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控告顺义公检法纵容犯罪、鼓励杀人/张淑霞(图)English-JP- (图)

(2007-12-19 03:57:56) 下一个

It is public of the Jun district, it inspects, the law, is three organizations, and both departing from the truth to protect the criminal, it plots together to the hide of the truth and malice, the fiction is said, and civil affairs are decided the holding of a court by the criminal case of the prosecution. Does explain that one dying event is hit, and details of a case are important in the prosecution event the violence done the Canecawa teacher and jointly, and why do?Decide..civil affairs..prove..the morning of August 11th..criminal..Kure..large..daughter..bad man..village..large..street..strut like a peacock..become..vociferation..already..come..brute..die..die..younger sister..house..Department of Public Safety..prosecution..administration of justice..bureau..all..person..provide..a lot of..respect..funeral..cost..make amends.It not only fears at all ..the family of criminal's Kure Ei and daughters.. but also it blar on a rather large street in a public way after the Canecawa teacher is struck to death, and a brutal person ..".. is trampled down as thought because of becoming empty of one constitution. There is what prepares by the fact proving the position that finally strikes the Canecawa teacher to death. Be not the chief of the public peace of the village and security and the bad man and it is possible Shiba-to hold, and by each of village of because all the witnesses, entire public peaces, and Shiba of the chief of security (bad man) appoint and it sent it because it is deceived that Jun district Department of Public Safety and the detective police investigate after the event occurs and takes in the person, moreover, it can explain the problem enough from the branch of the public peace of the command and Jun where malice plots together, and the people exist on of the time of the death of the judge of the forensic scientist. Detailed thing of which it smoothes things over on purpose without preventing, and receiving violation of bacillus of pig's fecal matter to tap water by which all villagers drink environment sanitation of society to protect three organizations and criminals of public in Jun district and inspection and lawThe purpose of saying to the leading question of the Kure great physical strength of the detective police and Kure Ei and I of the criminal is the problem of doing the urination of feces of the pig, and it is money river teacher who hits it and the house to which it returns finally safely without arriving, pushing money river teacher knocking against money river teacher many times, knocking against the ditch, seeing, and moving. It is said that the story that criminal's Kure Ei and shoulder pierce will be used, and there are no never one person in and surroundings in the place in which it sees by Ms. Hahacas and eyes of me on the site at that time because they actually knocked against suddenly with Hiki in criminal's Kure Ei because the temptation place of the Kure great physical strength of the detective police says. It knocks against public of the Jun district and three organizations (the inspection and the law) and it knocks against the Canecawa teacher toward bowing seeing the bad man in the testimony of bad man - in criminal and autumn that leaks on purpose standing Ei of ..- bad man.. Kure- in autumn standing. And the constitution are disregarded, human rights is trampled down, and it is caught in private circumstances, the law is bent, it receives a bribe, and the right is infringed by public of the Jun district and three organizations (the inspection and the law) mutually protecting it no protection of human rights esteeming the constitution two mother and child of , Kure ..standing.. Ei in criminal's autumn. Everything puts out application and is crushed many times in the hand as we judge the inspection of the corpse again requesting it many times, and face each section to be later of the 17th in October, 2006. Autumn..stand..brother-in-law..Lee..country..direct line..relative..district..prosecution..body..important position..Lee..fully..grow..prosecution..rule..inspection..committee..clerk..locate..therefore..public..inspect..cooperation..plot together..invent a story.Do it examine, it permit, it arrest at the prosecution academy, in 《 Article 67 of the People's Republic of China Criminal Procedures Law 》 prosecution academy, is there a person of heavy power of the house of the hand, and do it surely?Is it violated that it is possible to depart from the truth as the fancy takes one, it decreases for the punishment, and the responsibility of the crime disappears, and a life of crude?This sees all the prosecution lengths of turn on the day and it is seen to seize it distorting the turn seizure on the day the responsibility of a legal obligation being able to take harmony where the society is made directly by ..prosecution academy.. having it and with stability and straight. It is caught in private circumstances and the law is bent, and the Jun district and this prosecution length are not suitably, and are stricken to the distortion and upsetting of the sun the turn, and are opposed to the public peace and the court of thine series. Yes. Bold..prosecution..get sore..which..government official..become..fall in mistake..all..examination..come..prosecution..provide..prove..December..victim..relative..district..prosecution..decrease..)..appeal..start to say..at that time..person..prosecution..number of men..murder..person..permit..reason..punishment..violate..appeal..harm..in the background of..power..appeal. Their section chief wanted to call by the prosecution number of men, to teach the victim the relative, to do by ..no him it.. and the investigation and the processing charge member after the fact this, and, similarly, because it wanted to do, and the guidance of the prosecution academy (person) did not approve it (correction, criticism, and order), to have lost the government post in the fear of power this investigation and processing charge member. It is possible to come, and it clearly knows the greeting person's death, and the fault is pushed, is sent the person however, dies, comes to tell the crime, and the prosecution length of the Jun district and the prosecution academy has the problem. Kure..relative..village..village..inside..spread..money..to the end..sea..eye..close..family..make amends..judge..a lot of..more..already..firmly..do..nest..autumn..stand..house..few..money..with.Guidance (person) is entreated, the sect special interrogation group and the Canecawa teacher are investigated, and one event that ..violence jointly done.. dies ..".. is hit. People..eternal..fire..provide..smoke..stand..person..know..do.
Of the village in each village of ..... unaffiliated in his former king in addition unaffiliated in national land each-villager land of the place of the purchase sales cooperative society that original purchase and a large amount of house for each of village of by using the public service for the person (Ritamogn, Tamotsu Lee country, and Tamotsu Lee country elder sisters) in other Lee's houses grow fully the clerk and Lee of the committee of the inspection of the rule of the Jun prosecution academyGuide the investigation, and it is hoped to undertake the responsibility of the law if there is a lie because the village can be done they, as former kings, and there is a large amount of house.
If..autumn..stand..Kure..People's Republic of China..general secretary..Hu Jintao..relation..provide..public..inspection..law..in addition..necessary..Ms...prison..enter..on condition that..punishment..violate..People's Republic of China..State Council..prime minister..warm..house..defend..relative..public..inspection..law..victim..teacher..leave..inheritance..execute. , Kure Ei is compensated standing in his autumn. How ..the inspection, the law, and.. does harmony come to do by general secretary Hu Jintao shouting the government of China of the trait, the nation of legislation, and legislation in this the taken society public of the of probably seeing it Jun district?
The Olympics is required, and, in addition, human rights is required.

Cas complainant Cho-ZhangShuxia

Telephone 6738 5992

The abundant news related report (recently 20, more please usedsearches function):
Beijing Shunyi Zhang Shufeng the main house gate is broken by the police


  • Beijing Shunyi: The husband is hit remnantly, Zhang Shufeng falls the hopeless situation
  • The Beijing Shunyi Shimen market has greatly burnt down for 4 hours(chart)
  • Is located the Beijing Shunyi cane sugar river bank Olympic Games aquatic park to declare a position(chart)
  • The Beijing Shunyi Austria body big world project investor is missing(chart)
  • Traps the Henan person which Dong Cunrui sacrifices to call  Shunyi
  • 控告顺义公检法纵容犯罪、鼓励杀人/张淑霞(图)
    (博讯北京时间2007年12月19日 来稿)

        控告人 张淑霞
        电话 6738 5992
        2007年 12 月 18 日 [博讯来稿] (博讯 boxun.com)


    告訴人 張淑霞

    電話 6738 5992

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