中华正国 英文名字Chinese decent



(2007-11-26 05:28:50) 下一个










Respect television station gentlemen hello! Respect television station ladies hello! The friends are good! 2007-11-22 07:07:59 
I in under the People's Republic of China - communist party's brutal rule, in 1958 the spring, have starved to death, my 90 year old of grandmother, this year, my cruel fate mother; I, all almost starve to death! Grazes; Eats the siberian elm bark; Eats the Chinese scholartree tender leaf, eats the baby pea leaf, only then reluctant lived!
In December, 1959, has starved to death my cruel fate; Painstakingly the life cruel fate mother! In 1960 the spring, I led the wife; Led the only then four year old of eldest son, roams about to Yangtze River nearby, is the hard labor in a kiln yard, also has starved to death, this cruel fate son; Afterwards has starved to death the second son.
For several dozens years, I in China, all am for rescue the Chinese, will be able soon, to jump out Chinese person Republic of China the brutal rule, nearly, all will be passed in the jail; Nearly, passed in the reeducation through labor institute and the collection post. Therefore, does not have the thoughts to watch the television!
In here for several years, I all am passed like this! In here, meets all is the foreign language, on the computer, the slowly exploration, only then has today the computer translation! I also pray for rescue to the others, pray for rescue the following person:
1, Hu Ping; Liu Qing; Fu Zhengming, many people, they all do not help me to translate, at that time, only is asks them to help, to translate several speeches English, can buy the computer in the store, these people all do not help.

Now, I on the computer, search Thai some friends, all does not have any news, searches to several homepages, but also all is, "People's Republic of China" the telephone number, shows Thailand, is really controlled by the communist party! Thailand's friends, all are the wealthy man, the relief poverty-stricken person, all was has used several ten thousand; Several hundred thousand peaceful state currencies - many moneys, don't they have the money, on the Internet, issues their article? I want to ask them, the relief Chinese, among this, I also wrote a letter, have written the quite several letters, all has not replied!

I also write a letter mail to China, the quite several friends' letters, all are do not have any news! Recently, with many means - with 100 KR, has put in the envelope, mails to China, in the letter requests, these friends, certainly want to give me well the telephone number, me remit money, provide reliefs them, all has not replied in writing! Asks the television station friends to help:
1, relates in the Chinese embassy, detailed, to these places, makes clear these letters, actually is how a matter?
2, in Thailand's embassy, these matters, detailed making clear, how is a matter?
Because of the Communist Party of China, is the monkey which God sends (God, before more than 1,000 years, stays behind prediction, showed it is specially comes, to punish rebels Sun Yat-Sen), illegal overthrows emperor - illegal establishment Republic of China! Again has a look, Republic of China, completely is defeated the history, with today, Republic of China situation; Again has a look Marx, own said it the ancestor, is likes the person the monkey, turns the person, today, this dead monkey Marx, is ruling a live monkey - Communist Party of China crowd, cruelly harms all Chinese, nearly 100 years, but also has not stopped. The confirmation, is the monkey which God sends. Everybody can use English to reply in writing to me, I on God, before more than 1,000 years, stays behind the prediction, already translated English (to have the picture, at present, but also could Zha Daoren the card; Matter witness, the time, has been steadily difficult to look for these evidence), sends in looked for everybody!

For several years, I do the matter all in here (my money, all makes the philanthropy, has provide reliefed the poor relative; Has provide reliefed the unknown hardship family), asks gentlemen to look:
Http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php? Date=200711&postID=30720
Http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php? Date=200711&postID=30705
Http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php? Date=200711&postID=29015

Respect gentlemen; Respect ladies, you, looked at these Chinese, meets the big disaster, can burst into tears?

Television station's friends, specially make the journalism, I believed, the friends know are more than me! Here, I hoped the friends, will be able to assist me, "Communism Victim Memorial hall" will handle! Concrete, so long as everybody reply, I the next step, send in, discussed with everybody.
Wishes, friends, be in good health!
Mr. Hu. 2007, 11, 26.

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