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EngliSh - 陈独秀的悲毖,定案《封神》路

(2007-08-20 05:49:58) 下一个

The monkey Chen Duxiu's pitiful death, is the Chinese nation which God
(This is, the Chinese nation, nearly 100 years, have the big tragedy evidence)

    Poem cloud:
    The maintenance monkey group cowboy becomes,
    Allowance Russia big Lin Meng!
    Refined semblance innermost feelings storm,
    The basic human rights for does not save!
-This is the monkey which monkey - Soviet Union sends, the name calls WeiJinSiJi, writes by its name: A maintenance monkey crowd, its
-WeiJinSiJi is the slave, its WeiJinSiJi money, is monkey -SiDaLin gives!
The surface looked - benefits for the poor person, its innermost feelings are again dirty but, by an its rule, the person,
does the beast of burden!
The People's Republic of China, today reality, is the hard evidence.

    This poem, says the communist party, from beginning to end, Virulent; Brutal natural disposition. From monkey, Mao Zedong crowd of wild words, also could not cover the truth - Soviet Union same year insane asylum, to the area south of Yellow River reform-through-labor group, the jail, the reeducation through labor institute, the collection post, did not ask has been guilty, as soon as regarded with the person!
Semblance good: "Serves for the people"; Everybody for my - this but actually really, all manpower, ability, financial resource, including life all free, - has starved to death for the communist party, is called the party loyalty to the party;
I am everybody? That is the speech which breaks wind, the nonsense money all is unworthy!

    Puts aside the area south of Yellow River to look at Vietnam, lives the buttocks big house, not to 20 square meters, quite several; The quite several generation of people, calculated eight kind of deaths, has not crowded in the same place; Cambodia (, several million people, by a monkey crowd of - Cambodia communist party, innocent have been it is said slaughtered); North Korea, the murder, how many did not know! Starves to death? It is said, several hundred thousand people, sneak across to China beg for food; Albania; Cuba; Burma and so on... ... All is the wicked picture... ...
    Wu Chuzao(Chinese)-Wu Guo and Chu country, suffer the big disaster the disaster is barbaric,
    There prolongs the life discussed!
    Healthy and peaceful two characters famine lid,
    Pig first person most coherent!
-This poem, calls WuYanKang with the monkey to write: Is said the
Chinese nation the big disaster, all is barbaric,
  wants to get rich,thinks the health, place has not been able to say! Is safe; The health, the person which starved to death has been covered, it,WuYanKang was pig's brains, human's body, was the best proof.   
    This poem, says China, more than a 9 million sides kilometer monkeys crowd, all is stirring up trouble, does not starve to death, really calculated you assign in a big way!
On is starving to death the person, really likes the wooden raft to be but actually same, "East Is Red" the song, Gao Jiaozhuo, the big liberator, likes the sun all day, any:

    1, deceives to the red monkey position rises, to usurp state power the big robber is Mao Zedong! What brings disaster on the nation and the people has luck? Is it, all indicated likes the unlucky star!
    2, eats the rice polishings mat hungry farmer, starves to death several ten million people! Planned the long-term series rules a nation, also is it, the military control cries the Great Leap Forward!
    3, the bandits and thieves party cloudy also is positive, the light orally listens to say attractively! The so-called party loyalty gives the party, or it, slightly not pleasant on release!
Releases, the Shanghai people receive the pain, is biggest! Nearly, the entire China all has the release Shanghai people! Settles down to the remote place in, these people, same want "Three To close": One, language pass; Two lives passes; Three, work pass.

    Also only the loudspeaker, greatly is shouting "East Is Red", the situation is excellent, more and more good, the picture shrieks and howl wildly!
    In fact, does not have A big group; An great crowd of number of people pig body, creats a disturbance - is more of a hindrance than a help, including helps own to be but actually busy for example, does monkey Liu Shaoqi, how decide the monkey Mao Zedong Thought, but by the monkey wool east a crowd, is done it to die without the burial ground. The death, only remains underpants to put on in the body; The death, all does not have including the name - to be shameful, a that monkey Mao Zedong crowd, cannot, the gallbladder large package day to the like this situation! Therefore:
    Palindromic poem:

    The line pushes altogether plays altogether the person pit,
    The play altogether person pit altogether loses one's temper!
    Is angry altogether cheats altogether plays,
    The cheating altogether plays altogether carries out!

-Holds about to the charitable person to advance in the disaster, is the monkey communist party for several dozens years acrobatics,
does this, all people all hate the monkey communist party!
Has also produced mutual causing trouble, mutually the practical joke,
such practical joke, the communist party repeatedly is carrying out.

