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(2007-12-04 03:12:48) 下一个



























Another one kind of civilization collisions----Indignation the young person and the United States of the woman in China are arrested and are ht tp://www . 9999cn.org/blog/content.php? that remembers. fid=DBXW&id=2668557

I want to emigrate everything in the United States if it is neither a lot of people it is nor things that it says relatively, it emigrates in the United States, and one is easy.
The doctor and the restaurant from China have seen by me, and serve, give birth, and, similarly, have met and the professor in China gains and removes of fee ..only it is.. sales of physical strength for years of many. It bears shame like this, it shoulders the burden of responsibilities, and it and the emergency admire them as for me though it is them.

Why do you emigrate understanding neither a lot of Americans nor them in the United States?There is these scholars' professor and my belief, and it is acceptable for painful like this eyes even in case of being, and parts from the decision of China, and to tell the truth, they compare because with the American, China is understood further, and it is what that it is it ..no excitement it at one o'clock... their, they, wisdom of pursuitWhy ..them.. do you run away from China?

Before a lot of years, when eating a restaurant in this city of and Toln one home, a famous faculty chief at Medical College and doctor's course student's guidance teacher of 1st place. meet within the country Los Angeles IAm I very strange, and why does he emigrate in the United States?It works part-time here. Person..remark..say..very..surprise..have..university..faculty..chief..become..schoolmate..turn into a
millionaire..half..provide..another..half..go to the jug.Life and a steady family, later years, and I one are to leave years old and 40 China or more of me .."... It goes to the mountanious village, what suffering has eaten everything me, the present United States and work are merely extreme, and I after three years () recover the level of life in front of me. "

It is very good that I can have lived similarly by going to the other side for several years by my not having met him further, believing him, and finding suitable life surely (It is) ..food...

It is similar, and however, some person's are, and are not decision Onage of the idea in the United States. The political power with free emptiness yet disliked by the person because it secretly defends another one for the life of the material in these people and the United States. An ugly their reason and very easy, domestic thing must not go outside, and the dignity of The Ka race is defended during "" is required.

There is an inside restaurant one home in Los Angeles several years similarly ago ..near University of California and Kawabe's branch school... There is time for a while before, and it arrives always for the relation of business at where, and it goes for a bite and there can be), and the restaurant eats times how many ..me.. ..(... It gives birth to service of the woman in this restaurant and 1st place, it eats, the 1st is well informed, she teaches to me, his teacher reads the doctor here, and he has the person whom the child studies together. The independent school reads becoming for you should .... ..the child.. ..(.. ..decrease.. come out in the restaurant) to work part-time the child, the problem, and her. support her by the best scholarship might be very excellent, and have it his teacher teach me to say very happy of herThey only come to the United States, do not melt my money of one minute, can do the scholarship in addition, save money at one o'clock (point), send back China, and are parents in relief and her conserve capital.

An economic scholar of the Chinese United States is learnt from China the wife in friend in South Korea of the person and me one and their China and another 1st place before, and ..decrease..) ..(.. eats to this restaurant one day. When eating, it is a topic of the main thing that we speak, and a problem of the of course reference of an economic problem of a lot of China that is very of an economic problem, and managing it with the government. It gives birth to woman's here service, it hears of our conversation in the process of service, the mouth is placed, and it says to me: "Do you why say China by you like this, and cannot able to do, and say the foreigner the profit of China of one o'clock (point)?"Laugh..say..say..economy..problem..speak..and..foreigner..own country..person."

It gives birth to the woman's service, and I might be not glad, it is reckless in my, and continuously speaks our topic. However, how much service of the woman here gives birth, walks, and is said: "How do you abuse China again as you are you, Chinese, and will say doing thoroughly very just all, and warn you?"It finishes speaking to me, it has changed front soon, and it says to my friend: "I am must not flap at the jibs by you hearing him, and teach to you, and a true situation of China. "

I somewhat get angry hearing it at that time, and serve to give birth to the woman here still laughing and to say: "Do we talk, are not it here your thing, and how do you deal with my guest like this?"It is very anger that it gives birth to the woman's service, and heard my story: "Do we be not should refute to you by me, slander China by you, good China, and can able to read the book by going overseas very, be there neither a lot of entire Americans nor a money reading on a full belly without being eaten when American, presidential Clinton reads, and go Chinese today and to have learnt without occurring very?"Hear..at once..get
angry..hear..teacher..book..read..American..give..money..still..money..China..government.Is it money still gained for myself in you?Is the American does read and in the book without occurring to the above learning without getting up?Are you made to return you the scholarship of one foreigner, and to read the book that comes to the United States?How..this..easy..reason..all..understand.Of course, the woman's service doesn't give up giving birth and hearing it: "Because my teacher is excellent, talent in the United States is …… that raises the scholarship. "

Meet..reason..say..say..a little..wave..early..go..busy..do..have..mouth..place
between..room..provide..ask..conversation..participate."It is larger to give birth to the woman's service, and to have heard dazing: Say loudly: "I am …… that should stop you, and slanders China. "

It apologizes to us because it is seen to be generated to become complicated ..the manager of a restaurant and here.., comes, it shouts to the woman's service, and it gives birth.

