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English -《推背图》的简译-1

(2007-08-15 06:59:10) 下一个

This emperor, carries out God's order, only then announces emperor's status. This in "Pushes Back Chart" 52 likely center, God accuses this emperor, but also not quick some motions? Also is looking at others poor person, with rich people all same freedom?
Therefore, has publicized emperor's status. This in the behind translation, enumerates! And, has the colored picture supplementary.

The people want to ask that, "Pushes Back Chart" to have in the Tang Dynasty, how instead translates in behind?
    Answer: "Sesame seed cake Song" center, has emperor's name, and emperor's parents, bitter experience disaster. Therefore puts before the translation! First translates this article, does not have the name not to be surnamed, the people, looked is not clear is saying anyone.
    Also God in the Hong Kong God, "Sesame seed cake Song", directly will hand over in this emperor's hand; In Bangkok, also is this, was equal to God "Sesame seed cake Song", direct will hand over this emperor's hand! Therefore translates in behind.
    "Pushes Back Chart" the 38th elephant:
    Outside gate a deer:
Looks like God us, time belt to fable in hunting ancient times!
    The independent warlords struggle chase:
Has looked like to the time which moves about in search of pasture! God refers has each kind of parties and groups, truly has the sincerity - to suggest Kuomintang for the humanity; The communist party, two parties exists!
    Plunders and God, the code number which uses the airplane the fish:
God refers:
    One, 2002, 5, 25, Taiwan's airplane, flies to Hong Kong, falls down East China Sea.
Here confirmed that, 2002, 5, 25, Saturday, the Chinese navigation air disaster, is this emperor, president writes a letter the time for US!
This afternoon 3: 13: 59 seconds (the afternoon 3.15 minutes 59 seconds), unexpectedly are the Bangkok time afternoon 2: 13: 59 (2.15 PM 59) second.
In the black box, sends out [ Rung Kai to say that, the telephone conversation record demonstrated 3 o'clock 18 divide, the cabin continuously appears "Ke Like clock and watch sound answers Ke Like clock and watch sound sound of bamboo splitting" the sound, altogether has 7 time "splash splash" like the palpitation sound, when 06 seconds appears two time; 3 o'clock 24 minute 09 seconds to 3 o'clock 27 minute 45 seconds, also has Ke Like clock and watch sound sound of bamboo splitting sound altogether 4; 3 o'clock 26 minute 24 seconds, chief helmsman to control tower notification: 2,000 feet [ also was still has 2,000 feet to climb to 32,874 feet ], this also was the pilot last telephone conversation record. After 3 o'clock 28 minute 02 seconds "Ke Like clock and watch sound", voice recording equipment severance ]

Attaches -
Respect American president, Congress, senate, audiences two courtyards heads, officers!
The respect US science and technology session (and people - mistakenly, at that time crossed out) the public figure and the people!
Is indebted the American friend's decades seem like a day care, supports Chinese people's pain difficult trend end point! The Chinese owes US friend's sentimental debt and the economical debt too many too are many! In here me to the great American government, various social strata expresses highest saluting!
But, for several dozens years pay to Chinese people's very great price, the result really is actually small, why? ? ? Asks the American friend's middle sinologists carefully to read God (more than thousand years ago) the mouth "To push Back Chart" and God passes mouth of the Liu Berwin (more than 500 years ago)"Sesame seed cake Song" through the Li pure morals. God gave an oral account the Chinese nearly hundred years blood tear course through two ancients (I to break a code full text)! So long as uses "the sesame seed cake song Pushes the back chart "two articles arguments to look again" the Bangkok Times "celebrates" the 1911 Revolution 90th anniversary "an article, how enough saw the American friends to encounter 911 disasters the roots is a matter! 911 disasters should cause the American friends to take, is the communism compared to 911 bigger disasters manufacturers! It (original text is left side adds "cow" nearby character that character) the existence, not only threatens (frightens) the American friends, also threatens (frightens) the whole world!