    This morning, has sent "the Chinese country. Drafts only then ", afternoon friend's computer, is taken by a woman, but under, saw Stalin sends the Uygur Tianjin Si base, Chinese name is called Wu Yankang, helps monkey Chen Duxiu, organizes the Communist Party of China!
Note: It, likes "Seals God" the center Soviet to protect.
    After monkey Chen Duxiu six years, unexpectedly inexplicable, is dismissed the communist party, and is jailed, finished - violent death Sichuan to the tragedy!
Note: Like "Seals God" center, Soviet protects the female - Soviet Da ji. This center is says "the Jinlong Stumbles breaks the Marxism half chaotic Shanghai" in "Sesame seed cake Song":

The Shanghai, in the twelve Earthly Branches is the monkey.
But the twelve Earthly Branches, it is said are shaft emperor govern decide, also therefore shaft emperor founds a country the first year, namely the sixty year cycle year starts, to continue to use today. That shaft emperor passes the god, otherwise, after several millenniums, God, but also by this method, decides the concrete matter, concrete time. When the time comes certainly cashes! As for how? Why governs decides the sixty year cycle, only has depends on the sages really reported! Awaits calmly the good news.
    This explained white, monkey Deng Xiaoping, brings in monkey Mao Zedong (should say monkey Chen Duxiu - monkey Mao Zedong is Borrows others' corpse, transforms the adult to come back to life) the Marx pig righteousness, does does not like the monkey; Does not like the person, is two not pictures monsters;
Monkey Mao Zedong; Monkey Liu Shaoqi; Monkey Zhu De; Monkey Zhou Enlai, four official apes' picture, India on 100 Yuan bills, opens a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, very big joke; Releases the personal spite.
In addition, doesn't monkey Deng Xiaoping, know monkey Mao Zedong; Monkey Liu Shaoqi; Monkey Zhu De; Monkey Zhou Enlai, four official apes' gratitude and grudges? Governs the coin factory the manager, dares casually to decide this four official ape picture, India on 100 Yuan bills?
    "Pushes Back Chart" center:
    1, 1,2,3,4,
2, has the host without the earth;
    3, small is small TianGang(Chinese)Star name,
4, rules by inaction governs.
    5, east is mad too arrogantly,
    6, on the foot does not have shoe not to have the wool;
    7, if meets the wooden child Ice; Frost to scatter,
    8, lives my monkey to die I to carve!

    1, 2, two, refers to Republic of China. Front requests an audience the article, similarly hereinafter.
    3, 4, two, refers to the People's Republic of China.
    5, 6, two:
    A, God refers to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, fights the capitalism; Critique revisionism. Take puts on the straw sandal as the glory, speaks the leather shoes, can encounter the struggle on the situation - foot not to have the shoe;
Also has barefoots doctor. For this:

    Barefoots the maggot to harm the blue nation,
    The foot harms the blue nation altogether to assign mourning!
    Lost their life altogether the nation blue evil foot Nation blue evil foot red maggot!
-The fresh maggot, is a leg, has harmed the Miss WuBangLan surname life, was barefoots doctor to harm her name,
the leg fresh maggot,has harmed the Miss WuBangLan surname life, but also had not died, is lifted inters!
 Such tragedy, only has under communist party's evil clutches, only then occurs, is pitiful, cruel fate Miss WubangLan,by leg fresh maggot death.

    Communism victim Miss Wu Banglan, she, marries on the Mr LiuZhengcai - telephone to know that, Mr LiuZhengcai already died. She, lives a daughter also to starve to death. It is said her leg, under total darkness monkey evil clutches, not carefully breaks the skin, has not eaten, does not have to be good, the time towed for a long time, the worsening oozed pus, the fresh maggot, had not died, by a big liberator crowd, hardly is lifted has buried alive, or lost to the hump on, or lost to the pond in, did not have as follows!
Also therefore, this emperor's regard, in the Anhui Province Quanjiao County second son mouth, covers her Communism victim Miss Wu Banglan "Painstakingly Female Temple"! Throughout the ages, all knows this bloody great blood debt!
    B, God refers to Chiang Kai-Shek. According to "Chiang Kai-Shek Family": 1920 summer, Chiang Kai-Shek fell ill, stays in the hospital, only some several days, his hair fell, the tooth fell!
    7, God refers to "the Xi'an Incident".
    Wooden: East. Looked from the geography, Nanjing, in Xi'an's East.
    : Mouse year, namely in 1920. Entire said that, 1920 Xi'an Incident, Chiang Kai-Shek was shocking but not dangerous! The fact so - Ice; Frost is scattering: Dispersed!

    A, God pointed out in 1920 the summer, monkey Chen Duxiu organized communist party. According to "Great Cultural Revolution Big Timeline" on: In 1920 the summer, Chen Duxiu has organized the communist party! "Other people" the participation organization "the communist party", does not keep a promise, take the monkey Chen Duxiu's communist party as the standard. Because of the monkey Chen Duxiu's life, likes very much "Seals God" center, that Soviet Da ji, by afterwards monkey Mao Zedong, Borrows others' corpse, transforms the adult to come back to life
, cruelly harms the Chinese; Slaughters the Chinese.

