中华正国 英文名字Chinese decent



(2007-12-05 04:37:19) 下一个






西方,发达国家的工资收入,一般都占GDP的50-60%。而我国2005年的国内,生产总值19万亿元,这一年职工,工资总额,仅有19,980.8亿元,仅占当年 ,GDP的11%,其中,国有经济单位,12,009.2亿元,城镇,集体经济单位,867.8亿元,其他经济单位,7,103.8亿元。这一比例,可以看出,我国工资水平是多么低!

2005年,我国,城镇从业总人员数,为27,331万,国有单位、集体单位、股份合作单位、联营单位、有限责任公司、股份有限公司、私营企业、香港;澳门;台湾;商人投资单位、外国商人,投资单位的从业人数,分别为 6,488万、810万、188万、45万、1,750万、699万、3,458万、557万、688万,个体户2,778万。这一年,我国职工,平均货币工资,为 18,405元,如果,将这2.73亿,从业人员,都视为工资收入者,那么,他们的工资收入,总额应为5万亿元,约占2006 年,20万亿元GDP的25%。这是将个体户,都计入统计的结果。如果,将我国的工资收入,提高到占GDP40%的水平,以8万亿元,除2亿从业人员(2.7亿城镇,从业人口中,有大量失业;待业,和非正规就业者,真正,有工资收入的,不到2亿人),人均年收入,将达到4万元,到5万元。这,应该是我国劳动工资的,合理份额。




















http://www.9999cn.org/blog/content.php?..fid=DBXW&id=2668995.. now
How much should I rise the level of the salary by which our country works or the annual income?There is no person, and, up to now, it has come to estimate from a comprehensive angle. After all, the society of one degree is developed over last year's appearing, copying, and showing things of annual salaries of work 100,000 original and it gets angry very much. This how much should have to rise after all, and does a deliberate analysis about the present of the act and our country of non-reason a little the level of the situation of economic development and the salary of labor.

Now, the level of economic of our country development is judged, and exact calculation has already passed the standard and this of a very high reaching by 100,000 origins of the annual income. Present our country is huge, it receives, the difference of distribution is invited, and the problem is in the state of an employee of a usual enterprise and a low salary. It is necessary to do ..such structure.. without fail, and it breaks by grace of politics. ..mass communication.. clearly however ahead and there is deep recognition.

The level of the salary from 1 and our country. come to see improve of an economic level

Previously, the government-owned corporation of the annual salary is monopolized exactly ..it is possible to come.. exaggeratedly making noise to 100,000 ..former.. missing. It excels the provinces of the private enterprise enterprise on certain one kind of levels, and actually raise the position of politics of the worker in China yes, defend the right that they work, and with economic earnings because it queues up straight facing it at the levels of the salaries 100,000 original that should be really worn.

3-4 times between 70,000 origins corporate at 12 centers ..cost.. 6-of artificial person at level's of the salary of the average of the whole country now. Then, it became an object that the public opinion criticized expecting it because it asked. … Level 3.5 it is story twice, and, then, the level and the monthly salary of the salary of the average of the whole country are origins of 1,400 of the salary of the whole country. The level is received like this, and is it vast of our country, and ..pay person.. high?Is it still low?We are transferred, and the (GDP) angle comes from GNP to evaluate it.

It accounts for all 50-60% of GDP ..salary income.. usually of the west and the advanced country. The country of 2005 in our country and 19 trillion origins of a production total value, and they are the sections of 11%, in GDP those where it occupies only at that time, and government-owned economy, sections of 1,200,920,000,000 origin, city, towns, and the group economy, 86.78 billion origins, and origins of other economic section and 710.38 billion there are only this employee and an origin of 1,998,080,000,000 in the total of the salary. It is possible to see through this ratio, and the level of the salary of our country is very low.

Section, incorporated corporation, stocks Ltd., private enterprise enterprise, and Hong Kong that organizes government-owned section, section of group, and the stocks cooperation for summarized number of number of men and 273.31 million that our country, city, and town find employment, and manages it jointly in 2005Macau;Taiwan;The merchant in the section and the foreign country is invested, and the employed population of the section is invested, and the merchant is 64.88 million, 8.1 million respectively, 1.88 million, 450,000, 17.5 million, 6.99 million, 34.58 million, 5.57 million, 6.88 million to have, and 27.78 million of an individual manager. This..age..our
country..employee..average..money..salary..drink..)..straighten..origin..on condition
that..this..employee..all..salary..income..consider..person..then..salary..income..total..origin..occupy..age..origin.This .... calculates all individual managers and it enters the end of the statistic. … The salary income of our country is raised, the level of GDP40% is occupied, and 200 million employees by eight trillion origins. (There is a large amount of unemployment in 270 million cities, towns, and population in which it finds employment;The distribution of finding employment is waited for, it is true, there salary income's with employed not regular, and it doesn't become 200 million people. )Crack must reach until the annual income and 40,000 origins a person, and until 50,000 origins. And reasonable share of salary by which this and our country work. going out

The grade of the salary is different because of … in the income distribution, and evaluate the level of the salary of the average by 40,000 Hajime's of the whole country, and, then, by about and 80,000 origins per the level and 70,000 origin of the salary of a middle salary income person. Therefore, some employees and 100,000 former Mo of the enterprise one are ...., and very terrible thing.

