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(2007-12-22 02:19:28) 下一个

(Chinese)(博讯北京时间2007年12月22日 转载)http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/pubvp/2007/12/200712221807.shtml
     很小的时候,听老师讲,南京大屠杀,我哭了,我,为我们的民族同胞,死了这么多人难过!三十万人呐,对那时的我来说,简直就是天文数字! (博讯 boxun.com)
    我,学了四年经济学(本科),三年社会学(研究生),曾经是,赞成“一胎化”,计划生育基本国策的铁杆,也上过,多个人口学专题课程,一向拿高分。现在才知道,上了七年大学人口学知识等于零,被教材,和报刊欺骗了整整七年!前不久,偶尔看到他们的帖子,了解了人口问题真相,多年来,树立的人口观念,被几篇文章彻底粉碎。最大的震撼,是所有我能想到的,为现行计划生育政策,辩护的理由,他们,都早已作出了有理有据的批驳。我,去常去的几个论坛转贴,结果,不是不能发贴,就是被删除!有一个版主,居然说我,反对基本国策,封我的帐号,这大概是,为什么我以前不知道的原因了。 _(博讯自由发稿区发稿) (博讯 boxun.com)




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    Read the birth control national policy, I no longer felt bad for the Nanjing massacre!
    (The abundant news Beijing standard time on December 22, 2007 reprints)
        Sina  comment
         Is very small, listens to teacher to speak the Nanjing massacre, I have cried, I died such many people for ours national compatriot to feel bad! 300,000 people, said to at that time me that, simply is the astronomical figures! (Abundant news boxun.com)

    Big, has been discussed the population explosion with the birth control influence, I always have a time of disaster in the fantasy, or a war, can let China die a half person to be allowed all of a sudden to achieve the reduced population the goal Therefore, I often discuss with the schoolmate effectively, more direct use the nuclear weapon or the bio-chemical weapon, to be quicker!

       After the marriage gives birth to a boy, the birth control is closely associated, about our life, matter of the husbands and wives also receives the national policy influence... ... The periphery person has died, no matter he is the good person unprincipled person, the relative friend or the passer-by, my first idea was dies the person to do for the birth control has contributed Dies! Dies! Country except research slower little fresh person, how faster deceased person but also should study, die more people, how doesn't need to waste the financial resource to study prolongs the life, economically the deceased person, early achieves the national policy the goal!
        Time most recent several days, Nanjing massacre commemoration day approaches, the media 炒作, some people are being Xiu, has not read the national policy person in sob... ... I give a snicker over something: If does not have the Nanjing massacre, the father gives birth to a boy, the sub- fresh grandson... ... China do not have to live how many hundred million people! Therefore, read the birth control national policy, I no longer felt bad for the Nanjing massacre!
        Which is the child in all valuable, only has in great China is bears, is the burden, light US on adopts the thousands child every year in China, China is delivering the child to adopt this aspect to the foreigner is very casual. The foreigner struggles the Chinese adoption child, China also is much happier, looked like has discarded a cloth wrapper, with in domestic was opposite, these children arrived the foreign family to regard as the treasure same treatment. Each child receives the foreigner at least several thousand US dollars expenses, is national bringing in foreign exchange income.
        Previous three days, in the Guangzhou Pearl River scenery belt, 78 young foreign women each person are pushing a baby carriage, in the vehicle clearly are the Chinese baby!  in counts the fresh national policy under the education, China's baby is likely same on trash, the foreign country picks likely picks is valuably same!
        The reconsidering birth control policy, saves the Chinese nation!
        "China Three Is outstanding"
        Always did not know Yi Fuxian, then calls the hero also in vain however.
        Accesses the net does not understand He Yafu, the body does not know the luck in the luck.
        Looked the placard must look Wang Xinhai, the Chinese people will have the future.
        The reconsidering idea lives great slightly, three outstanding provides relief to unfold the male talent.
        Contemporary China most outstanding three demographer!
        The reconsidering birth control policy, saves the Chinese nation!
        Mr. Yi Fuxian article majority is lengthy 弘论, is with overpowering momentum; Mr. He Yafu and Mr. Wang Xinhai article terse and forceful, charming is humorous. After very many 网友 read their article, transformed immediately to the present birth control policy view. Some forums limit the address to link, search their name to be allowed to visit their column. They all had the friendship to link, found  to arrive, in their column also had the more counter- economicses friendship to link.
        I have studied four years economic (undergraduate course), three years sociology (graduate student), once was approves "the prevalence of one child per married couple" the birth control basic national policy iron rod, also on many demography topic curriculum, always has taken the high score. Now only then knew seven years university demography knowledge has been equal to zero, has deceived by the teaching material and the publication the entire seven years! Little while ago occasionally saw their card had understood the population question truth, for many years has set up population idea by several articles thorough smashings. Biggest shocking was possesses me to be able to think is the present birth control policy defense reason they already has all made held true has according to the veto. I go to several forums extensions which often goes to paste, the result is not cannot send pastes is deleted, some  unexpectedly said I opposed the basic national policy, seals my account number, why this probably was I before did not know reason. _ (abundant news freely sends manuscript area to send manuscript) (abundant news boxun.com)
    (This article only or sends manuscript association on behalf of author viewpoint, standpoint)

    The abundant news related report (recently 20, more please usedsearched function):
    Is unable to withstand mentions heavily - commemorates Nanjing massacre two topics/Yu Shenshu
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  • [ 打印 ]