    B, God refers to the Chiang Kai-Shek liveliness to die. His Chiang Kai-Shek arrives dies, possibly all did not know, because any originally thus routs! His son, the Jiang Jingguo possibility is, understands some "Sesame seed cake Song"; "Pushes Back Chart", how or - is inelegant, but, he feared rebels Sun Yat-Sen, foundation Republic of China, defeats in the surname Jiang's hanger-on, will encounter the eternity charge, is scolded by the posterity, or any, the opening suppression of factions, will push the boat along - yields: Does not ask anyone, goes against the monkey communist party, calculated you have the original story! Cannot withstand the monkey communist party, Republic of China, defeats in the not of the same surname hanger-on, is not defeats in the surname Jiang's hanger-on.
Returns the strict prohibition: The surname Jiang's descendant descendants, do not permit unexpectedly to elect Republic of China president!

    Here, cuts into this article the subject. Since rebels Sun Yat-Sen (note: Like "Seals God" center: Chou), "has its field by the cultivator" - large quantities of ignorant shameless, with blind is being noisy, but overthrows emperor, therefore afterwards completely (implicated innocently) by the retribution for evildoing: Fixes in the countryside, does not have to enter a city (plan grain) to live, in cities housing; Eats the countryside grain, all does not permit to enter the city housing, all Poorly to death in countryside.
Inserts, or with a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, blind is being noisy "hits the local tyrant, divides up land" retribution for evildoing which suffers? Therefore:
    The Chinese divides up land the wicked fruit tray,
    The questioning siberian elm cassava does the booth!
    Lays cards on the table Again goes in receives The guarantee-production household - monkey communist party truly supposes snare,In a set of this poem the monkey is barbaric!
This is translates with the detailed speech. But, here, cannot see Chinese's name.
The barbaric communist party under its evil clutches, snatched landlord's field, with evil consequence which came,
the same year Chinese people republican people, only had eat the siberian elm bark,ate the husks!
The present Again goes in monkey communist party, supposes in the snare - is called, the land, contracts for the people plants place ,
 communist party crowd of faces, compares in this poem, appears is most barbaric!
    In this poem, each middle character, puts out can compose other "Luo(Chinese) One kind of insect's name, here uses Chinese character" the character. The readers try to look.
    Invites everybody, surely do not have to misunderstand this emperor, is takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. Really records now China's humanity, is bullied by monkey crowd of institutes: Rides in on Chinese nation's head, defecates pulls outside the urine, but also eats the person, really eats the person! Eats the person not to spit the bone! Therefore, first establishes the memorial hall, for about 900.01 million ghosts, Shanghai injustice;

Obtains God to Hong Kong to give this emperor "Sesame seed cake Song", all knew in the situation, in goes to Bangkok on the way, but writes down "Goes to Taiwan" the song, in the song, has laid bare one's true feelings. But untold hardships; Is saved from death, found the Taibei group Bangkok representatives place, a color all is the number of people pig body, the principle all pays no attention! Outside except the cold water, drinks, has not helped money. This emperor, do 19 years nationalist underground army - handcuffs rotten both hands, for build the memorial hall, in eight kind of deaths contents, anti- altogether died in battle, row first, suppress counter revolutionaries, the row second, is this, two reeducations through labor, hit the crooked bridge of the nose, did not calculate is imprisoned for Taiwan? The jail, really was the white seat? Writes for this:
    Brandishes the lance to reveal the invincible might,
    The power and prestige asks for the ape must!
    Non- orphaned sea Is not emperor boasted that, is, the speech said rightly center,
    The Chinese Communist Party tortoise stings the display!
Brandishes the very long spear, the demonstration is God's authority!
Powerful, order monkey - Communist Party of China surrender!
Is not this emperor boasted that, said the elimination communist party, is the monkey communist party for several dozens years kills a person and takes his possessions, the result which causes.

    The middle character puts out, may compose "deceives" the traditional character. Second, this computer this character - has not been emptying.
    Drives out the damned Manchus: "Pushes Back Chart", the fire transports when the calamity spread - lengthens today, Republic of China, but also by knife, in Neck on. Therefore God surely follows rebels Sun Yat-Sen crowd of - laborious pigs.
The pig, the people take care its life, finally, is killed by the people eats! Then looked rebels Sun Yat-Sen crowd of inheriting, fight up and down the country the life, at least is the great half a lifetime, one each one, by a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, is hardly towed the guilotine - Xinhai two characters this related, Republic of China, decides in each year on October 10, Daqing is the pig, but is killed by a monkey crowd! Also ate!

Inserts. In Cultural Revolution, Guangxi's Wuxuan County, by monkey Mao Zedong crowd of instigation, greatly is killed "five kind of individual contributions" to eat - the survivor children exactly to eat!
Survivor's woman, works as China the family pig, treats as Thailand the wild dog, hardly tows castrates - enhances the human quality - birth control. Does not castrate, a monkey crowd is bringing a crowd very cruel, pulls down the house, snatches the furniture, only has the bandit to do, the big liberator publicly calls to shake the day to make a sound does!
    But rebels Sun Yat-Sen crowd of plots, are temporarily prevail: "Pushed Back Chart" the fire transported when calamity spread - afterwards suppress counter revolutionaries.