I eight kind of deaths which "Application" center write in the refugee (Soviet Union, red Cambodia, North Korea, Romania... ... Already passes) approximately 400 million (present was about 900.01 million) the multi- ghosts, was equal the entire Chinese total population is buried in 1949 hand of to the communism that East Aisa butcher (fingernail)! Therefore I want only usefully to construct the memorial hall to be called Mao Zedong a Liu Shaoqi group to kneel in front of the memorial hall. The medium as soon as publicizes, the Chinese Communist Party must breaks down! Also has is called Marx a cults group to kneel in front of the memorial hall former China dog (because the Chinese dog until now does not have food to eat, the Thai dog food all did not look --- eats meat)! A medium propaganda: These letters Marxism-Leninism person, you has a look you the cults total chiefs to kneel in front of the Chinese dog, you are not ugly? Only then, can the soft knife, not see the blood the eradication communism! Otherwise, hardly spells did not know must pay how many time of casualties price! But the Chinese Communist Party is does not fear death the person, that birth control, the same year huge crowd bloody battle, enough proved the communist party constant cruelly harms the life! Therefore I will apply for the American government soon to issue after due investigation "Entry visa" to come US about to handle construct a memorial hall matter! Because I settle on the article newspaper in Thailand all to forbid "Opposes the communist party", thus it can be seen, "Monkey" in that Sun Wukong in the formula country communist party entered in the Thai abdomen! Also has works is illegal, wants to make a Qian Weijian the memorial hall to buy the computer equipment, on difficulty with blue sky!
Specially will apply for the American government soon to issue after due investigation "Entry visa"!
Blessing: The American government, the people win victory, achieve immediate success!

NI TO 12,836 hUdebIn Hood Bin 2002, 5, 25. UNHCR

In Thai Taibei economical trade office (red traditional character)
In the red square writes -
Young lady:
Please rescues Taibei the general meeting address to tell me me to write a letter well sends regards!
Saluted (young lady in to delimit in a big circle to write - has dismissed)

HuDebin Bin 2002, 5, 17.

09.785647 million (morning 11: 00-12: 00 opening machine)

2002, 5, on 17th young lady agrees in 2007, 5, 20 answered again. 2002, 5, 20 goes again, the answer draws in her in the big circle, dismissed. At that time was stationed pulls a horse under six groups 13 lanes viaducts, walked to Sha Tunna the road "the Taibei representatives place" many - majorities time, was reads in the library.

To the Taibei representatives place, he all Despises! But this time on "the high specification", does with this evidence, only can say God directs. But is going on the way, picks to a big square shape clock!
Also repaired well, could use. Puts aside God to direct, who can have such coincidence? !
She calls 2002, 5, 20, listens to the answer again. This is on May 20, when saw "rescued the general meeting" already to disperse the partner, had to look for the disaster relief place again idea which US supposed, soon will arrive US'S! But "American disaster relief place" the translation, Mr. Zhuang Weilian hears after the explanation purpose in coming, has written agreement - in May 31, 2: 002 (Chinese writes again two o'clock).

But 2002, 5, 25, noon feels sleepy, as soon as looked picks already the clock which fixes, two, fiercely think of Mr. Zhuang's agreement! Writes down for US president's letter! Next day, in the element Yin principle leisurely road 19 lanes 16th church, looked "World Daily paper" ascends the Chinese airliner to fall the sea! Had not thought with writes a letter has the correlation... ... Crossed several days newspapers to publish, the flight recorder found, only had "answering" sound! A calculation, writes the time which president believes for US! Afterwards confirmed... ... Really is... ...

Although is the picture which makes up absorbs, take the fact as the basis.
Second days are Sundays, in the element Yin principle leisurely road 19 lanes (SOi) 16, in the Christ church, saw "World Daily paper" on, has published this, the world big tragedy. The recollection yesterday noon, originally felt sleepy a meeting, as soon as thought, Mr. Zhuang confessed making an appointment with, early prepared - to write: For US president's letter!

Conclusive evidence:
1, the original letter also retains;
2, supplemented the photography, writes the table - from in the Taiwan clubhouse which already abandoned, examined the plastic plate, made! This emperor is Republic of China, sits several dozens year red jails? Or dark prison cell? Obtains Republic of China, or own begin, this waste which examines! Can calculate compensates?
[ Altogether has 7 time "splash splash" like palpitation sound ] - to be supposed to be God, in order to order the people absolutely to believe, therefore, at that time wrote a letter palpitation sound, also recorded!
Now, records not clearly, then wrote a letter the mood - whether "splash splash"! But, may be able to imagine, when writes this kind of national affairs, the mood, is not definitely tranquil.
Really has:
A, Rung Kai speaks proof!
B, "Great Era" ironclad proof!
C, on Chinese navigation homepage, also has records this air disaster material.
... ...