There was only an origin of 1,998,080,000,000 2005 year however of our country in the employee and the total of the salary, and only GDP was occupied at that time, and it was really too low. the level of such an income 11%Naturally, scholar's noisy shout: It is China, and crushes capitalism, and is underline of moralistic ethics. This..meaning.west.capitalist country..development..extremely..cruel..genesis..time..labor..salary..level..similarly..so..low.

Where did) ..(.. ..decrease.. take it all ..2 and the national income..?

It took it ..government's finance.. roughly, and the capital and about 45% of the enterprise were taken, and the remaining about 20% was taken by 35% of GNP with the worker in the farmer, the city, and the town now in view of the data of macroeconomics. This is extremely irrational one, and a structure of the income distribution. The section of the government from here to our country is invited, it behaves as arrogantly as the person who has money, and it behaves as arrogantly as the person who has the owner of the enterprise and money, and the working crowd body and it makes it poorly day by day.

The root of appearance and this one kind of phenomenon: It forms to China and a privileged group of the bureaucrat capital and the senior official who already has and power in 20 or more melting in the reform of the tendency, and firmly. When the restriction of the democratic form of government ..this group.. once is lost, it is possible to do, violent is exaggerated, and it plunders of the property of the society. 、An essential point is a reform of China, and it has already encountered a serious thing, it deprives, and ..decrease..) ..this environment.. ..right of the general public of the reform of the tendency to the capitalism of the senior official who has power and labor.. ..(.. has inclined completely up to one provinces of the capital by one degree why it is possible to form.

Transfer us, come to see a high tube of the enterprise, and with a capital income. ..income of a lot of one million origins and several ten million origins and managers who are.. on a high tube of the enterprise ..the few one.. when coming to say when the number (what) increases in addition at one billion speeds every year now. It is at how much that it sees a little, it knows millionaire's ranking of our country every year and their properties, and increases every year.

Media last year giving examples : by 2005 , ...... ..former.. delighting.. annual salaries (the association company and the president) for the Hong Kong dollar of 21.75 million. It reported it. This figure and this copy and 217 times the worker are shown. Times 2,000 of a usual work away from home man how many also : by one. However, media become silent and do not speak to the public opinion for doing like this as the news of one high income and the society.

It thinks because it criticizes copying, showing ..taking.. annual income of work, reaching until 100,000 origins, agreeing the public opinion, and severely, and hundred million person,, and Omo are reasonable ..reasonable.. on the annual income and several ten million the reverse-unreasonable greatly, and those this. When it ..such phenomenon.. reflects, and ..whole.. deformity of the psychology of the society in our country is decadent. It has a usual worker and one a lot of one o'clock (point), and high tube and several ten million former Mo of the anger of all societies and one in the entire society, are all suffering, and are insensible. A really large problem was put out in the society in China and the district of the judgment of right or wrong.

The enterprise should not be monopolized, and it have the monopoly of the profit of high amount, and I should have a high tube of the enterprise and have the salary of the free board?The manager, and is should a lot of comparisons of the worker having it, and remaining profits that are very?Why do?Is the grudge remark and the protest against this district of China of the society and one o'clock (point) in these?

The person who ..large thief who rises to power.. takes part is not, and touches exhaling the ..thief.. small, small very much shout. It sees, and the opening how greatly exists in the district of the enterprise today and the income. It gains and the profit is taken, and for a certain Yamanishi, it is a luxury car, it is a manager of tens of thousands of 100 origins and 1 import, and buying it is ten-odd (what) stands 800 origins and the manager 700 origins-many thousands of the worker and every month, and the private enterprise it as for the enterprise of coal. It is not good, and are some the effects and the profits a big managers of the Tamiitona enterprise, and how can able to be able ..10 million.. ..former.. to buy, and houses of high-level dynamic in 1 luxurious car, several ten million origins, and 1 house?

car..have..extremely..cheap..similarly..earn..extremely..high..tens of thousands of..provide.On earth: … Can it ..worker.. ..salary.. decrease so much by putting out the salary by spending these luxurious money for the employee of the enterprise?Can it lower so much the level of the salary of our country and labor?Are you surprised against can do the levels of a social, all 100,000 original salaries like this?

Such..phenomenon..just..west..economics..Adam Smith..Mr./Ms...prove..say..person..remark..vast fortune..provide..huge..equal.There must be 500 poor persons at it the person and simultaneous with one rich. Small number of people are surely abundant, and make and a lot of poverties of the person of the person assumption. However, a little high income and it is Dai the reverse-..".. ..difference between the society and rich and poor of China today.. ..reasonable, usual worker.. ..peel.. unreasonable. Does ..psychology of the society.. screw bend not huge ..this..?