After ten thousand people dies; Same year a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, is pursued by Chiang Kai-Shek kills, runs away to the Yenan time, remains, about 10,000 "the person" grows strong - ten thousand lives!
    Therefore, nearly 100 years disaster course, really likes "Seals God". Therefore, this emperor already like this decides, today this article, then enriched this emperor to decide rightly! What is more strange, is sending "the Chinese country. Drafts the talent. After the history "discovers this article! Sends drafts the talent, is for see clearly "the 1911 Revolution" "eight. One "army day cause - any person decides! Hoped the talented people provide the history truth!

    Turns head looked "Seals God": It is said discusses the dynasty Chou king to be wicked, the Lady Wa empress (takes today the speech to say, God) the faction, lives in the shaft grave, nine hu (Chinese)One kind of sly wild animal foxes essences, borrow Soviet Da ji the corpse to come back to life, harass the Chou king, it does cruelly harms the loyal good misdemeanor, by the Lady Wa empress, with looks like the laser which today only then has, has killed the Soviet Da ji!
    Turns head looked in 1920, monkey Chen Duxiu organized the communist party, after seven years calculated the elimination, moreover really had in the with no reason at all elimination - politics to die, only kept a live corpse - good-for-nothing: Leaves behind the communist party, by monkey Mao Zedong,Borrows others' corpse, transforms the adult to come back to life.

But monkey Mao Zedong, likes in the shaft grave nine hu (Chinese)One kind of sly wild animal foxes essences, or is the jade pipa essence? (1,967, 3, 6, first does not have envelope for Chiang Kai-Shek a letter, on writes Mao Zedong to like hu (Chinese)One kind of sly wild animal fox), borrows the monkey Chen Duxiu, this corpse came back to life, organized August, 1920 the communist party, changed in 1921, 7, 1. "He" has organized the communist party! Monkey Mao Zedong,Borrows others' corpse, transforms the adult to come back to life confuses - is confuses,, rebels Sun Yat-Sen, so-called Republic of China, more than 70 years! But monkey Mao Zedong, originally is enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, but it does the completely world misdemeanor, but also shouts loudly (starts nation), how does Song Jiang enforce justice on behalf of Heaven how badness! "Also is bad is smellyr than the dog deng"? !
   That Lady Wa empress looks like is the candid person. Evidence:
    One, Jesus receives all disasters, this emperor imperial capital has experienced, 1949, 4, 21, first - crosses the river, in a class (horse breeding), (records several horses is unclear) the hitch (to call advance room - front row) on Liang in the thatched roofed hut, a day evening, the big thunderstorm has been startled the horse, works loose runs toward outside, entrains several rooms which but actually goes forward. Next day, the father looks for company commander, and said (this Emperor on station in father by oneself side): "The expensive armed force" the damage thing must compensate - ("Three main rules of discipline Eight Points for Attention" that is bullshit, deceives people), a money has not all compensated!

    This emperor had been born in the most impoverished family, four years old (in 1941) fled, run away beg for food to the Chaoxian copper city floodgate area, like this when 14 years old, the family also decided as, bankrupt landlord. Snatches paddies which the ancestry stays behind, how many Chinese acre number, records not clearly; Thatched roofed hut between; Cow:
    When 1, land reform, snatches 1/4 cow (is four forms a partnership to buy a cow - not to have money); A new plow, but also does not have the money to match the plow, the plough-share also snatches;
    2, correction - so-called correction policy, also snatches with other four, again gathers a cow which buys.
But this time, the old grandmother already over 80 years old, the parents, already were year of the sixty year cycle people, this emperor has not closed to 16 year old of - child.

And afterwards joining a company, brought the money to join a company, is called the investment. Without the money, or neighbor Dai Xuecai investment farm tool many, from gives a discount to give Dai Xuecai in the money to deduct, several Yuan, calculate this emperor's debt - investment money, also records is unclear is six Yuan, perhaps several Yuan. This emperor's, three generations, four people, are old 83, the young child has not closed, is publicized snatches, is considered as on snatches all properties. A monkey communist party crowd snatches the person, did not ask your family is pitiful, according to snatches does not harm! The before bandit, only snatched the rich man, but this richness, this was Stingy - likes Li Jiacheng very much, he "Li Jiacheng Charitable foundation":
1, the relief "People's Republic of China -A, some more than 1.00001 billion people pay taxes! B, a year produces 150 tons golds; C, but also public printing massive bills!
2, provide reliefs Singapore, similarly is some people pays taxes; Can print the massive bills!"

Regarding hardship family, to: To personally does not handle the relief!
Afterwards, starved to death four generations, four people - 90 year old of cruel fate painstakingly life the old grandmother, in 1958, on March 18 starved to death; 67 year old of cruel fate, painstakingly the life the mother, in 1959, on December 25 starves to death; This emperor, is benefactor Mr. Pan Peiyu, the rescuing study carpenter - runs away a life; Two sons, starve to death! The eldest son is called the pine, four years old, hungrily result in cannot walk, cannot speak, but also starves to death in roaming about - Shi Bahe: What crime nearby Yangtze River - does he commit, dies without the burial ground? ! Two sons names call Fujian the bosom (are roam about in Fujian Province are pregnant), results in the meningitis, this kind of sickness, also is the evil - nobody belt which a monkey Mao Zedong crowd does, locks goes to Tian Lizuo in the home the hard labor.