Sees from here, is God gives Republic of China the reminder!
3, supplements the photography, goes to Taibei to live on the Bangkok representative's place road, trash field examines bell!
4, Taibei lived Bangkok representative's place document - before arrived here, all was many which did not pay attention to! This, unexpectedly gives a young Zhang to print "Agreement Certificate" - to seek the peaceful north glowing red "To rescue General meeting" Gong to inherit property gentleman, wants to provide relief a computer;
5, Mr. Zhuang Weilian hand-written written note of instruction - (agrees 2002, 5, 31 Fridays, 6PM converse)"the American to manage" Relief Place "" the office, speaks face-to-face with the official, to US'S plan.

In 2003 5, 25- Sunday, by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Director Rao Peizhong is deceived (to want to ask he to help a computer), to his supposition address (Rao Peizhong an address - book title which in writes in "the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association"), in looks around, repeatedly seeking, has not unexpectedly forgiven the house number which cultivates writes (Supposition numeral) - Rao Peizhong family.
Is finding out, just arrives by two the patrol police to stop up - the courtyard entrance.
And surrounds, has "To prove Refugee" exhibits looked to him, also does not let! And also searched for the belt-bag.
Saw the good new peaceful coin 100 B ThaiLanD Coin, looks right and left, is unable to put down!
Good hot weather, streaming with sweat, all does not want! Bangkok's in eleventh lunar month and in the December, all are likes area south of Yellow River in June day to be equally hot very! Obviously Bangkok's in May weather, is the suitable heat!
But, this good new peaceful coin 100 B ThaiLanD Coin, in that heart is chummy!
This kind of heat - money hot, is hot with that one kind of heat - weather, cannot place on a par.
The hot benefit in does not have the means, finally, "Refugee Will prove" on, will have the United Nations official's handset number - 01-899-7617 to give him, him dials the telephone, will see him not making a sound - with total concentration, has listened respectfully after the quite several minutes, only then will let!
The United Nations official's handset number, is lets when the refugee comes across such disaster, is good on the telephone, is called him certainly to release people!
Walks to the KongTan station, rides the train to arrive Bangkok, thought very bored, rejoices 100 B ThaiLanD Coin moneys not to lose. Reads on "the South America bookstore", finds relief. Saw to a technical book - "E - mail Receiving and dispatching Skill", 96 B ThaiLanD Coin, buys. Before thought too expensive does not want to buy, as soon as thought poor, the peaceful coin 100 B ThaiLanD Coin, is taken away by the police, under cruel-heartedly buys.  
Gets "the home", as soon as looked, on the printing receipt, unexpectedly is 25.05.46. Buddha undergoes (Thailand to use) 14: 57. Is, 2003, 5, 25. 14:57.
Before, also had traces this matter the genuine and fake, "World Daily paper" on has published, "answering; Answering "sound!
This time had not said detailed.
The confirmation is God, a demonstration god mark!

The Chinese navigation air disaster at the beginning of voice recording equipment sentences before the accident to appear three kind of strange sounds

Extracts the great era -
[ Great era on June 23 news ] Taiwan flies the navigation security committee on 23rd foreign to announce the Chinese navigation CI611 accident flight cabin pronunciation voice recording equipment (CVR) initially to interpret the result, Aviation Safety Council CEO Rung Kai pointed out that, engine room all telephone conversations all are normal, on May 25 the 3 PM of 13 minute 59 seconds, CVR suddenly has 0.3 second not to have the news, first time appears the abnormal phenomenon, the entire telephone conversation record demonstrated the unusual sound has 3 big kinds, respectively is "Ke Like clock and watch sound answers Ke Like clock and watch sound sound of bamboo splitting, splash (for example palpitation sound) and (stress)", after 3 o'clock 28 minute 02 seconds "", The voice recording equipment severance, initially judges the non- common airplane to drill makes the sound, therefore is regarded as the key. These different sounds will carry on ShengWen (Chinese)Technical appraisal language compared to, but in a flight group dialogue will mention any not normal sound by no means.

