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(2007-11-23 04:31:45) 下一个

Makes the biography for the butcher 
The reprint - revises some words and phrases.
Mr YeFu gentleman: Does for the butcher passes on (ZT) http://news.boxun.com/forum/renquan2007a/122852.shtml

[ Human rights forum ] Mr YeFu gentleman: Makes the biography for the butcher
Author: Mr YeFu gentleman
Various countries' communist party, when being in power, violates to our country people, each item slaughters the crime, often, must arrive when they collapses, only then by the part was disclosed, but only is discloses, tip of the iceberg, has sufficiently let the good people, does not shock already, for example Eastern European row country, nearby former Soviet Union's big clean, Berlin Wall's The fire kills.

But slaughters the population, accounts for our country people's proportion to look, the Cambodian communist party, definitely is in the communist political power murder big game, the champion, (approximately composes national total population four tenths): In in the population which slaughters, most, is the person on one's own side, namely the Cambodian, approximately 1 million people, to 2 million people, get down are the Chinese people, approximately 200,000 people to 500,000 people, are killed few, is the Vietnamese lineage, about some 20,000 people, nearly is only killed.
Why? A world-wide shock massacre, in the population statistics, can appear the such big deviation? Because, same year the Cambodian communist party, with its master, has destroyed the major part file, fortunately survives down, only has proliferates national the mass grave, the evil hall, burns down without enough time the partial picture, with nine, because of the executioner, eagerly escape, but leaks the prisoner which kills. But these the person which executes, often is, entire family does not have a person to escape by luck, from the abdomen the embryo, to the dying person, all gets married, Cheng Zu's killing, has not left behind these people, once in world trace. My paternal aunt, uncle, including the least bit thing, all cannot find, if, is not we, all knew they live in Phnom Penh, take sells the Chinese grocery as to live, which believed, in the world has had this six people?

These surviving common people, mostly are, lives abdicates in the pound, area that the Cambodian communist party, the old base person, to the massacre, certainly did not understand, but these participation massacre person, either is voluntary, either is compelled, to shut tightly the mouth. The international society, only can like counts the Chinese Great Leap Forward, starves to death the population to be same, with the death before population, subtracts the remaining population, comes the rough estimate, therefore, is slaughtered the population, from more than 3 million people, to more than 1 million people, disparate is enormous. True, grasps the truth, only has makes this disaster, Communist Party of China, with Cambodian communist party, but, can these executioners, how from prove its crime? They destroy the evidence, the murder eliminate a potential informant also dislike. Therefore, must expose the massacre the true colors, only energy, when the Communist Party of China collapses, to the Hong woods pressure, relieves after the control, can be comprehensive, does this work. Cambodia's massacre, from the Cambodian communist party, obtains the political power, until is overthrown, has continued about three years, always, does not know for the outside, the security and the control time, is extremely proficient, if not for, a sudden war, has broken this process, perhaps in China, the experiment which has not completed, can complete in Cambodia: From the human body, thoroughly eliminates, the alien class element, is similar to China's Daixing county, the Hunan Province Dao xian's event.

Opened, the Cambodian communist party massacre veil, pays great attention to the human rights, western democratic country, but exactly is, in communist party camp's Vietnam, they, because dispatched troops into battle has overthrown, the Communist Party of China, propped up Devil-BoErBute, let the Hong woods be in power, but received the Communist Party of China the condemnation, even will develop later,Joins battle opposite direction, also was so-called, war of counterattack in self-defense.

Between China and Vietnam's gratitude and grudges, I temporarily do not raise, we looked, the Vietnamese communist party, the Cambodian communist party's war origin, 20,000 Vietnamese lineage is killed. Only some 20,000 more lives abroad is killed, then let the Vietnamese communist party dispatch troops into battle, extinguished the Cambodian communist party, many people did not believe, this simple truth, but I wanted to say: Such is simple, this is I several time enters Vietnam, after visits all around each place, various races group, obtains conclusion.

Vietnam, therefore dispatches troops into battle Cambodia, certainly is not center the communist party so-called, the Vietnamese communist party, has the ambition which dominates, really is, because, some 20,000 Vietnamese lineage Cambodian, has been killed by the Cambodian communist party, no matter these people, the class origin is any, they, all by the Vietnamese, are called as the compatriot. The Vietnamese army, the Vietnamese government, think they, has defends the oneself compatriot's inherent responsibilities, nobody dares to undertake, abandons the Vietnamese alien's responsibility, if does not dispatch troops into battle, the Vietnamese leaders, the fear future could investigate the personal liability.