Definitely starves to death, this emperor, in order to starve to death the person Shanghai injustice, is held by monkey Mao Zedong's crowd of evil clutches - has been imprisoned, therefore, did not know he dies in that year that in January. Afterwards, the young Fujian bosom, he also manifested a spirit! This is the something to be talked about later.
    Two, this emperor, although is not nails tight in the cross, really is has died - "Sesame seed cake Song": Perishes for a long time the foreigner to this. Four big eight sides have Wen Xing. The thing salty Henry same shape - only has emperor, can take a seat according to ticket number! Although has not nailed tight in the cross, becomes by the handcuffs the cruciform - to be at a loss by the handcuffs, sits on the stool, left hand; The right hand respectively lifts 90, two handcuffs, the handcuffs in TieShanMen(Chinese)One kind does like the jail gate - iron bar on, reach for more than 10 hours! These ironclad proofs temporarily are not public.

   Laughable is, monkey Mao Zedong it, yawn; BiKou(Chinese)The adjective - said the speech the shape of the mouth, to the materialism, it, actually does not have a dream had not thought that, God sends emperor to come, in the monkey nest - in the Fujian Province Jianyang jail, the academic society today must apprehend it - to receive the stunt which the angle cock monkey re-steams: Poem; Wonderful poem; Name poem!
If does not have such ability, must be several 100.01 million ghosts, the Shanghai injustice, is does not dare to think. The present communist party, most likes "Monkey" center, Tang Sengshou the Kui wooden wolf (the world of mortals is for domineering and tyrannical several dozens years) to be same... ...
Summarizes the entire process:

    Armor: "Sesame seed cake Song": East God pointed out that, deceives people. (Dou), as if gallon use: After monkey Mao Zedong comes, waste Computation rice quantity appliance fighting, wages the class struggle "to fight" the character to use, to change to the catty:
    1, pointed out "the cultivator has its field", ignorant is not known by a crowd the person to creat a disturbance, but overthrows Qing Dynasty emperor -1911, 10, 10;
    2, 16 years later (1927, 8, 1), to "is hit by crowd of monkeys the local tyrant; Divides up land ", by crowd of ruffians, is blindly made has overthrown Republic of China. West because has does obeisance the flag. This flag, Marxism flag.
    The partner meets YiRen(Chinese)Unusual person in Chu Gui:
Hunan Province's monkey Mao Zedong, although does not have the explicit expression, already determined.
    Rides a horse walks Wan Lixun(Chinese)Walked 10,000 kilometers roads, seeks a finding a place to live place goes to bed:
Long March.

   ... ...
    Does not know the scenery but actually to meet by chance:
Archaism: 30 years east of the river transfers Hexi; Good is rewarded with good; Wicked, has the retribution for evildoing: Clearly refers to rebels Sun Yat-Sen. God accuses him, does not understand the retributive justice. Rebels Sun Yat-Sen, inheriting crowd of today situations - confirms this.
    Huanglong early loses in Chicheng:
Verdict. Is God ridicules, rebels Sun Yat-Sen early dies - the liver cancer: The heart and liver was bad. He, died in 1925 Peking, early had must overthrow him, the communist party existed! Yellow: Monkey Mao Zedong more than once, accuses the Sun Wen - bourgeois revolution. Calls the bourgeoisie - yellow

    Pig Yang Jiquan nine spatial:
The guerrilla force steals openly darkly steals - harasses Republic of China area of jurisdiction. Sun Wen fully enjoyed the evil consequence - was a pity implicates innocently!
    As soon as resembles the wind to ascend People's property with:
    1, 1911, 10, 10, rebels Sun Yat-Sen, to the cultivator has its field, snatched the Qing Dynasty dynasty property. Note: The Qing Dynasty does not occupy to the candid person gratitude and grudges above!

    2, after 16 years (1927, 8, 1), a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, the open fire holds the weaponry to have to snatch, rebels Sun Yat-Sen's Republic of China - 81 army day. Finally in 1949, 10, 1, if is willing, to snatch completely rebels Sun Yat-Sen, constructs Republic of China complete property; Also implicates the innocent common people, the property is snatched: Landlord, rich farmer, capitalist, counter-revolutionary family property, and afterwards joining a company: All snatches - likes by 12 levels of typhoons, blows without a trace, all snatches including the life!
   Afterwards the majority spoke the defeat... ... Slightly.
    Second grade: "Pushes Back Chart", 38 elephants:
    The fire transports when calamity spread:

1911 Revolution successfully.
    After ten thousand people dies ten thousand lives.
1, after the suppress counter revolutionaries - ten thousand people dies;
2, runs away Yenan, but grows strong - ten thousand lives.
    Sea wave energy dead rivers and streams Turbid water:
    1, huge crowd war: Peking-Tientsin Campaign; Huai-Hai campaign and so on.
    2, the propaganda - deceit causes excellently to cede territory to a foreign invader - "the liberation", is binding "the oppression" two characters sugarcoating.
    "Pushes Back Chart" 40 elephants: Monkey Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-Shek all had said in above front, slightly, requests an audience.
    Nine seductresses Mao Zedong dry:
    "Pushes Back Chart": The hat must wear the blood Nobody acknowledgement murder case, what day does the hand make the universe to rest:

God accuses: Looked when you do run amuck?
    "Sesame seed cake Song":
The hand holds Butcher knife 99 - ShaJin(Chinese)Completely slaughters rebels Sun Yat-Sen's person, and innocent person;
    Chinese country:
    1, "Sesame seed cake Song": Qin, Chinese zither harmoniously becomes the ancient road, sooner or later emperor resurgence; During 500 years the enlightened emperor (God refers to parents).
The enlightened emperor still asked the honorable person leaves:
1, God refers to the parents to raise;
2, God refers with pen name - honorable person: Distinguishes to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd.

Loves the people like sub- blood brother; Races a horse according to the sword observes the public sentiment; Seven Yuan correct three Yuan, greatly open the literary style to test the antithetical couplet and so on. Many.
    2, "Pushes Back Chart": 43 elephants:
The black rabbit walks into the black dragon hole;
    "Pushes Back Chart" 47 elephants:
    The Son of Heaven God decides the universe,
    Comes from the field first person;
    Good all reads the secondhand book,
    Righteousness says to see wisely!
    God refers to this emperor to come from the farmer. The academic society makes the wonderful poem, the name poem - secondhand book reads thoroughly.
"Dongguan Stele Prophecy Article": Shows well is more wonderful. Memorial hall - righteousness says to see wisely: The all times and in all countries unique big philanthropist, is not boasted.
Wise: Is received fraudulently by monkey Mao Zedong. Also has "at the present" two characters, at that time in with Mao Zedong poem, as soon as turns to "recalls Qin E. The Loulan "center, takes a step to jump over" at the present "two characters at the present to dislike from the beginning, but cannot find the source. Many.

    "Sealed God" the ancient times play:
    Dramatis personae:
    Lady Wa empress
    Tyrant-Chou Wang
    Mr Su Hu
    Soviet Da ji
    Nine hu (Chinese)One kind of sly wild animal foxes essences
    Jade pipa essence
    1, harassment business room;
    2, JiuChiRouLin(Chinese)Pours into in the pond the good wine; Hangs the meat in tree's on -supposition picture。
    Irons the punishment
    ZhouWenWang(Chinese)Has the moral Mr.'s name: Establishes the Chou Dynasty

    Imprisoning place: h (foreign language computer does not have this character) in to develop the Eight Diagrams. Comes across the disaster for the posterity difficult to be prompt, gives rescues or ZhiDianMiJin(Chinese)Pointed out you future will occur difficulty! Compared to Mao Hou Ze east a group, hits a person when he is down from time to time while the person danger, how?
    Hears the grand preceptor
    Mr Jiang Ziya
    Compared to does
   Communism victim-Mis  Jia
    Old man
    Lu Tai(Chinese)One kind of building name。
    Picks the star building
    Shaft grave
   ... ...
    "Seals God" the modern play:
    Dramatis personae:
    God Chou: Treacherous subject thief ½ Descendants Zhongshan;
    Mr Su Hu: Soviet Union; The Uygur Tianjin Si base also names Wu Yankang - this to be able to calculate.
    Soviet Da ji: Chen Duxiu;
    Nine hu (Chinese)One kind of sly wild animal foxes essences: Mao Zedong;
    Jade pipa essence: Jiang Qing.

Note: "Pushes Back Chart" 42 elephants: Western female pipa immortal; The beautiful woman from the west, a picture woman embraces the pipa. Serves for the people, is more pleasant to hear than the pipa song.
    1, "Pushes Back Chart". The gloomy gloomy haze, kills does not use the knife, and so on;
"Sesame seed cake Song" the knife soldier water and fire comes in once; Wen Qiandou rice nobody De(Vhinese)Bought - the ancient times language; The father dies nobody brothers to lift, and so on.
    2, JiuChiRouLin(Chinese)Pours into in the pond the good wine; Hangs the meat in tree's on -supposition picture:
The indigenous method builds up the steel and iron how many ten thousand tons; The grain yields per mu 10,000 several hundred catties.
    Irons the punishment: Starves to death several ten million, the reeducation through labor dies of exhaustion - Wu Baozhong;
    ZhouWenWang(Chinese)Has the moral Mr.'s name: Emperor HuDe Bin, establishes the Chinese country. "Pushes Back Chart" the king to call the brother, is in abundance the hero: Emperor HuDeBin and the week ZhouWenWang(Chinese)Has the moral Mr.'s name is for more than distanced 5,000 years to call the brother, inconceivable!

