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转载-城市管理“当场打死”的可怕警示-English-JP (图)

(2008-01-10 02:26:27) 下一个

(博讯,北京时间2008年1月10日 转载)
     湖北省,天门市水利建筑公司,总经理魏文华先生,怎么也不会想到,自己,会被一群城市管理人员,“当场打死”。据1月8日,《楚天金报》报道,1月7日下午,魏文华先生,驾车,路过该市一村庄时,发现城市管理,执法人员,与村民发生激烈冲突,拿出手机,下车摄像。数十名执法者见此,遂蜂拥而至,殴打魏文华先生。尽管,魏文华先生交出手机,举起双手,但是,殴打并未结束,直至他,当场死亡。目前,公安部门,已经控制了24名涉嫌人员。 (博讯 boxun.com)
    一群城市管理执法者,居然能把一个旁观者、一个普通公民,“当场打死”,还不是,一个足够可怕的警示吗? _(网文转载) (博讯 boxun.com)

-The city is reprinted and frightening Shime - of "Strike it to death
then and there" is managed (January 10 in time of Beijing to gain
news 2008 reprints).

Origin: New Ka net.
Kohoku..reflect..heaven..gate..city..water supply..building company..president..Mr./Ms...by all means..hit..provide..food..crowd..city..management..number of men..do..then and there..strike to death.It is reported that it collides by discovering the management of the city when passing by one village of this city by driving Mr./Ms. Ayaca and the car on the afternoon of January 7th, and generating intensification with the law execution number of men and the villager, the cellular phone is taken out, it gets off, and it takes a picture of 《 Hou 》 January 8. The association suddenly comes to those who execute the law of tens of people soon, and Mr./Ms. Ayaca is hit. Mr./Ms. Ayaca of ..….. arrives at him without the cellular phone is presented, it begins to enumerate both hands, it hits, and the end, and dies then and there. 24 people have already been controlled and the suspicion falls on the number of men now. (News boxun is gained. com)

The citizens who open a street stall arbitrarily are driven away, and hit, and onlooker is primly stricken, it waits, the management of media and a lot of cities is made public for these several years, and arriving at extreme disobedient is a violence in the street vendor of the control. This time, the heaven gate city city is further the management of those who execute the law, and walking, and crueller.

This village consults, decides, and makes side one of the road the place of the garbage reclamation it with origin and a related section according to the report to be previous for the thing and two years. The villager and garbage are permitted neither promise of the New Year's Day of this year sending the drinkable water because of too the smell taste large, changing in quality, and the time limit passing nor to be buried. However, the car of garbage how many has still every day, and garbage is transported by this. That day..villager..garbage..reclamation..obstruct..rumor..hear..hurry up..come..law..execution..number of men..collision..generate..at least..strike..damage..hospitalize.

It takes a picture, it takes the underdog's side, he never hits on, and it becomes accustomed to the libido, and it acts indiscreetly, it descends, the city manages the law execution number of men, and bag suddenly and it ..it is possible to come (It is) ..food.... fairly are struck to death in the place Mr./Ms. Ayaca seeing injustice when the law execution number of men is managed in the city, and Cobshijuts is demonstrated.

Similarly..possibility..city..law..execution..number of men..manage..at first..Mr./Ms...strike to death..enmity..happy..clenched fist..unite..outside..confront..group..get excited..descend..disadvantageous..strike..useless..strike..group..consideration..extreme..arrive..person..hit..lurk..regular..drive..minimum..intellect..minimum..human nature..maintain.

At present, it thinks of some the management number of men and for myself in a local city, and the collision of "I decide my ground" and the people is frequently generated. It protects because it even does and it permits as some ..provinces.. many are generous even if the accident (trouble) happens, it temporizes in" in one "The law is not suitable for the standard" "For ringleader and temporary the number of men or it makes it to the path of retreat where a few, temporary number of men is expelled.

The city manages the execution of the law, and advances this thing to the law having ..radical.. to match to the standard, and considering the importance of a lot of provinces and problems already. Seemingly now, it is necessary to accelerate. Because we really worry this Muretai this when we set up the confused state under and what more frightening trouble in the commotion.

Is those who execute the law managed, and does frightening ..showing.. do, "Strike it to death then and there", and still with usual citizens of one onlooker and 1 person by contraries at one minutes of ten one crowd's city? _(reprint of sentence of net) (News boxun is gained. com)

す(ニュースを博します、北京時間の2008年1月10日 が転載します)

湖北省、天門市の水利の建築会社、社長の魏文華先生、どうしても思い付くことはでき(ありえ)なくて、自分、1群の都市の管理人員ができて、“その場で打ち殺します”。1月8日によると、《楚天金報》は、1月7日午後、魏文華先生、車を運転して、この市の1村落を通る時、都市の管理を発見して、法律執行人員、村民と激化が発生して衝突して、携帯電話を取り出して、下車して撮影しますと報道しています。数十人の法律執行者はこのに会って、すぐどっとやって来て、魏文華先生を殴ります。…けれども、魏文華先生は携帯電話を差し出して、両手を挙げ始めて、しかし、殴って決して終わりなくて、彼に至って、その場で死亡します。現在、公安の部門、すでに24名制御して人員に嫌疑がかかります。 (ニュース boxunを博します.com)







