中华正国 英文名字Chinese decent


Asks the friends to have a look, within the boundaries of are Pe

(2007-12-04 04:11:05) 下一个




Asks the friends to have a look, within the boundaries of are People's Republic of China all people, how, lives in the pitiful environment!
Invites the friends, did not must again hit the rebels Sun Yat-Sen's toxin! Is this unprincipled person - rebels Sun Yat-Sen, causes the Chinese nation, nearly for 100 years, the big tragedy is unceasing!
Moreover, little ape Zhu Chenghu, public, shouts loudly - must discharge the atomic bomb, to world humanity, life; The property, all is threaten!
Now, God, sends me to save the Chinese nation! Hopes everybody support. This is I, using the computer, translation these big tragedies, lets the friends look clearly! Thanks!

Chinese country Emperor HuDe Bin to Europe. 2007, 12, 4.

友人を招待して、どんな必須再びヒット反逆者SunにもYat-銭の毒素をしませんでした! これは無原則です。人--Yat-銭、反逆者Sun原因中国、ほとんど100年間、大きい悲劇は絶えません!
Chenghu(公衆)がやかましく叫ぶ朱--世界人類、人生に原子爆弾を放出しなければならないのをそのうえ、少ししかまねないでください; 特性であり、すべては脅かすことです!

現在(神)は、私を中国を救いに行かせます! みんなが支持する望み。 コンピュータを使用して、これが私であり、翻訳がこれらの大きい悲劇である、友人に明確に見させます! ありがとうございます!

ヨーロッパの中国の国皇帝HuDeビン。 2007, 12, 4.

Homepage On news.boxun.com approximately has 3,,010 items to conform tothe citizen Uygur power networkinquiry result, below is the 1st - 10 item (search with the time 0.03 second) 

The murder is innocent, 抗议者 goes to prison: Just what in! Abundant news news, simplified Chinese news

We thought the authority processing is extremely unfair, regarding this, "Uygur power network" and "citizen Uygur power network" expression intense protest. ... The citizen Uygur power networkcounts the fresh event about the Shandong Province Linyi city violence the report of investigation (chart); Internet control,citizen Uygur power/ ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2006/05/200605272055.shtml - 19k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

Huang Weizhong is sentenced guilty - Putian to draft the document circular (6) (chart) ...

"The citizen Uygur power network", "the Uygur power network" is missing about participation fasting, is detained the joint statement; The citizen Uygur power networkcalls Chinathe Uygur powerThe movement situation difficult ... citizen Uygur power networkto count the fresh event about the Shandong Province Linyi city violence the report of investigation (chart) ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2006/05/200605171617.shtml - 16k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

Linyi news: Villagers Chen Guangdong and Chen Gengjiang is still closed in the river bank Nan county lockup. Please pay attention!

On June 10, 2005,the citizen Uygur power networkissued counts the fresh event about the Shandong Province Linyi city violence the report of investigation, causes the echo on the Internet. On May 9, 2005, in under the Chen Guangcheng leadership, Beijing Gao Bolong hua the law office river sky is brave ...
News.boxun.com/cgi-bin/news/gb_display/print_version.cgi? Art=/Gb/china/2006/02&link=200602190052.shtml - 14k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

Chinese 网民 resist the network to seal off the first document: Sues the Chinese telecommunication abundant news news, the simplified Chinese news

In 2003, "the citizen Uygur power network" is sealed, Stationmaster Li Jian also once filed the lawsuit, but the court completely did not give accepts. In 2004, the Beijing University famous forum "in a complete mess" is sealed, Beijing University law professor He Weifang also wants to mention disputes sues, but he ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2007/08/200708250048.shtml - 20k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

The Li Jianping document progresses the abundant news news, the simplified Chinese news

In citizen Uygurpower network concerned Zhang Linyu fasts urgent statement (chart); The citizen Uygur power networkabout Mr. Feng Bingxian the statement which entraps (chart); The citizen Uygur power networkcounts the fresh event about the Shandong Province Linyi city violence the report of investigation (chart) ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2005/10/200510151306.shtml - 13k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

The Beijing court sentences the Wuxi authority to examine the farmer to appeal the abundant news news again, the simplified Chinese news

The Shanghai unidimensional power in see in front of American consul by the truncation · In front of 270 Xi'an old cadre Uygur power municipal government protested · "Citizen Uygur Power Network"Appealed the citizen mourns Zhao Ziyang · Ai Kesi: Hu Jintao empowers the common people Uygur power ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2005/03/200503230217.shtml - 18k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

About Shi Taoan circular (1) (chart) abundant news news, simplified form ...

"Citizen Uygur Power Network" on September 26, 2005 attaches: 1st, Shi Tao's ID card information ID card number: 310107680725125 addresses: A Xi'an lotus lake district 沣 pickaxe work place sends the card institution: Xi'an municipal public security bureau lotus lake sub-bureau ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2005/09/200509261452.shtml - 42k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

2,000citizensjointly request the medical department to explain the Xinjiang hepatitis B schoolchild leaves school the event abundant news news ...

On December 28, 2006, jointly the letter sendsby2,150 citizens signatures toward the medical department. ... West citizen Uygur power network Xinjiang law office (abundant news reporter: The Cai Chu) [ abundant news first round, welcome to reprint, please give the source ] - ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2006/12/200612291103.shtml - 25k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

An East China Sea owlet: A black heart, two faces abundant news news, simplified Chinese news

Entire armed forces unemployment volunteer soldier 4.13Uygur powersituation outline; Chinese workerUygur powerconsciousness gains ground; A ShanghaiUygur powerin sees in front of American consul by the truncation; In front of 270 Xi'anold cadre Uygurpower municipal government protested; "Citizen Uygur Power Network" appealedthe citizenmourns Zhao Ziyang ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2005/05/200505230138.shtml - 22k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

A China, two worlds, two kind ofcitizensabundant news news, simplified Chinese news

The Chinesecitizenstatus information clears contains the false ID card cheat; In citizen Uygurpower network concerned Zhang Linyu fasts the urgent statement (chart) ... advocates the free equality: The Guangzhou media blowsthe soundreform bugle for the civic education; Citizen Uygur power networkabout Mr. Feng Bingxian quilt ...
News.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2005/11/200511012219.shtml - 23k - Homepage snapshot - similar homepage

Correlation search: 
Chinese citizen Uygur power network    Citizen Uygur power    Uygur power network   

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