It questions on the public opinion and this worker, and this is this worker, an employee of the government-owned corporation the main cause of a high income, piece, and the enterprise of the character of the industry monopoly. It is necessary to think by attaching to the monopoly of the profit of the industry and monopolizing welfare it is necessary to oppose, and ..another one-problem.. similarly again to say nothing of us: It is possible to give to a government-owned corporation and one usual worker, and some ..the salary.. 100,000 origins will be able ..private enterprise enterprise.. to be put out why. Is it because the effect and the profit of the enterprise are not good, and is the percentage profit low?

In people's subconsciousness … And ..can the profit of a lot of an enterprise and a lot of money to tell the truth a lot competing by excessive profits's monopolizing the enterprise, and there.. ..excessive profits... The sink doesn't cut the hand of the majority of profits and usual employees the profit even of money in those enterprises however. Having seen and me more sends to going abroad of some people of the private company and children in foreign countries to study and buys, puts the real estate of ..decrease..) or ..(.. uses a lot of money for foreign countries generously extremely ..deep.. because of luxurious domestic consumption. It is a manager of one private enterprise enterprise in Yunnan it, a bet thing of two days, and is defeated, and a hotel of three star rank of my one value and several ten million origins. Money is wasted ..manager of these private enterprise enterprises.. like this, and it has the meager pay envelope the employee of the enterprise.

It sees up to one, and recently, I am the number of (what)100 origins of the investigation of the enterprise in the lake south colliery, the worker, and the monthly salary, and several hundred thousand origins of the manager and the annual income. Can it able to be said that the manager of the enterprise is monopolized, and isn't there high profit?Therefore, a situation ..society in China.. true is clarified and it is not slow ..the further indignation...

- already ..breaking... the underline of primitive capitalism barbarous extent that is deprived work and receive it 3 and China

A low .... compare it level. cover with a gorgeous building where it works, and maintain it for a long time ..the people and the salary income.. low like this in the salary income of our country and the specific gravity of GDP, taken to the national income, the entire enterprise of large majority, and the government, and waste money there are a manager and result money and at will, and have money by the governmentThe difference of a different industry is added, salary income person's receives the level as a whole, and a huge opening appears. Then, with the disorder of the standard of recognition by moralistic value of our country of such a phenomenon and a true reflection in surprise of 100,000 origins and the societies of the annual income to copy one and to show work.

It comes to us to see from the district of savings of the bank, and the distribution situation of the property of the nation now. End of a century..our country..continue..execute..people..consumption..policy..stimulate..inside..personal consumption..gross weight..specific gravity..occupy..fall..moreover..continue..fall.Savings and the enterprise in the garden of the person of our country at last few years save money and, next, it changes it is possible to know. this Haarawa see a little occur Savings of the home account for 20% of GDP moreover, arrive until 2005, fall, arrive up to 16%, and are increased from savings and 13% to 20% of the enterprise in 1996. It is possible to achieve it up to 25% by expecting 2007 year comparatively of savings of the enterprise (It is) ..food...






西方、先進国の給与収入、普通はすべてGDPの50-60%を占めます。我が国の2005年の国内、生産総値の19兆元、この従業員、給与総額、19,980.8億の元だけあって、当時だけを占めます ,GDPの11%、その中、国有経済の部門、12,009.2億の元、都市と町、集団経済の部門、867.8億元、その他の経済の部門、7,103.8億の元。この割合、見抜くことができて、我が国の給料のレベルはどんなに低いです!

2005年、我が国、都市と町の就職する総括的な人員数、27,331万のため、国有の部門、集団の部門、株式の協力組織、共同経営する部門、有限責任会社、株式有限会社、私営企業、香港;マカオ;台湾;商人は部門、外国の商人を投資して、部門の就業人口を投資して、それぞれです 6,488万、810万、188万、45万、1,750万、699万、3,458万、557万、688万、個人経営者の2,778万。この年、我が国の従業員、平均の貨幣の給料、…(の)ために 18,405の元、もし…ならば、この2.73億を、従業員、すべて給与収入ですと見なす者、それでは、彼らの給与収入、総額は5兆元のためべきです、およそ2006占めます 年、20兆元のGDPの25%。これは個人経営者をで、すべて計算して統計の結果に入ります。もし…ならば、我が国の給与収入を、あげてGDP40%のレベルを占めて、8兆元で、2億従業員(2.7億都市と町、就職する人口の中で、大量の失業があります;就職の配分を待ちます、正規でない就業者と、本当です、給与収入のがあります、2億人になりません)を割って、1人当たり年収、4万元まで達して、5万元まで。これ、我が国の働く給料のであるべきで、合理的な分け前。




















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