According to "East Woods News" on June 23 reported that, Rung Kai said, the telephone conversation record demonstrated 3 o'clock 18 divide, the cabin continuously appears Ke Like clock and watch sound answers Ke Like clock and watch sound sound of bamboo splitting the sound; 3 o'clock 20 minute 52 seconds to 3 o'clock 21 minute 02 seconds to 13 seconds between, altogether have 7 time "splash splash" like the palpitation sound, when 06 seconds appear two time; 3 o'clock 24 minute 09 seconds to 3 o'clock 27 minute 45 seconds, also has Ke Like clock and watch sound sound of bamboo splitting sound altogether 4; 3 o'clock 26 minute 24 seconds, chief helmsman to control tower notification: 2,000 feet [ also was still has 2000 feet to climb to 32,874 feet ], this also was the pilot last telephone conversation record. After 3 o'clock 28 minute 02 seconds "Ke Like clock and watch sound", voice recording equipment severance. Initially judges these sound non- common airplanes to drill makes the sound, will carry on ShengWen (Chinese)Technical appraisal language is more right than. Before this, the safety belt police shows the sound which the lamp signal extinguishes, appears in 3 o'clock 14 minute 15 seconds.
Rung Kai indicated that, CVR (cabin pronunciation voice recording equipment) only records to 3 o'clock 28 minute 02 seconds, FDR (flight recorder unit) then only records to 3 o'clock 27 minute 58 seconds.

Rung Kai indicated that, next Tuesday (CVR) and flies the navigation material recorder one and the announcement cabin pronunciation voice recording equipment to interpret the result and the analysis.

Rung Kai indicated that, at present is only the preliminary examination result, still some many questionable points needed the thousandth of a Yuan to be clear, need carefully to interpret again, did not do any guesses. Telephone conversation record altogether 31 minute 56 seconds. (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

6/2.3/2002 million 11:39:45 PM

    Two, "Hai'an Six" the fishing boat, captain, has been killed by Indonesia's workers, abandons the ship, floats only then discovered to Australia.
    Abyss of suffering:
    1, God refers to the mainland people, in more than 50 years erythrophobia - blood tear enmity;
    2, God referred to Taiwan before the people, lived under the white terror, now good, also - did not give up the military force in the red terror attack Taiwan!
    The fire transports when calamity spread:
Good luck in making money; The good luck, there comes the fire transports? Drives out the damned Manchus, is the biggest fire transports!
Does not want to be happy too early! For him a rebels Sun Yat-Sen crowd, illegal establishment Republic of China; For the humanity, brings the infinite disaster, looks at the ironclad proof in behind!
    After ten thousand people dies ten thousand lives:
    1, after ten thousand people dies:
Suppress counter revolutionaries, continues is killed 10,000 people!
    2, ten thousand lives:
Same year monkey Mao Zedong; Monkey Liu Shaoqi; Monkey Zhu De; A monkey Zhou Enlai crowd, by Chiang Kai-Shek, a group is pursued kills, when runs away to Yenan, really is 8,000 soldiers, likes the beggar very much, later will grow strong!
    The sea wave energy causes the rivers and streams Turbid water:
Sea: Huge crowd war;
Wave: Deceit propaganda. But causes the mainland mountains and rivers to change color!
After more than 50 years, but also is depending on the deceit! The people said that, the present People's Republic of China, except the date is really, other, all are false? !
Thought the same year: The liberation - is binding "I has come" the sugarcoating. Stands up from failure takes responsibility the person; Woman enhancement! Communism! If told the truth: I have so-called come (so-called "liberation"), you, all must day after day bring night of toiling, including wind and rain; Belt frost and snow toiling, has been thirsty, wants to drink hot water all not to have;
Each person, below 30 catties grain, is different according to person's age, downward arranges according to the order. Starves to death, starved to death in vain, said, the light education-through-labor, the heavy piece sentenced Very heavy punishment;
General women? Hardly tows, when China's family pig - castrates! When Thailand's wild dog - castrates! Thinks that, including bears children, all does not have the right, who supports its communist party!
    Beyond the border He Shu in at present:
50's, article after article, makes a great fanfare Soviet Union's mechanization; The automation, the lives of the people in the collective farm, good is happy!
The Chinese Did not know, that is "luckily has the luck" the abbreviation - is happy! In 1989, after Soviet cross, revealed the truth: The Soviet, in the hell, lives for 72 years! Long-lived is big, 72 year-old person, from gives birth to, that time, suffers the crime to die! Six year-old children, specially depend on the person meat which eats starves to death, grows up. Therefore God calls to account: Which - beyond the border He Shu is Soviet Union good because of because of at present?
    39th elephant:
    The bird does not have the foot; The mountain has the month:
God refers to the Island of Taiwan. "Sunny day" the flag, is covered by the moonlight - has been dark.
    At the beginning of the rising sun rises; The people all cry:
Everybody should not forget that, East Is Red, the sun rises, China left Mao Zedong!
Is starving to death the person, likes the wooden raft to be but actually same very much, People's Republic of China, but also the picture employs professional mourners equally loudly to sing (loudspeaker)"East Is Red". That is monkey's face, does not know ashamed! After more than 50 years, the Chinese also is crying especially cries!
    In December is mad the disagreement:
God selects monkey Mao Zedong, a year fights to the end! It, not only has the monkey to be mad, but also 100% dog!
In Bangkok, frequently saw to crowd of dogs, in mutually nips, you, do not believe looked, nearly on each dog's body, all has the quite several scabs! This emperor lives for several years under the viaduct, as soon as sees the group dog mutually to nip (first nips another dog by a dog, as soon as nips, the dog makes the sound which greatly shouts, very far away crowd of dogs, very fast catch up with! Several, several dozens mutually nip), this time thinks of the communist party, has the struggle meeting the scene:

    The early spring is fighting the evil person and,
    Fights the evil person and the misdemeanor are many!
    Meddlesome is bad and the person wickedly fights,
    Wickedly fights with the person in the beginning of the spring!

    Southern region mountain has magpie Beishan Mountains Luo:
In 1957 eliminated Four kind of harmful insects, this emperor, is assigned by the team in has done such matter. Looked that, fights the person; Fights the birds!
    Hears the golden rooster to call:
God referred in 1957, was the chicken. The eldest son - name is called the small pine, in the eleventh lunar month on 13, looks like time the tenth Earthly Branch is born.
    The sea heavy date crossed:
God refers to Republic of China, counter-attacked the mainland already the obsolete - fact so!
    40th elephant:
God refers to first President - Chiang Kai-Shek; Second President Yan Jiagan; Third President - Jiang Jingguo; Fourth President - Lee Denghui.
    Has the host without the earth:
God refers in four duration of term presidents, all wants to counter-attack the mainland. To Lee Denghui, greatly indignantly understands "Sesame seed cake Song" and "Pushes Back Chart" to give "the People's Republic of China"!
Has the host without the earth, is refers, China, but also in Republic of China's domain. To Li Denghui time giving up.
    Small is small TianGang (Chinese)Star name:
God ridicules the Communist Party of China!
    Rules by inaction governs:
God refers to the acrobatics which "serves for the people" - deceives people!
    East is mad too arrogantly:
God refers to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd - to be domineering and tyrannical.
    On the foot does not have shoe not to have the wool:
    1, God refers to monkey Mao Zedong, take puts on the straw sandal as the honour; Says puts on the leather shoes, suffers fights - does not have the shoes!
    2, God refers to Chiang Kai-Shek, in 1920 summer stayed in the hospital, after several days left the hospital, the hair fell, the tooth fell! According to "Chiang Kai-Shek Family" on said; "Great Cultural Revolution Big Timeline" on also is said like this.
    If meets the wooden child Ice, frost bright:
    Wooden: Eastern - God refers to Nanjing, is opposite says to Xi'an!
    : In 1936 was the mouse. Namely refers to the Xi'an Incident, Chiang Kai-Shek is shocking but not dangerous! Who can deny?
    Lives my monkey to die I to carve:
God referred in 1920 (this year to be monkey) in August, monkey Chen Duxiu, organization's communist party - monkey, but monkey Mao Zedong, confessed had the monkey to be mad, was not clear. According to "Great Cultural Revolution Big Timeline" records.
    God refers to Chiang Kai-Shek to irritate. Until death he did not understand that, why my Chiang Kai-Shek is dogged by defeat at every step - he, inherits political power - Republic of China which was investigated by God!
    41st elephant:
    World Also is dark, is domineering and tyrannical:
God refers the monkey Mao Zedong's day, is not the sunny spring day!
    Vegetation reproduction:
God refers to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, "prefers the socialism grass" degree!
    Masculine and feminine elements counter- back:
God refers to monkey Mao Zedong, daytime sleeps, evening, thought the monkey drop, deceives the Chinese; Slaughters the Chinese; Harms the Chinese!
    On underearth date:
God refers to monkey Mao Zedong, put the blame on victim, says the people, pours looks at the question on the place, all matters all watched inverted!
    The hat must wear the blood Did not acknowledge murder: Starves to death several ten million good people, it, monkey Mao Zedong, only acknowledged starves to death 10,000,000! "This responsibility I take"! It, the person illuminates kills, the monkey official illuminates does, did it, what responsibility take?
    What day does the hand make the universe to rest:
God said that, looked a your monkey - Mao Zedong crowd, when does run amuck!
    99 year Cheng Dacuo:
God refers to the candid person, 1999, 9, 20, in Hong Kong Mary hospital, late at night - approximately 18: 00, the sunset mountain time is kidnapped, hits the hand imprint; Searches the belt-bag; Photography. Does not hope, but can do well the long time, in jail, also crossed the good long time, finally rides the prison van, is small to the hospital Small jail, rests one sense, awoke good long period of time to call, "female doctor" with several inch long big acupuncture throat, thought for constructed the memorial hall, is cried this disaster! Cries but actually Nantou! Center the Communist Labor University is wrong! 1999, 9, 25, delivers the intermediate belt jail, the television station broadcasts Taiwan 9, 21, zero selects several minutes, the Nantou big earthquake!
A calculation, is this emperor in the Mary hospital, cries time. Ancient has perishes Qin - Hu! Now has perishes altogether - Hu!
Looks at Taiwan from Anhui Province in the southern region, moreover sneak across Hong Kong, looks for Taiwan, assists to construct the memorial hall the important matter, is rejected! Therefore God, decides at the Taiwan Nantou County earthquake! Ancient has Meng Jiangnyu, delivers her husband's winter cloth, cries but actually the Great Wall; Now has Hood Bin, is several 100.01 million good people, starves to death by a monkey Mao Zedong crowd - constructs the memorial hall: The Shanghai injustice, cries but actually Nantou! Felt strange in a Chinese aviation, the air disaster which meets, a Nantou's victim "ID card", in several ten thousand feet upper airs, unexpectedly flutters Nantou! Calculates the coincidence also to be allowed.
    Called the king only gathers in Qin Zhou:
God said, a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, in Shanxi Province's Yenan time "also may"!
    42nd elephant:
    Beautiful woman from west:
Did not know. Before on CD, the translation is the candid person.
    Sees peacefully towards China and Japan:
    Long bow in place:
God refers to - the nationalist underground army people in charge, applies to Republic of China (behind too to be long - slightly), lives by Taibei Hong Kong, that Li secretary rejects.
    Danger but not danger:
God refers in Hong Kong's bitter experience - is shocking but not dangerous!
    Western female pipa immortal:
God refers to monkey Mao Zedong, is "Seals God" center the jade pipa essence? Please looked "Chen Duxiu Sadly Executes, Verdict Seals God Road"!
    Glistening white upper and lower garments color fresher:
God refers to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, likes self-written and directed, monkey play same - today this policy; That policy,, the policy will come tomorrow, the policy will go, Man Piandu will be deceives people, eats the person, but will not be between the lines, dimly will eat the person!
    This time the deep mark occupies faces the city:
God refers to this emperor, 1998, 11, 23, from three water reeducations through labor - deep mark; 1999, 6, 15, - faces the city to Hong Kong!
    Noisy chaotic rulers and the ministers million:
In 1999, the world has not had the important matter. Only some 1999, 9, 21, zero selects several minutes, the Nantou earthquake! Li Denghui, leads the Taiwan person, the earthquake relief! God selects "" the character, refers to a Taiwan Li Denghui crowd, is not real Mr.; Feudal official.
    43rd elephant:
    Mr. non- Mr.:
God refers to monkey Mao Zedong, confesses president! But the dry misdemeanor, is bigger than emperor's authority, worse matter!
    Feudal official non- feudal official:
God refers to these macaques, gathers in the same place, helps its dry misdemeanor, also does not like the feudal official.
    Beginning Dangers and difficulties:
God refers to this emperor to begin difficultly, handcuffs rotten both hands; Hits the crooked nose.
    The end gram decides:
God refers to this emperor, final victory!
    The black rabbit walks into the black dragon hole:
God refers to this emperor, from is dark 1999 - the rabbit year, calculates walks, walks to Thailand to Bangkok. Looks at Bangkok from the Thai map, likes the hole. Does not believe, please looked "the Thai Map" Bangkok, does like the hole?
Black dragon: God refers to Thai emperors. This example, does not have second individual to be able to on.
    Wants endlessly not to be possible to say that,
God refers to this emperor's firm disaster, not finite, is very difficult to say. 2003, 8, 7. Approximately 10: 30, is selecting the computer, supposes the disaster relief place to US, the scanning document, engraves records CD, the good belt boards the airplane, the belt to Europe. About 17: 30 sweeps by the Thai immigration office, enters the jail more than 30 people, this emperor has "Refugee To prove".