But on "is in abundance the hero" "in abundance" two characters say, refers to two. Every believes the Jesus all to know that, everybody, the same brother sisters are symmetric. From this, really has God; Really is God remains for the people "Sesame seed cake Song"; "Pushes Back Chart" and other predictions.
    Imprisoning place: Jianyang. The academic society makes the wonderful poem; Understands "Sesame seed cake Song"; "Pushes Back Chart", thus carries out God to rescue the Chinese!
    Hears the grand preceptor: Each progress website host - please allow to say like this;
    Mr Jiang Ziya: The material is left vacant for the time being;

    Compared to does: Lin Biao (is considered as? Invites the savant, only then proposition);
    Communism victim-Mis Jia:
Communism victim-Mis Jia Rongsheng - synopsis: In the cafeteria is continually thin likes the rice water the food, frequently has not obtained (initial period, afterwards did not have to say), cried to say, I did since childhood Girl raised from childhood to be wife of son of family, this year over 50 years old, but also was doing Girl raised from childhood to be wife of son of family? !

    Is hungry does not have the means, eats, is old is Chai Shao, is called "shears the greens" (likes the fragrant-flowered garlic, sheared has also been long. Feeds the goose) the dry leaf, at that time, was escapes a life. In 1962, helped her to work, sees her frequently, a big mouth, big In the mouth puts out clear water - morbid state. Is imprisoned after for several years, comes back, heard the pitiful cousin Aunt fresh stomach cancer, the pain unendurable hangs to death!
    Old man: 400.05 million, eight perishes, asks everybody to help to calculate;
    Youth: Is the youth? ! Small in his mother's belly; Big, from is born, several months, year old of - 18 years old. Gang calculated looked is how many? Also therefore pledged constructs the memorial hall - statistics.

    Lu Tai: Digs the pond; Digs the reservoir; Digs the river. These three, starve to death the person which does not have the means statistics;
    Picks the star building: Various places, Big big, small small, the monkey communist party, is called the building; Hall; Hall; Institute.
    Shaft grave:
    1, China: Does not want Monkey's face a crowd for the shaft - important person face, also the acknowledgement is the Chinese people;
    2, Soviet Union: Not only is more than 9 million sides kilometer big jail, also is the grave place! Because of rebels Sun Yat-

Sen, "association Russia Communist Party of the Soviet Union... ... " That must call to account, drives out the damned Manchus, says not pleasantly to hear, is the Qing Dynasty, treats as the bastard to rule the area south of Yellow River - to refuse to accept, both overthrows, and is why anxious Bustles about, unites bastard Stalin - to bring on oneself the evil consequence! The association innocent person, dies several 100.01 million good people, decides as the grave, this is good.
    Finally, God also decides our China, nearly 100 years "Seal God" the play. 1029 great Song Dynasty, Shao Yongjiu predicted (certainly is, God passes his mouth):
East comes BaoKe(Chinese)The evil person - God play said is the visitor
 west to rob, but also has Hu Er in at present.
On these two speeches 14 characters, says Republic of China; People's Republic of China; The Chinese country's causal relation - "Seals God" the play to perform.

East comes BaoKe(Chinese)The evil person - God play said is the visitor- Japan to enter China;
West robs - a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, was the afterwards People's Republic of China, from beginning to end, all was is being the robber.
    Is enters China in Japan, an its crowd hides in is gloomy place, two minute opposition to Japan, eight minute development succeed - certainly God to send, otherwise, it, a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, that has the that big ability?

Also had Hu Er in at present - 1938, this emperor just was born; To 1949, 10, 1. This emperor imperial capital is a childhood.
God decides Hu afterwards - is now, open and aboveboard Hood Bin! God orders to work as emperor, receives an angle cock monkey - monkey Mao Zedong crowd to re-steam: Urges the People's Republic of China surrender! Said on the republican two characters, from 1920, 8, x date to 2004, 9, on 11th (establishes provisionally), that one day, that minute "republican" - has helped others do well?
    Again on Jiang Ziya universe ten thousand years song:
    1, who knows does not have the universe to be long,
    2, for 100 years day upper opening.
    3, nearby the wood a rabbit goes out,
    4, comfortablely does not begin for Mr..
    5, also for MianMu(Chinese)God analogies the Chinese nation to be very charitable decides the mountains and rivers,
    6, the great-hearted does not have wave 290.

    1, refers to God not for the monkey a Mao Zedong crowd, again has been domineering and tyrannical, can that why it exist to the world?
    2, is God was investigating that, the rebels Sun Yat-Sen's crime - nearly 100 years "Seal God" the road, the Chinese must walk, moreover imply "Wu" the character. "Wu", ancient times was the Wu country, or nearby Wu country Anhui people: Emperor. Does not believe, under speaks of.
    3, wooden: East side. This meant that, east side a person (invites, careful consideration this person, should have big background) from the dark rabbit year (in 1999, in the eleventh lunar month first day) goes out.
    4, God selects this gentleman, talks does not begin, can expel the people, several dozens years all are expelling, but cannot expel a monkey Mao Zedong crowd!
    5, wooden: East. Cotton and kapok: Weak. This: (People often said for the weak East that, China stands erect in the East) the person, expels a monkey Mao Zedong crowd. Said on the weak two characters that, is humanity's instinct - kernel. But, a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, opens eyes says the lie:
    1, The blind person casually writes
 "the White-Haired Girl", deceives the Chinese! Stirs up crowd of ruffians to sympathize with, creats a disturbance, but overthrows Republic of China! Writes for this:

    During 32 year,
    Looks many Piao(Chinese)Starves to death person coffins to add!
    Adds thinks like the jade to be black BaiMaoNv(Chinese)Without food, is been all hungry the hair all to be white,
    Nearby female companion foreigner track!