Originally..thing..arrive..end..hit..how..woman..service..give birth..excitedly..get angry..again..walk..loud voice..South Korea..wife..say..still..Chinese.It arrives at the United States, it abuses, and it gives birth to you;Mother country..support..today..do..work..clearly..say.

At this time..very..get angry..say..shout..individual..conference..invite..without
fail..avoid..policeman..shout..come..provide..food."The woman's service did not want to give birth, and, of course, to show one's weakness: Did not you be not scary whoever came shouting the policeman, and ..".. surely readily allow the United States and the person to talk?? "..will nation it ..United States.. democratic..

I take out the cellular phone soon and notify the police without minding her.

The policeman ran after the amount of roughly 5 and 6. We ask giving birth of the service of the policeman and the woman after the situation has been said, and if do not request to give birth to the woman's service to the apology, do not talk in addition with us, even we exceed the distance of five shakus, and we become close in addition, do not become the manager of a restaurants.

Woman..service..give birth..attitude..very..strong..of
course..apologize..agree..policeman..persevering..apologize..request..manager of a

Woman..service..give birth..hear..at once..bar..counter..cup..use..push..face..table..in a loud voice..sharp..call..what kind of..democratic..nation..this..Chinese..race..corrupt elements..pay the debt of nature.

The woman in China says the policeman without no understanding, and knowing this sentence well still beginning to stand soon if the person is always abused before learning, and not knowing an economic scholar of the Chinese United States: She falls on the violation of the criminal law already the suspicion, does the citizens to us and her, and requests the arrest by handling Ms. here and the threaten us who dies a little while ago.

It searches for the manager in the restaurant knowing whether hearing only of the policeman and the woman's nothing but serving and giving birth or neither calling out sharply in a loud voice nor what she is calling out, it doesn't have the courage of the manager of a restaurant and the translation directly, and because you should not make it a pretext for English, it is not possible to translate for myself. Woman..service..give birth..feelings..press..get angry..policeman..English..say..require..abnormal..die.When the policeman heard it, the person concerned said like this, took out handcuffs soon, and ..".. arrested Ms. here.

Ms...struggle..scream..based on..bite..grip..continue..talk..right..all..lost..curse..die."

Of course, because the end of this thing gives birth and woman's here service gives birth, it is arrested and it is sent to prison. She must not violate other people's rights as the cause is very easy, and she is the right, and limits other people's free speech. The behavior of violence threatening to die abnormally in her person, having already intended the crime, destroying on pushing the cup in she and the restaurant, there already, and these having surely arrived are threatened, and the safety of other people's bodies.

There is ..this thing.. in fact Chinese descent of a lot of United States stays by thinking as I always renew after the fact, are such a speculation and entire words and deeds, and this is very universal one thing. I am very strange, and it becomes ignorant because of what education so ..them.. ..a haughty thing... Can you do by loving China this year that uses the vocabulary of admiration surely?Were not you able ..China.. to criticize?

The comment: It is too full to eat this woman by mistake. It comes to search out the thing overworking. Do you love countries?Those "Stow away" can hang on by and the foreigner in the foreign country, is pig's does dog, is thoroughly related, sends all the people the embassy of another country of …… and every week, and sends food;Is warmth delivered, and the embassy in China?Why will you do like this?Especially, when it meets the danger of the overseas Chinese and the life in Cambodia, it is rather said that the person is a bad man for shelter-Person who betrays mother country. Helplessly, the person is seen to be slaughtered. One Mao Zedong crowd of printing the blocked ape backstage. slaughter it by exposing it on the current Internet by thisIs it poor?Then, why is such a lot of money presented to Africa moreover?
In addition, it is provided that the for instance entire two coming "Person", do dog, and the student eats meal at the school having it, and other people criticize "They" eating the meal that I brought. as lose all his skins in Chinese respect by other people many times, moreover, dog's stick is stricken beginning to enumerate it in me with wanting hit the person many times, they are repressed firmly, and they do not have courage to finally hit the person. At present, they cannot all see all computers in friend's house, see sentences of the announcement of other people really thoroughly as a foolish person on the computer, and because it is possible to typewrite (It is) ..food.., they all ..them.. put out mail -.
If they are good people, it is possible to teach like understanding the computer-aided to him and us. They are seen once all, and Chinese's face is lost.

HuDebin of a Chinese positive country Emperor : in the imperial palace in temporary Europe. 2007,12,4。




























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