Asks the foreign friend to have a look, are the People's Republic of China national people, how live?
6.1, is unable the sorrowful - - desert edge dropout which suppresses 海外中文网 发表日期:2006-06-01 |
![]() 在沙漠边缘民勤县的一个小村里,小丽洁姐妹们在烙炕上为自己烙上学的干粮 . overseas Chinese net publication date: 2006-06-01 in a desert edge Minqin County's small village, the young Li clean sisters in irons on the kang the dry rations which irons for oneself goes to school ![]() 小霞生活在甘肃清水县一山区农村,上学一年就失学了,她只有一本书,天天带在身上,利用干活之余拿出来读读。 The small rosy cloud life in a Gansu Qingshui County mountainous area countryside, went to school for a year to be out of school, she only had a book, brought daily on the body, the use worked -odd puts out reads. ![]() 东湖镇暑适村的小照慧,四年前父亲因车祸去世,现与爷爷和奶奶艰难度日。只上过两年学就与学校无缘的她在沙丘上写下自己的心事。 East Huzhen hot weather suitable village photograph is bright, four years ago the father because the traffic accident died, presently difficultly gets by with grandfather and paternal grandmother. On two years study on she which does not have the good fortune with the school on the sand dune have only written down own concern. ![]() 丧失父亲的小刚生活在定西县一个小山村,因家穷付不起学费,当了两年旁听生,读书学习是他最高兴的事,他最大的一个心愿就是能真正走进课堂。 Lost the father slightly just the child, lived in Dingxi County, a small mountain village, because the family was poor, could not pay the school expense, worked as two years audit to live, studied the study is he happiest matter, a he strongest wish, was can truly enter the classroom. ![]() 漳县三岔乡一山区学校,教室的一面墙壁已倒塌,属危房,老师、学生只能在露天上课. Changhsien chang-hsien, SAN CHA a township mountainous area school, the classroom, a wall collapsed, belongs to the dangerous house, teacher,the student only can in open-air attend class. ![]() 生活在定西县石峡湾乡的小渠社,全家为给哥哥看病举债两万余元,父母只好外出以下苦力和乞讨为生。因再无法上学,将要跟着父母远走的她哭了。 The life in Dingxi County, the stone fjord township small ditch society, entire family for sees a doctor to elder brother, offers loans more than 20,000 Yuan, the parents has to egress, following coolie and goes begging for lives. Because again is unable to go to school, was going which far walked to cry with she the parents. |