Thereupon, Vietnam has attacked Cambodia, and hits extremely attractively, because of them, obtained Cambodian, the Vietnamese soldiers and civilians' vigorously support, is a just war.

Many people did not believe, this simple fact, because, the person of Chinese descent is killed the population, is Vietnamese lineage several dozens times, the People's Republic of China, actually has not uttered a sound, has not dispatched troops into battle, the thought which protects, even, ordinary Chinese to today, also did not know, even if knows the massacre minority person, how many also has to know the complete truth?

Same year, Vietnam for own military action, found the legitimate explanation, after several passes through thinks over, the Vietnamese communist party, has chosen, disclosed the Cambodian communist party massacre truth, obtains, international morality and justice support method. And from in the massacre evidence which seizes, selective to world, carried on had disclosed, although, this was has the enormous retention the announcement. Now, we can verification, massacre fact, but also pauses in, the Vietnamese communist party, agreed disclosed the part, and some victims, the family member provides in the document level, are more, more important part, but also by Vietnam, the achievement is approached the Communist Party of China, the blackmail negotiations chip is retaining.

Because, in the same year Cambodia communist party, to overseas Chinese's massacre in, the Communist Party of China, acted has been extremely important, also the extremely ignominious role, at this point, the diplomat publishes the biography many, actually did not have anyone, dared to acknowledge oneself, is the same year, China in the Phnom Penh embassy's diplomats.

At that time, several hundred thousand overseas Chinese, are killed by the Cambodian communist party, China, domestic has not passed a rumour, except is authorized to knows, outside that several dozens individual, the Chinese, is hoodwinked in the drum. The actual situation, China, is clearest in the Phnom Penh embassy, at that time, China helped Cambodia the experts, proliferated Cambodian each place, the party, political, the armed force various departments, was precisely, these people, helped this jungle guerrilla force, has implemented the extremely tragic massacre. All, to the Chinese home or the Chinese embassy, the letter which the suit or prays for rescue, all by the Chinese embassy, and its under the leadership, the experts has blocked, Chinese people's letter, is translated the Cambodian article, either is direct, comparatively has given Cambodia the communist party, these suits, either prays for rescue person's result, it can be imagined.

I, want moreover to tell everybody am: The Cambodian communist party intelligence officer, Chinese proficiency very is all high, minimum, I have contacted these people, all speak the standard the Beijing standard spoken Chinese, many people, all are directly train by China, their teacher, now still is in good health, believes him, can approve my view.

The Vietnamese communist party, dispatches troops into battle extinguishes the Cambodian communist party, is caught off guard the Communist Party of China, including the time which mobilizes all does not have, (at that time, but also does not have rapid reaction, this branch of the services) only have, warned adds the threat, but the Vietnamese communist party enters Cambodia, although, has obtained the Cambodian people, the warm welcome, has actually offended, his half lord: Communist Party of China.

Although, Vietnam's procedure, is the human society, understood the communist totalitarian authority the dominant truth, has provided a window, actually inevitable, the Communist Party of China, in Cambodia, supports the foreign land political power, slaughters the Chinese aliens the evil, has exposed, lets the Chinese government, moistens the full blood both hands, demonstrates under humanity's line of sight, and therefore, incurs China, to it continuously ten years attack. If, also has the person today, war of the Chinse and Vietnamese, is called the territory conflict, too has been rather weak, because, the Chinse and Vietnamese boundary again surveying, gave up certain, in the past declared our country territory? ! Because, Vietnam, has grasped the Communist Party of China, the direction massacre evidence, in with in Chinese Communist Party's boundary negotiations, took the advantage.

In the Cambodian massacre, should undertake the primary responsibility, certainly is not the Cambodian communist party, but is his higher authority leads the department: Communist Party of China, because, then Cambodian communist party, certainly how many rights to independence, this, from to King Sihanouk's handling in, has not been allowed to prove: In the Cambodian communist party, after has killed king's two sons, a Zhou Enlai speech, the Cambodian communist party, is then obedient king, has delivered Beijing? The Cambodian communist party, Lian Fuzhong embryo, all must stamp out the source of trouble, did not know? Leaves trouble for the future consequence? But,Devil-BoErBute, all does not dare the fart to put, carried out.

Because, not only his army, must rely on Chinese the aid, mainly is, his army, also grasps in the Communist Party of China, in military adviser's hand, his this general secretary, is a puppet, all policy-making power, all grasp in Beijing, in that several manpower.