    Had not really thought that, composes a poem with the town character (each middle character, puts out, composition "town" the traditional character, ten, has, the jade, the person, in the jail, unexpectedly feels hateful, the academic society writes the official script, LiShu(Chinese)It is said, is the typeface which the slave invents, the jade character is two - coincidences? Is not), after several dozens years, God sends this emperor to come a town monster - monkey Mao Zedong crowd!
    - Cantonese; Cantonese: Is that meaning. This, calls to account a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, is that in around 32 years, starves to death the person? This emperor was by March 18, 1958, starved to death 90 year old of painstakingly life; The cruel fate, old grandmother - Lu Zhenglan, is a beginning, to 1990, also starves to death Aunt Meng - side four Aunts this period of time, that reader wants to ask, this is not two people? Is a person. Synopsis:
    Aunt Meng, the first wife is surnamed the side, the name is called the side to be old four, because of his reform-through-labor (that year, is not matter, can sentence) it can be imagined, evades "criminal's family member", remarries, marries for Uncle Meng (the tailor, namely the little while ago fresh maggot died, Meng Jizhou elder brother's father - he and the wife's father, Li Yuanzhen was the good friend, therefore... ...) In 1957 the spring, Uncle Meng met the spring wine (ex-wife - Li Peifen just to get married) knew. Afterwards, the side master released, Aunt Meng former friendship unforgettable, also returned to the side, the result "the stroke", urinated the excrement in the bed, has been long, the old man exactly starved to death her! Therefore, writes this poem, permanent hangs reads her big tragedy! Also the testimony, changes under the communist party evil clutches will of the people!
The Yunnan speech is looked. Already selected her - Aunt Meng, the side four Aunts starves to death.
Piao(Chinese)Starves to death person coffin: Is legitimate starving to death, is not lacks food and clothing, only feared the trouble - every one day delivers the food... ...
Therefore has the coffin. Then, from 1958, to 1990, the nation said, how many Piao(Chinese)Starves to death person coffins?
    Also therefore, recollects how many everybody, (station) examines nearby the railroad, the passenger throws down the residual food left over is big for life - monkey Mao Zedong crowd of tails! For example Guangxi's Lebanon pond train station, every one day, not in few people, this kind of communist pig righteousness day!
But the white hair has not unexpectedly seen, whether the others did see? Difficult to say.

The as pretty as a flower time passage, does not have the money, similar this kind of day! Therefore, a retort monkey communist party crowd, same year by "the White-Haired Girl", deceived the Chinese honest and good-natured people, now is black under the communist pig righteousness BaiMaoNv(Chinese)Without food, is been all hungry the hair all to be white, but also did not cross "the White-Haired Girl", that one kind, depended on day - her which ate the offering to eat the offering! She eats the pig food! For this in the jail, wrote down has folded the character poem (that time not to know that, had this kind of communist pig righteousness to exist in the China):

    The member of society is difficult to say happy is greedy,
    Said happy greedily regards for looked!
    Regards for looked steals food to be possible to understand,
    Steals food to be possible to understand the member of society to be difficult!

The member of society, cannot say that, the white hair pitiful woman -is gluttonous,
said the white hair woman, because she eats"supplies"!
You know?
Your member of society, by a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, hungry, but also does not have the place to steal food!
    If really has "the White-Haired Girl" in the world, she can know such many White-Haired Girl, the mildew male; And black wool male, is black BaiMaoNv(Chinese)Without food, is been all hungry the hair all to be white is eating the pig food? !
Does not eat? Who starves to death earth hole - to give the coffin?
    At that time, in view of the second son mouth member of society, was stealing food the second son mouth food company, fed hogs bowl bean One simplest cooking food way barley!
    2, one large quantities of, the monkey with the monkey person, writes many "the heroic real man", is most typical "Lu: Liang Hero Biography"! Then 1949, 10, 1, after, to 2004, 9, 11, why a heroic real man, all doesn't have? Only has in the overseas only then has? Therefore God, a god item like electricity, looked very clearly, stays behind "for MianMu(Chinese)God analogies the Chinese nation to be very charitable decides the mountains and rivers, this" the cotton and kapok "is said people too weak, is been weak by a monkey Mao Zedong crowd" ".
    Chinese country emperor, before had announced, the Chinese nearly 100 years, walk "Seal God" the road, to global circular: Verdict!
    This article terminates.
    This imperial edict!
    Chinese country emperor issues the imperial edict
    Chinese country three years, on July 27. 2004, 9, 11.-2007,8,20.14:44.
(The monkey Chen Duxiu's pitiful death, is the Chinese nation which God
decides, walked "Has sealed God" the path.(www.peacehall.com)

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