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English-JaPan-硬碟 被植木马程式 个人资料 瞬间流向北京-是这样,在曼谷

(2007-11-14 03:09:34) 下一个


全新Maxtor硬碟 被植木马程式 个人资料 瞬间流向北京http://www.peacehall.com/forum/pc/1526.shtml
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送交者: 香港林肯先生 于 北京时间 11/10/2007 (178 reads) [累积23270分 给香港林肯先生发悄悄话]
主题:全新Maxtor硬碟 被植木马程式 个人资料 瞬间流向北京




调查局,电脑犯罪侦办科发现,该两个木马程式,会感染其他插入的随身碟,并感染autorun.inf、windows.scr档案,且会主动连线,及上传资料到 www.nice8.orgwww.we168.org,经查,登记,该两个网址公司,都设在中国北京,动机显不寻常。




香港林肯先生 最近发言:

秘訣: 請檢查確定您是否已提供有效請求..

香港林肯先生 最近发言: 

Is this, in Bangkok, buys three wave bands - short wave receiver,unexpectedly cannot receive the Voice of America broadcasting station;
Cannot receive the BBC broadcasting station! Disassembles as soon as looked that, the antenna, directly enters in the integrated block,unexpectedly is "the direct enlargement type" the radio, is not "ChaoWaiCha the radio"! The price, unexpectedly is ChaoWaiCha the radio money. The careful investigation, some several signs radio, all is this! Has the import; Has Thailand to produce, explained, all is passes the communist party the behavior!
Only has the monkey -communist party, only then can be unfeeling and unreasonable like this
the procedure - blocks the people, is afraid the people to hear the truth!
Please the world, each national president has a look, you, whether also has to communicate with the monkey - communist party! Chinese country Emperor HuDe Bin to European temporary palace. 2007, 11, 14.

The brand-new Maxtor hard disk is instantaneous planted the Trojan horse computer program individual material instantaneous to flow to Beijing http://www.peacehall.com/forum/pc/1526.shtml
 to possess with pastes - adds with pastes - computer security main page delivering:
Hong Kong Mr. Lincoln 1.1/10/2007 billion (178 reads) [ accumulates 23270 to the Beijing standard time to apportion Hong Kong Lincoln first to produce intimate conversation ] the subject: The brand-new Maxtor hard disk is instantaneous planted the Trojan horse computer program individual material instantaneous to flow to Beijing-
[ Computer safe ] [ Reporter Mr. Yang Chinese, Ms. He Rui Ling/Taibei reported ] is brand-new, the international well-known big plant brand,large capacity may take along the type hard disk, the startled biography, has been implanted the Trojan horse computer program virus,once installs the use, in the computer material, can nearly unconsciously steal, transmits to in the Beijing, China, two websites.Thailand produces, produces goods approximately 2,000 in -This batch of productions place, writes Thailand's international well-known brand, Maxtor 3.5 □, 500G may take along the type hard disk, produces goods in Taiwan, approximately some 2,000, after will receive Investigation Bureau to inform, the business agent, and circuit business, all already the comprehensive urgent bottom carriage, and will accept the returned goods recycling, and already,immediately changed into, close type, but, did not contain viral the product top carriage. This kind of brand-new product, namely suffers implants the Trojan horse computer program event, including the
computer expert, all indicates hears something never heard of before,but, actually real occurrence in Taiwan.

Investigation Bureau, the computer-related crime detects manages the branch to discover that, this two Trojan horse computer program, can infect other insertions along with the small dish, and infects autorun.inf, the windows.scr file, also can the driving segment, and on passes on the material to www.nice8.org or www.we168.org, after looks up, the registration, this two websites company, all is located in the Beijing, China, the motive reveals not commonly. Investigation Bureau discovered, user, so long as installs this hard disk, the computer formula, can the automatic segment, the above specific website, the computer material turn "all reveals", but the long-range
way, easily steals the computer material, Research, analysis, should be the Chinese net armed force, implements the information war, has the plan to steal, our country government sensitive, national defense secret,and the big enterprise trade is secret.

The military situation unit, the computer is poisoned, consequence serious - Investigation Bureau believed, the common populace, very little purchase the capacity so big hard disk, if the governmental agency, the military situation unit, the official computer, connects this hard disk, the national secret, possibly can steal by the secret,"that has been  serious"; Investigation Bureau, the capital peaceful personnel also pointed out that, may not the careless and indiscreet
crisis be, the penetration, this may take along the type hard disk the transmission use, the virus can form "the duplicate infection" under,the different computer, the hard disk, all in do not know the circumstances of the matter is infected, and suffers China to monitor,the downloading material, at present, suffers infects the computer to be unable precisely to estimate, if my governmental agency, the important political party public figure's computer, by the chain-like infection, the consequence, is inconceivable.

This brand-new hard disk, unexpectedly contains the Trojan horse computer program case, is because this year at the beginning of October, has the populace, reports to Investigation Bureau pointed out, greatly sells the field he to, the purchase above hard disk, but,after goes home the installment, the discovery is possibly implanted the Trojan horse computer program, he believed, this hard disk, is the international well-known hard disk big plant □makes, the quality,
should have the safeguard only then to, if is implanted the Trojan horse computer program virus, "very will be fearful".The Investigation Bureau personnel find out, this hard disk, □u makesin Thailand, is by the Taibei county, constructs reaches themultinational corporation, acts in the beginning of October imports,suspected produces the assembly, the test process in Thailand, namelythe passive hands and feet, implants the Trojan horse computer programvirus, the essential target, should be Taiwan, but does not remove,also has other countries to suffer injury.


全く新しいMaxtorハードディスク 木馬の格式を植えられます 個人の資料 瞬間北京http://www.に流れますpeacehall.com/forum/pc/1526.shtmlはすべてのはと貼り
ます - プラスしてと貼ります - コンピュータの安全 ホームページ
引き渡す者: 香港のリンカーン先生 …に 北京時間 11/10/2007 (178 reads) [23270分累積します 香港のリンカーン先に内緒話に毛が生えます]テーマ:全
く新しいMaxtorハードディスク 木馬の格式を植えられます 個人の資料 瞬間北京に流れます

〔記者の楊国文先生、何の瑞玲女史/台北が報道します〕 全く新しくて、世界で有



調査局、コンピュータの犯罪は探って科の発見をして、この2つの木馬の格式、その他の挿入したUSBメモリに感染することができ(ありえ)て、そしてautorun.に感染しますinf、windows.scr書類、しかも能動的な接続コードができて、および資料をアップロードして着きます www.nice8.orgあるいはwww.we168.org,調べますを通じて(通って)、登録、この2つのURL会社、すべて中国の北京に設置して、動機が現れるのは普通でない。

軍情の部門、コンピュータの中毒、後の結果の深刻な- 調査局は、



http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2007/new/nov/10/today-t1.htm 香港のリ
ンカーン先生 最近発言します:

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