Is in day before, already returned to secular life, again depended in the temple the lesser monk caused trouble, did not give machine - the computer; But early morning big buddhist priest, also does not give: Each month how many thousand B ThaiLanD Coin electrical bills, you? But skillfully in, these days comes, murky Chinese translation!
    Outside only has on the root tree:
God refers to 2001, 8, 31, by the Chaozhou person, in the Thai fresh 56 year old sons, suddenly goes crazy causes trouble. Suddenly is kicked by him the right testicle. Walks at the same night to goes to the medical office the halfway, rests in others entrance. The second day treatment, not the thorough medicine cures.
    In 30 years the descendants tie:
God refers, 2002, 6, 5, are hospitalized, operates the testicle ponding knife (is 56 year old of that suddenly goes crazy, kicks swells has egg great - already more than 9 months testicle), with "Sesame seed cake Song" center, cruelly harmed female - handcuffs rotten both hands - 1972 to contrast, just was 30 years.
    God refers to the birth control - to abolish.
    44th elephant:
    Livelihood Li day:
God refers to the Qing Dynasty the sunny spring day. God decides the Qing Dynasty not to be bad!
    The group is cloudy Is frightened the surrender:
God refers to a rebels Sun Yat-Sen crowd, does assassinates, "Republic of China" the history, all acknowledged! But abdicates. Inserts several:
    1, far has Hong Xiuchuan, does obeisance God to teach to be defeated, is possible he to see "Sesame seed cake Song" and "Pushes Back Chart Chart" after, misunderstands God, instructed he is emperor;
    2, Yuan Shikai, is the Qing Dynasty for him works as the important post, negotiates with rebels Sun Yat-Sen! But he, unexpectedly inserts the shameful matter in the negotiations - to compel the Qing Dynasty to abdicate! Let him work as emperor! Calculates the plot, therefore he is defeated - Wicked, has the retribution for evildoing, certainly is not likes false report such: Leaves office in people's angry roar!
Really is this, has a monkey - Communist Party of China crowd, since the present world, all in people's roaring, how an ineffective - its crowd left office? If the opinion is wrong, the powder version writes, Bao Xiebao scratches!
    The lark arrives at court:
God refers, "the cultivator has its field"; "Divides up land", like this also is all the people all; Such also is all the people all! Looks over today train station, does not have the ticket, for does not enter the station. The worst Changzhou train station, after buys the ticket, but also must buy a Yuan to enter in addition Enters and so on the train proof, only then enters the station;
Moreover the wool restroom, does not have the money not to permit to enter! Worst number Hunan Province Huaihua city train station, wool restroom, dirty under foot, also receives money in the same old way does not harm! Looks at these, (also puts on the presentable men and women senior citizen not to do this matter), splendid, sits collects fees nearby Qian Maoce, the face party loyalty does not jump!
These presentable men and women, depend on Mao Ce to eat meal, were equal to eats the excrement! The Chinese, is really governed by a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, the urine, has not all had the place to scatter! Calls compared to the lark, pleasant to hear many! But, starves to death several ten million good humanities! But person Really is inconceivable, the agriculture is not effective! Taiwan, invests American the bosom, obtains the high science and technology, is rich drops the oil - is not depends on the field - the agriculture; But mainland? Opposes US, the people face faces the loess, the back faces upwards, harried, from early to late in is busy warm; Full! Many people, are not all busy the warm and sufficient condition on; After several dozens years, when ocean boss's cowboy! The monkey face does not know ashamed!
    Double feather four feet:
    Double feather: Republic of China; People's Republic of China.
    Four feet: Republic of China's Jiang; Song; Hole; Chen; People's Republic of China, wool; Liu; Zhu; Week.
    China has the sage at the present:
God refers to this emperor. At the present, two characters, are received fraudulently by monkey Mao Zedong - ignominiously are hateful - take a step to jump over from the beginning at the present the sentence.
