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[人权论坛] 2007年11月28日02:01:14 [新闻大杂烩]




一位善良的女人,到养老院打工,惊讶的,发现这里的老人们,经常饿肚子,甚至还挨打。女工搜集证据,愤怒的,揭发了这个黑心养老院…… 养老院,竟是人间地狱!




“奶粉,是哪来的呢?”“家属送的呗。”“在这儿干活,得闭上眼,闭上嘴。” 张铁柱先生说道,敦厚老实的张铁柱先生,是公寓工龄最长的护工,是护工们的主管。一次,他胃病犯了,病痛中,曹玉琴女士,熬了热乎乎的小米稀饭,给他送来,又将他的屋子,收拾得干干净净。张铁柱先生病愈了,主动的,认了曹玉琴女士作干妈。 所以,养老院的内幕,张铁柱先生,也就没有对曹玉琴女士隐瞒什么。



几天后,陶然公寓,发生了一起“盗窃事件”。 张捞先生,偷了李老头的点心。张捞先生,那么“富裕”怎么会偷李老头的点心呢? 李克勤院长,对偷盗事件大发雷霆,罚张捞先生,不许吃中饭。吃饭的时候,曹玉琴女士,偷偷塞了两个包子给老人,问他,为什么要拿别人的东西吃。老人说:饿。老人的回答,吓了曹玉琴女士一跳。



-2007-11-29 that reprints woman's nurser, and opens real condition - of "Home for the
aged" 09:37:59

-Is reprinted.
The word and the sentence sign are revised.

It surprises it. Real condition - of woman's nurser and "Home for the aged" is

Mixture of news at 02:01:14, November 28, 2007 in forum of human rights

China and the plan growth are executed, and there is already 27 time of year, and it has already approached the mandatory retirement, and it is the old man parents of Haya saying shoes or single children it,;. the firstGrandmother and maternal grandfather..grandmother's age.. similarly, simultaneously, it is ..about 70-years old.. ..(.. ..decrease... ) up to the age to which it gives birth again for myselfIt is necessary to mean by this, to undertake a young couple couple, to undertake 12 elderly persons, and with one child's heavy responsibility. However, all realistic economic conditions support me as parents and the majority that it displays, it prints, and this part is young become independent, and become difficult. In addition, are high prices and the high bunch value still saucers the much more, and are the cost of a high medical treatment and the brought life perplexed?

It investigates, it achieves up to the population and 248 million of the old ages of China until the forecast of the population of the old age of China of 60 years old or more, 140 million, and the specialist and 2020 now, the overall population and 400 million of the old ages are exceeded until 2050, and the news net of China is advanced up to the level and 30% or more of making to aged November 1.

Woman's nurser and "Home for the aged" real condition - are opened.

It ..(.. ..decrease.. is hit to a good-natured woman and the home for the aged of one person again whenever) elderly persons here surprised to work part-time are discovered, and it always arrives at ..hungry belly.. extreme. The woman worker is …… home for the aged where evidence was looked for, collected, and this wicked home for the aged that got angry prosecuted ,in a word, the hell of this world.

A ditch village of district Rie of Nakahara and a pleasant old age apartment house arrive at Zhengzhou City so that the nearby farmer and the life place may approach in Ms. Tamacot and Zhengzhou City, do the nurser, have this home for the aged and 25 elderly persons, and it with three nursers.

Expiring milk powder

Feeling the taste of the mantle when Ms. Tamacot and the home for the aged just eat breakfast even as for the day is acid by mistake, and : with the placed taste. The person in charge of cooking says: Do not hear, and eat you they a lot of so much. After that, she finally knew, and gripped the milk powder that expired in the mantle.

"The milk powder and where did you come?"The family ..".. sent it. Work..eye..shut..cease talking.The Cho iron pillar teacher says, and is a nurser with the longest length of service of a profound, serious Cho iron pillar teacher and apartment house, and ..".. those of nursers who superintend it. His stomach trouble violates, boils the rice gruel of people except Ms. gem harp and done Awa in a little, light sickness, does the room of coming and him in sending to him, and putting it in order ..tidying.. does once beautifully. The Cho iron pillar teacher recovers completely, distinguishes Ms. Tamacot in an active target, and does mother of the obligation. Therefore, what is not concealed for Ms. Tamacot soon ..the real condition and the Cho iron pillar teacher of the home for the aged...

