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送交者: 剑客 于 北京时间 02/10/2008 (195 reads) [累积46980分 给剑客发悄悄话]

主题:中国社会各个阶层饭局纵览 http://www.peacehall.com/forum/200802/qglt/32839.shtml

[海外强国论坛] 饭局,最能体现中国文化的特色,注重等级,与和谐的伦理性文化。在红旗下生活的,都叫无产阶级劳动人民,怎么分“阶层” ,收入状况如何,吃的便是什么饭。因此,按收入来分,分为退休阶层、离休阶层、失业阶层、农民阶层、打工者阶层、致富农民阶层、个体户阶层、一家两制阶层、公务员阶层、官僚阶层。因为,据说现在饭店里,公款消费也不少,再分一“层”,叫做“公款饭局”,名字有点特点,但叫“公款阶层”,会让一部分人,劈头盖脸骂娘的。  

  【退休阶层 】  



  这是电视;报纸,最关心的群体,叫他们“下岗工人”。但是,不能叫“人民下岗工” ,语法上有矛盾。他们,吃饭的动作叫“扒拉”,像冯巩演的张大民,吃人家的面条似的,还不能露出愁脸,让正在上学的小子,失去“穷人的孩子早当家” 的信心。早上,一顿稀拉的稀饭.外加1/3的咸蛋,中午,不知在什么地方将就,晚上一家三口,炒一盆青菜,儿子说,妈!肉,都看不见了。妈说,营养好着哩,肉都熬到菜里去了长身体。你长大了,要学畜牧专业,妈,再给你加一点。     







  最大的特色是快餐, 一块红烧排骨、一碗汤、米饭。边吃,边应付生意。他们的店,要赚钞票,打烊很晚,所以,基本上是快餐。他们,边吃边骂娘-这一点东西竟收我10元钱,黑心死了。边说,边从一件讨价还价500元,买来的“名牌”西服掏钱,50元出手了。  
  【一家两制阶层 】  


  【公务员阶层 】  




  这一阶层,一般从六十岁开始, 但是,现在也有从五十五岁,或更早一点退休的。因为,这一年龄,还有点余热,饭局还可以,吃肉骂娘的不良习惯,时有发生,偶有手脚不太麻利,就煮“康师傅”,虽然,比自己的清汤挂面好许多。但是,也一边咽下去,一边担心防腐剂,偶尔上街买点小虾米、小鱼,与摊主计较一二毛钱,回来闹不愉快,有时,孙子孙女上门,中午的饭局很快乐,但是,中午过后一数钞票,牢骚又来了,闷闷的,喝一点乡镇企业造的水酒。
剑客 最近发言:

Delivering: The swordsman 0.2/10/2008 billion (197 reads)[ accumulates46980 tothe Beijing standard time to apportion swordsmanto send intimate conversation]

Subject: Chinese society each social stratum dinner party Completely reads

[Overseas powerful nation forum] the dinner party most can manifest the Chinese culture the characteristic, the attenion rank and the harmonious ethics culture. Lives under the Red Flag all is called the proletariat the working people, how divides "the social stratum", how does the income condition, eat then is any food. Therefore divides according to the income, divides into the retired social stratum, the retired social stratum, the unemployment social stratum, the farmer social stratum, Is the hard labor the social stratum, becomes rich the farmer social stratum, the individual operator social stratum, two systems social strata, the official social stratum, the bureaucrat social stratum. Because it is said now in the hotel the government money expends also many, again divides one "the level", is called "the government money dinner party", name a little characteristic, but calls "the government money social stratum", can let part of people right in the face scold the mother.  

[ Retired social stratum ]  

This social discontent most income good community, but lets the person respect, generally speaking also is this society most does not have the extra worries the community. A year always has several time can sit in the same place eats meal, drinks, the discussion. What most is relentless, they like discussing the local television newspaper item in the important position appears the important personage, then waited for that important personage to drink, urges him to leave too tiredly, you worked we all to be able to see. A their dinner party speech can summarize, likes such which that important personage said, you were thinking eats any to eat any, performs high service through hard work, don't too did not pay attention to own body.  

[ Unemployment social stratum ]  

This is the TV newspaper nicest community, is called them "to come off sentry duty the worker". But cannot be called "the people to come off sentry duty the labor", in the grammar has the contradiction. They eat meal the movement calls "to dig up pulls", develops like Feng Gong publicizes the people to eat others the noodles to resemble, but also cannot reveal the worried look, lets the boy which goes to school lose "poor person's child early manages a household" the confidence. Early morning sparse gruel The sur- 1/3 salty egg, the middle age did not know in any place, evening family of three will fry trough green vegetables, the son said, the mother, the meat all could not see. The mother said the camp recuperated the meat all to endure in the vegetable to go to the long body. You grew up have had to study the raising livestock specialty, the mother add again to you.  