    Although non- bold outstanding also Zhou Cheng:
God refers from the field, can handle Chinese the matter.
    Four Four foreign translations, translate again calls the emperor:
God refers to that three translations!
    The disaster already passed, peaceful prosperous times arrival nine countries spring:
God refers to the area south of Yellow River good luck.
    45th elephant:
    Has west the guest: God refers to this emperor from Vietnam.
    Stops to the east:
God refers, ZhuWenJin enters by the unprincipled person frames. Is not Thailand, the Burmese boundary armed conflict, goes to India!
Entire: Bangkok. To the east, separates two countries to China; To the west, separates two countries to India. East therefore, west comes to stop - Bangkok: God gives password.
    Wooden fire liquid gold: God refers to the United Nations. Four characters meanings: Four cardinal points, only has the United Nations, four cardinal points, all has the office.
Wooden - East, armor second grade wood; Fire - south, heat of the sun; Golden - west, age wages; Water - north,RenGuiShui(Chinese)North code number.
    Washes this big shame: God refers to this emperor, in the Chinese reform-through-labor field, the reeducation through labor institute, the collection post, three, passes in and out! For is several 100.01 million ghosts!
Today gives shelter to by the United Nations, washes off, for several dozens years great shame! Also at the same time, must wash off entire Chinese, for several dozens years great shame!
    The inflammation transports greatly opens the world with:
Front the fire transports, here inflammation transports? Ya, God's password. Republic of China gets angry - wants to swallow the People's Republic of China; The People's Republic of China - wants to swallow Republic of China. But, simultaneously joins the world "Trade Organization"! Two "the fire" the character adds together: Inflammation character.
    JinWu (Chinese)Sun's code number cloudyly conceals in the silver dollar:
This red sun - People's Republic of China, falls in the white sea! The same year, with the emperor, repaired, instead, swore not to coexist with one's enemy! Calls self, the reddest reddest red sun - is on the decline!
    From now on will not dare to call Again does not dare to be called the world, accepts the communism:
God refers lets the person to organize - but, lords over global the ambition,,
    The soldier was mad all disappears transports already the end:
God refers to the 8341st rocket, receives by God! Really likes "Mountain Biography" center Yue Fei! At the point of death front, his beloved □r spring gun, is bewildered receives happy.
    46th elephant:
    Gloomy gloomy haze:
God refers to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, specially goes in for the plot, calls the open intrigue.
    Kills does not use the knife:
Starves to death. That uses the knife, compared to kills Han to believe, but also poisonous more than 900.01 million times!
    Ten thousand people do not die:
This emperor carries out the person which God - does not kill the People's Republic of China.
    A person difficult to run away: This emperor carries out, investigated chief criminal - monkey Mao Zedong four, kneel in front of the memorial hall; Monkey Marx; Monkey Engels; Monkey Lenin; Monkey Stalin, four cults total chiefs, kneels in front of the disaster dog which starves to death in China!
    Some armed force person brings the bow:
In Hong Kong; In Bangkok, found the Taibei representative, all said the nationalist underground army,,
    Only says me is White hair old man:
God refers by the unprincipled person, ZhuWenJin enters frames - deceives to pulls a horse six hospitals, but lacking virtue doctor does not open "Healthy Card"! The original person is sick, doctor can see, specially the spiritual aspect, several speeches, appear this person are normal, or is not normal. From 2000, 5, 4, to 2001, 6, 15, but also has not seen is sick? Has not been sick? Therefore calls to account it: From 63 years old, the medicine to 64 years old, all cannot be cured? Wants the medicine to 120 years old? 64 years old - "White hair old man" footnote! But does lacking virtue doctor, what Kang Yilong obtain? Obtains "Kang Yilong to be silly"! Please looked that,

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