enjoy the attention I get from men, but I know how physical that is and I know how to protect myself from unwanted attention/action. But little girls don't. They are not mature enough to differentiate between interests for their personality and sexuality. The girl I talked to is from a decent family and has been welll protected but a little spoiled. She desires popularity with respect from her peers. She is a bit alerted when I told her what the so called "sexy and in" look means to guys and it is possible she could be viewed as easy, that is not what she wants.

Dress style reflects one's belief, personality and life style. I don't want to indulge my girl's sensuality before her basic mental and spritual maturity is established. This is like building a house, you don't throw decoration on when you set the foundation and frame. I can introduce the concept of decoration style, I don't even mind showing her what other have done, but she won't be allowed to practice only the sexy style before she develops the senses. At least that is what a mom can do for her girl.

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