1群の都市は法律執行者を管理して、意外にも1つの傍観者、1人の普通の公民ことができますを、“その場で打ち殺します”、まだではなくて、1つの十分に恐ろしい警示ですか? _(ネットの文転載) (ニュース boxunを博します.com)

The abundant news related report (recently 20, more please usedsearches function):
Lin Jinfang: □ ] intends □x "the city tube law"

  • City tube team and village commission's workers and peasants alliance/caridina
  • Xue Xiangbiao to the Yangchow city tube, the community personnel illegal detention beats the victim the blood tear complaint
  • Jiang Fuzhen: "The rice bowl" the principle and the city tube long live!
  • Who has given the city tube gathers the audiences "the beating, smashing and looting" the authority? / Jiang Fuzhen
  • The city tube law enforcement must the moderate/south weekend
  • The peddler kills the city tube, today the life and death sentences(chart) 
  • Cui Yingjie the document toes make clear: This was delimits the period for the city tube time/Jiang Fuzhen
  • The city tube commerce "the cat mouse" fights  Chinese society contradictory incisive/Liu Lijun
  • "The newest positive result" chats "the city tube public security"! / Li Zhiyou
  • Makes Chinatown tube/Wu which one loathes be handsome
  • ê□□□□Z: "□□□□□e□  gun ±□o□□ to" □c tiger □ skin "
  • A Chen boat: The cloth □□ fills □□ the city tube □ mast □□□ to allow "not to have according to the peddler"?
  • Cui Shujun: The city tube person □T□□ hits □□ the dog, □l□□?
  • Lin Jinfang: □Q □R the armor city tube, was not the city has managed □ the curtain □
  • Lin Jinfang: □l is "□f energy" "out of control" city tube ringleader □□ head?
  • Plunders poorly helps the poor, the Chinatown tube passes the burden contradictory new goods come into the market incurs/to construct
  • Bai Yong: The iron armor city tube reflected the city management in Wrong road on more walks far
  • A Chen boat: Who has given on the Haicheng tube "the armed defense power"?
  • 孑 wooden is because reported the Nanjing city tube hits the person to suffer Guan Ya.
  • The Hubei fontanel populace demonstrate the protest city tube to kill the person
  • Manager pats the city tube law enforcement to hit the fixed number ten strangers scenes to snatch the corpse
  • The photography city tube violence law enforcement, is killed is company's misters
  • The man pats the city tube crude law enforcement with the handset to resist to delete the picture to beat lethally
  • RFA: The Changsha city tube hits person lethal authority each method to cover the event
  • The Changsha city tube kills the person to continue: The police, the street threat witness witness
  • The Changsha city tube chokes to death Walks seeing, very is all indignant the person authority to force out the public opinion
  • The Changsha city tube kills the person event: The murderer still rambled, the local media endures the newspaper
  • The Changsha city tube kills the person scene video frequency and the picture(chart) 
  • The Changsha city tube kills the person, the populace is gathering
  • The Guilin city tube injures 16 year old young girl, the initiation community conflict (recording + picture)(chart) 
  • The Zhongshan County city tube enforces the law but break the law oneself exceeds bandit local reporter also by the pit
  • The Ipin city tube kills the person, the up to ten thousand populace are noisy in abundance
  • The Zhengzhou city tube equipment catches the dog to equip newly appearance manner is similar to the iron armor prestige dragon (chart) 
  • Photographs surreptitiously the video frequency: The river Sioux City tube hits the tricycle husband (to continue) makes into the severe wound, the initiation disturbance(chart) 
  • Photographs surreptitiously the video frequency: The river Sioux City tube hits the tricycle husband, straight shouted saves a life(chart) 
  • Yao legislates: The Hubei Province Qianjiang city tube beats savagely does not have the farmer(chart) 
  • Liu Fengchi died tenth days: The city tube, the police intrude main house gate/Li Xiuyun
  • Wei Zhen writes for a father Wei Wenhua letter which is killed for no reason by the fontanel city tube
  • Exposes the Guangzhou Xiu city tube two squadrons rank smell of blood violence behavior
  • So city tube! Law of the land what in? The flower grower person experiences personally the violation
  • The Wuhan yellow  zone administrative bureau so enforces the law
  • Wang Guiying: The lawless Wuxi city tube has killed my husband
  • The Shandong Chunan chu-nan city tube has the shame party and the government image
  • The Yinchuan city tube violence enforces the law nobody solution
  • Fujian Province Yongchun County Jin Cheng administrative district Xia race several hundred staff  appeal  
  • The city tube hits the person event theory:  law-executor hits the person and the harbour hits the person
  • Xi'an old people mediate a quarrel to incur the glass shop randomly to pound by the city tube law enforcement personnel(chart) 
  • Shijiazhuang has the city tube team member inhumanly to enforce the law Che Tuozhuo the pregnant woman to run swiftly
  • The melon sells refuses to hand over the fine city tube personnel to dig up the person pants not to discuss
  • "Occupies an expense" not a prompt junction city tube to fall the dusk street corner to flatter the female
  • The Chongqing city tube law enforcement vehicle is run over and dies in the individual operator anger roar in the presence of the everyone to swagger away
  • Ningxia Ling Wu"the city tube" the good power and prestige barbaric law enforcement sends as soon as dies several wounds (violence anti- "law" root)

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