Because, the Communist Party of China, is Cambodian massacre planning, with surveillance Performer, it, to the entire massacre, should take the big responsibility, but took the Communist Party of China puppet, the Chinese government, in this evil event, naturally could not escape it, should take national responsibility.

These, formulation and execution massacre plan person, in order to protect oneself, was not investigated by the World Court, has used, each method, prevents the United Nations, regarding this the document publicly tries. Khieu Samphan, recently published book(s), defended for oneself stated: Did not know the massacre the truth, has not participated in the massacre, completely is lies, but he says like this the goal, is exerts pressure to the Communist Party of China, requests the Communist Party of China, provides the protection, otherwise, is going to confess secretly instigating.

The Khmer Rouge document, always is, presses in the Communist Party of China, the heart nightmare, makes them not to be alarmed and afraid already, frequently the diplomatic mediation, the economic aid, only strive for, in diligently under, washes on the person leaving the bloodstain, public trial several repeatedly, repeatedly postpones, the evil hall closure, is a result which the Chinese Communist Party exerts pressure.

Several dozens years have passed by under, these, by the Communist Party of China, are incited the Cambodian communist party soldiers, slaughters the Cambodian, the Chinese people, Vietnamese's soul, has rested? Their relative, suffers the mind, has created the pain with the human body to heal? The world has been just, obtains promotes? These devils, have received the penalty which should have?

Does not have!

Nether world facing, the innumerable victims' eye, our these, live down the person, may give up?

Whenever the quiet at dead of night, I, alone am stroking, these records evidence material, is similar, hears to shout to the ghost: Revenges! I, felt the soul receives some kind to tow, it, lets me get rid, to own safety worry, invests, among them, in order to, lets these ghosts, obtains extricates, some one kind, some sense of urgency, made me also to mention the pen.

Along with me, entire family being arrested, this kind of sense of urgency, once again, urges me, the use is left over, not the much time write down, this is precious, but short, the free time, is makes one be infatuated with like this. A person's life, finally, has made the matter which own satisfied. This is makes the biography for the butcher, for me, each Murder hand-written biography which encounters.

Perhaps soon, the Communist Party of China spy, can finish my life, or uses, fabricates the charge, arrests me, I, forever will lose speaks the truth the opportunity. But, I cannot regret that, minimum, in period of time, I has had, writing and the opinion freedom, this, compares these life, all lives in the Communist Party of China, under the tyranny, always all could not, or does not dare the compatriot which spoke the truth, the oneself be extremely lucky.

If, my children, will be able to see from now on I will write these writing, will be able to read, has written one half "in 5000", "50 Years Will become a fugitive Road", will be able, with the world other countries people, equally freely to breathe, I thought did not regret.

If, because, my death, can arouse more people, comes to make the biography for the butcher, the oneself side running dog, and its lord's evil, records, does not let, these cruelly harm the humanity the degenerate, escapes the penalty, I, cannot regret!

Must these butchers, if kills Lin Zhao the murderer: The handbasket bridge jail Supervises the prison official, the prison guards, that invention shear the throat surgery happy the prison medicine, that murder for, class of the Song Yaowu apprehends and bring to justice, needs surely person's endeavor. Let our everybody, all likes "Falungong" such, announces these butchers' whereaboutss, lets them, at least in the network, presently leaves the primary form, the there is no place lays low!

I, do all, all are, by reason of a Chinese's conscience, spontaneously voluntarily does, I, thank the abundant news network for me, has provided, publishes the oneself opinion anthology, hoped, my finally several articles, one and joins, my article, also welcome any person, by any other pen name, the extension pastes or deletes, but, invites under the retention my original intention.

野夫 : 为屠夫作传(ZT) http://news.boxun.com/forum/renquan2007a/122852.shtml

[人权论坛] 野夫先生 : 为屠夫作传





























野生の夫 : 食肉処理業者のために行って伝わります(ZT) http://news.boxun.com/forum/renquan2007a/122852.shtml

[人権のフォーラム] 野生の夫先生 : 食肉処理業者のため
に伝わります 作者:野生
の夫先生 各国の共産党、執政の時、本国の人民に対して犯して、各殺戮の犯罪、よく、それらまで(へ)崩壊する時、やっと部分に公表されて、公表のだけで、氷山の一角、すでに十分に、善良な人々を譲って、驚かせてやまないで、例えば東ヨーロッパ列国、旧ソ連の大きいきれいに洗うこと、ベルリン壁ぎわのは発射して殺します。





























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