[ Is the hard labor social stratum ]  

They "the dinner party" is does not have the dinner party. Nearby nearby under the station, the street, the scaffold, suddenly some person of straight waists, are eating up cannot swallow. Ate any not to need to say, sometimes the foreman held trough red-roasted pork, almost side the television station reporter's camera lifted compared to yours chopsticks also quickly, a joyful free of evil intention female director joyfully free of evil intention said "each audience, the labourer which celebrated the Spring Festival in here eats sumptuous New Year supper today." But in your mouth meat bone all gnawed yours tear, "you looked, that gruff thick labourer very was excited today, has flowed off the tears." Director's pupil really likes the hometown the moon.  

[ Farmer social stratum ]  

The farmer on is taking the person which the hoe plants the land. This point now lives the happy child a little not to understand, thought the Chinese farmer is "News Broadcast" in such operates the combine to flee all day long in the field flees, that is called the worker, is called the farm worker, is not the farmer. They are many are eat an oneself kind of vegetable, the radish, the bean, the onion, the garlic, they eat meal while catch up with the pig, two does not delay. If must say they also have the dinner party the speech, probably is the unmarried girl gets married the son to welcome marries, that is must carefully prepare. Between the kitchen calls "the bureau room", washes the bowl to be called "the water leakage", the division of labor is detailed, the grain silk is not chaotic. The entire village person has come, also is everybody can eat up sits under, happy. Beforehand receives gifts. Hotel each table of 1,000 Yuan, own manage the about 500 Yuan, the soft-shelled turtle, Eel, shrimp the shrimp (certainly all is cultivation), these good thing all moved. Evening does accounts, the difference profit and loss balances slightly has richly -odd, is good also may give the wife a sum of money. Night the young couple enters the nuptial chamber, when the mother has a dream hugs the grandson. The second days some people urge the agricultural tax.  

[ Becomes rich farmer social stratum ]  

Said they are the farmer, because in the resident register writes like this, said they are not the farmer Because they have lived in the cities let Tian Huangzhuo. They continually own excrement do not pull to in oneself field but is pulls to the flush toilet in, a local breath also did not have. But on the dinner party, farmer's true colors has not still changed, the big bowl drinks, the big mouth eats meal, maintains is eating salty, eats the spicy natural disposition. Sometimes Invites the friend in the family to sit, plays a finger guessing game the ratio to spell, shouts five drinks 6. Drinks drinks, face glowing red. Ate not not same in outside, also ate Kentuckey, the cream, took out money also refreshedly, although in the mouth whispered, a chicken leg, were the chicken claw, that how expensive, but smiled as before looks at the lovable service person. Goes out the gate to scold the mother I to think eats any, was inferior to the small onion mixes the bean curd.  

[ Individual operator social stratum ]  

The biggest characteristic is a fast-food, together red-roast spareribs, bowl soup, rice. Eats while deals with business. Their shop must gain the bill, takes a break very late, therefore basically is the fast-food. They eat while scold mother this thing unexpectedly to receive my 10 Yuan, black losted hope. On the one hand said on the other hand bargains back and forth from 500 Yuan to buy "the name brand" the western-style clothes to take out money, 50 Yuan got rid of.  

[ Two systems social strata ]  

This concept the evolution comes from "the one country two systems", to refer to in the family the spouse to have a side in the foreign enterprise. It is said is "the public relations" the activity, this "system" the fellow starts also jubilantly, the face very good has the face. But opposite party "public relations" many, an own person's number of times have been also many, the worry "arises spontaneously".  

[ Official social stratum ]  

Society's outstanding people it is said majority of all in here. Evidently without a doubt also eats a most comfortable social stratum, at least also is one of social strata. They can the currency house allocation, be able to increase the wages Can have the bonus, the welfare, can travel, can work egresses has the vehicle seat, they with the farmer, the worker compare, have not been few, cannot be few, their dinner party did not need me to say.  

[ Government money dinner party ]  

Such dinner party in the roadside shop, five star classes guesthouses all has, stops the vehicle in front of these shop big halls basically is the government money purchase. Three vegetables soup, a four vegetables soup stipulation have been very many, but any role all does not play. Ten individual table is 40 vegetables ten soup. Bureau chief has been happy, greets group of people to go to the hotel to stay several days, such freedom is one kind Best. Pitiful Madame Bleir rides the train not to buy the ticket, also must make additional payment, apologize the apology A freedom also does not have. Eats the spot to calculate any, attractive young lady only then has the flavor. Such dinner party must calculate also has the characteristic the speech, was these young ladies, it is said many people did obeisance die under young lady's pomegranate skirt.  

[ Retired social stratum ]  

This social stratum generally from 60 year old of start, but the present also has from 55 year old or early a retirement. Because of this age a little afterheat, the dinner party is also alright, to enjoy benefits and raise a stink instead of being satisfied not good custom, sometimes occurs, the partner has the hands and feet not too deftly, boils "Worker Kang", although is better than own consomme vermicelli many But also one side swallows, at the same time worries the antiseptic, occasionally takes to the streets buys a small sun-dried shelled shrimp, the small fish, with the vendor haggled over 12 jiao money, come back noisily are not happy, sometimes the grandson granddaughter visits, the noon dinner party is very joyful, but the noon latter number bill, the discontent has come, depresseds drinks the inferior wine which the rural enterprise makes.
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