What it is Ms. Tamacot, and affection finally after ..bite..) ..(.. are made clear for days how many. The name is called a piece and because it takes and Mr./Ms.-elderly person is scooped, this is said. It enjoys before Cho of 70 years a year is passed, the teacher is scooped, and it retires by a high-level engineer, and it is a specialist of a special allowance of State Council. Apartment house..choose..high..standard..that..kind of..service..standard..room..sleep..all..meal..chook..foot..provide..person in charge..nursing.It encompasses very much carrying both every month and children;It comes to visit him in food and order of a small bag. Drink..)..straighten..family..cheat..person..provide..visit..come..vegetable..chook..foot..a lot..go out.After his family left every one time, it was carried by the cake, the nourishment goods, and doctor Lee who came for the delivery. Elderly person of such "Is it good?" and. ) ..the piece in the apartment house and scooping the teacher.. ..(of how many that is.. ..a bite..There is they, one common features: When and the condition at home are comparatively good, and visited once, time is all short, and the action is hurried ..very not clear the head... For the uncle of Riroutou, Riroutou, and the director who exists in this home for the aged, it presents the teacher a person and usual Cho director etc. , and it brings and it presents it to him with a nourishment goods that come for other elderly persons' house and deliveries and a high-level cake scooping it. The sent milk powder was too abundant, and it was grasped to wear the mantle expiring without drinking and cutting, and willingly in flour from Lee's elderly person.

Hunger primly strikes hardship.

A bite, and after), a pleasant apartment house and "The event is stolen" ..(.. was generated together for days how many. Cho stole Lee's elderly person's cake scooping the teacher. How does "It is rich" steal Lee's elderly person's cake so much with Cho's scooping the teacher?It is permitted neither punishment of the piece's scooping the teacher excitedly getting angry the director Tsutomu of Lee and a theft nor to eat lunch. It eats other people's why having it packing the elderly person two Chinese buns ..Ms. Tamacot.. quietly at meal, and asking him. The elderly person says: It is hungry. When elderly person's answer and Ms. Tamacot are threatened and it jumps.

"Will Cho surely ..he and the family.. it is possible to appeal (It is) ..food.. face ..belly hungry.. always scoop the teacher?"Ms. Tamacot hears her teacher from the Cho iron pillar. The Cho iron pillar teacher should teach to her, Cho scoop the teacher, the brain thrombus be passed, and ..head.. for a while clearly;It is foolish for a while. He and the family appear in the same play every one time moreover, and it appears at just good time of which.. ..director Lee.. filling, and the elderly person wants to do similarly and to say kindly the family talking to.

There is the discovery warning Ms. Tamacot and the observation by the piece, and it is not ..scooping.. as for the teacher, and are always all ..other elderly persons.. hungry feelings. After all, is this a still hungry hedge in the home for the aged?One thing that increased in Ms. Tamacot and the following work: It quietly packed into the elderly persons and it ate.

-女性の介護者を転載して、“老人ホーム”の内幕-を開きます 2007-11-29 09:37:59



[人権のフォーラム] 2007年11月28日の02:01:14 [ニュースの寄せ集め]




1人の善良な女の人、老人ホームまで(へ)アルバイトして、驚いての、ここの老人達を発見して、いつも空腹な腹、甚だしきに至ってはまたなぐられます。女性労働者は証拠を探し集めて、憤怒していての、この腹黒い老人ホームを摘発しました…… 老人ホーム、つまり現世の地獄!




“粉ミルク、どこに来たのですか?”“家族は送りました。”“ここで仕事をして、目を閉じなければならなくて、口を閉じます。” 張鉄柱先生は言って、重厚でまじめな張鉄柱先生、マンションの勤続年数の最も長い介護者で、介護者達主管者です。一回、彼の胃病は犯して、ちょっとした軽い病気の中で、曹玉琴女史、ほかほかするアワのかゆを煮て、彼に届けに来て、また彼の部屋を、片付けるのがきれいさっぱりです。張鉄柱先生は全快して、能動的での、曹玉琴女史を見分けて義理のお母さんを行います。 だから、老人ホームの内幕、張鉄柱先生、すぐ曹玉琴女史に対して何を隠していません。



何日(か)の後で、陶然としたマンション、いっしょに“事件を窃盗します”が発生しました。 張は先生をすくい取って、李のお年寄りのお菓子を盗みました。張は先生をすくい取って、そんなに“豊かです”はどのように李のお年寄りのお菓子を盗みますか? 李克勤院長、窃盗事件に対してかんかんに怒って、枚が先生をすくい取ることを罰して、昼ご飯を食べることを許しません。食事をする時、曹玉琴女史、こっそりと老人に2つの中華まんじゅうを詰め込んで、彼に聞いて、どうして他の人のものを持って食べます。老人は言います:空腹です。老人の回答、曹玉琴女史を脅して跳びますと。



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