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'Sesame seed cake Song' Jan Yi.

(2007-08-08 08:56:10) 下一个
"Sesame seed cake Song" Jan Yi.

Please forgive:
1, does not have Chinese software, cannot buy, the speech does notpass, the computer fears is poisoned, therefore is not the meansmeans. Fu Zhengming, Tibetan, English all passes, asks him, he all is:Politics does not feel interest - everybody to have a look his articleto know; Chinese turns English not to be effective. Really does notunderstand, buys the computer, his Fu Zhengming translates buys thehuman brain, the foreigner as soon as looked, here does not sell thehuman brain! Buys the inadequate computer?
But, he 500,000 Dollar - bonuses which results in to Gao Xingjian, isinterested, expenditure many words. Then asked, how many speeches youdo translate all not to be willing to help, God, can give 500,000Dollar rewards you? If so, a Sun Yat-Sen crowd, cannot fall to thetoday like this situation! Advice, not step of Sun Wen's 后尘; Notstep of Hong Kong's Bo Shaofu fate!
2, engraved on CD which recorded the net. Because at present dependson the friend computer, for this, comes this several months, only thenturns in the foreigner. For example, little while ago the mailboxgreatly was indignant is monkey's spy sends "North America" the title:
Adult's commodity, after opened cannot close machine, finallyforcefully Guan Jier dying machine, 15 minutes only then restored - anevil spirit height foot, 道高一丈!
Here seven years old of eight years old can the computer! A advicemonkey's spy crowd or procommunist, do not have again "the abdomensnake to nip the scissors, spent the toxicity in vain". You thought,after if own computer - sentiment may know! Afterwards, also sent thewoman and so on, is scolded, urged it the abandoned monkey to hireoneself the person! Already knew that, many like monkeys wool spy,eats to the full the food to rest the foot sense, cannot idle in thatmonkey nest, is shrinking the head!
3, the scanner falls the bad lamp, bought, software has notsupported!
Returns to the main story. 拜斗 gets up the conclusion from theeast, more than 70 sentences.
East 拜斗: Refers to (God to refer, is not the candid person hasthis ability, the candid person enters the monkey nest under the Godarrangement, the hard academic society makes the poem, makes thewonderful poem! Therefore understands - please looked "Dongguan SteleProphecy Article" speaks of. Similarly hereinafter)
East, namely China; Also referred to afterwards Mao Zedong.
Fights: Before with fights 量米, a ten litres = bucket, a tenbuckets of = bucket (stone, also generation of load character uses)the =143 catty, the rough rice, the rice =205 catty. By monkey MaoZedong, is abandoned fights, with the catty, "fights" the character,serves as the class struggle "to fight" the character to use. This,"fights" under the character to starve to death, possibly continuesnearly 100 million people!
Also refers to "the cultivator to have its field"; Hits the localtyrant, divides up land.
The two all uses to fight has the rice (to refer to common people tohave grain, has life), deceives people! Just the opposite, the commonpeople are do not have the rice to starve to death! Does not starve todeath, the survivor also hungry half a lifetime, the hungry great halfa lifetime, the hungry life the tragedy!
This numeral possibly compares the global total number of people,multiplies several! Strange, the Qing Dynasty, by a Sun Yat-Sen crowd,is led both is not having the knowledge, and does not know ashamed, acrowd creats a disturbance to - drives out the damned Manchus, but"accomplishes"; After 16 years - (1,927) a Sun Yat-Sen crowd, by thebastard monkey, Marx, direction monkey Mao Zedong, 借尸还魂, leadsa big crowd of ruffian to hit the local tyrant, divides up land tosucceed!
It, "the person", after a monkey is in power, the Chinese, ya, asfollows does not need to say - the tragedy, big tragedy nearly 100years! Also examines "a crab to be inferior to a crab" - he, SunYat-Sen overthrows: Emperor; It, monkey Mao Zedong overthrows: Villagebosses and bad gentry! Relentless is: All is "fights" the character;"Revolution" two characters.
West does obeisance the flag: God refers to monkey Mao Zedong, borrowsChen Duxiu's corpse - communist party, comes back to life, monkeyMarx; Monkey Engels; Monkey Lenin; Monkey Stalin; Four, the corpse alldid not call, goes against on, massacres the Chinese humanity!
South compete: God refers expels "Republic of China", compares to,eats the Soviet - red lion which the person does not spit the bone tosay wants many!
North by lion: God refers discards, Soviet Union sends script - LiGermany; Nine comments; Zhenbao Island event and so on.
South minute north minute minute thing: God refers to the Gannanadministrative area. On the before Chinese minute province chart, theJiangxi chart had; North Shaanxi - Yenan; Also: Nanjing, it in Yenan'seast.
God refers to a monkey Mao Zedong crowd, is not the thing; Also refersto a Sun Yat-Sen crowd is not the thing!
The partner meets 异人 in Chu Gui: God points out Mao Zedong. Chu:Hunan Province; Hubei Province, this is Hunan Province's monkey MaoZedong. Is not inborn - by chance.
马行 Wan Lixun goes to bed: God refers to the long march. At thattime monkey Mao Zedong; Monkey Liu Shaoqi; Monkey Zhu De; Monkey ZhouEnlai, only wants to be able to find a place to live.
Cruelly harms the female four wooden chickens: God pointed out, monkeyMao Zedong; Monkey Liu Shaoqi; Monkey Zhu De; Monkey Zhou Enlai, fourare pursued by Chiang Kai-Shek kills, runs away Yenan, dull likewooden chicken! Center female. Greatly indignantly refers is blocked,greatly overcomes a crisis by production, reels thread a kind ofmatter - woman dryly: 男耕女织.
61 people: God refers to four to be dumb as a wooden chicken, after isin power cruelly harms the candid person:
1, a continually envelope all no letter, sentences for 18 years;
2, the prison official colludes with the criminal to frame. Because inthe jail, free helps the criminal to make the cotton-wadded shoes, oncotton-wadded shoes; Makes the sock bottom, on sock bottom; Makes thecotton-wadded trousers; Cotton cap and so on - center female.
Namely the Chinese 1,972 people -1972 year is framed: Constructs theorchard picture to construct Great Wall - Knock Down One and OpposeThree: Serious matter. "The death" did not acknowledge, but handcuffsrotten both hands! This: Cruelly harms the female four woodenchickens, 61 people, specially 61 people, are the candid people!
Does not know the scenery but actually to meet by chance: Godridicules Sun Yatsen, does not understand the retributive justice!Taiwan 1,911, 10, 10, to today situation. Must understand, a big crowdignorant is shameless can have, prevents - not the competent lackingvirtue matter to relinquish, nearly 100 years "Sealed God" the road -big tragedy to exempt! Then the realistic more than 20 million people,cannot live in the nightmare!
Huanglong early loses in Chicheng: Is rebels Sun Yat-Sen. He, died in1925, early had wants to overthrow him, and stepped on a foot, severalfeet monkey crowd of existences! The example is numerous.
His liver cancer was his heart and liver is bad! Very obvious, is Godpunishes him!
Pig Yang Jiquan nine spatial: Refers to Republic of China the area ofjurisdiction, by the guerrilla force harassment, is stolen openlydarkly steals. Has various websites the decent person exposition.
Famine disaster all and to: According to the Internet on reportedthat, most is serious is Henan Province.
As soon as resembles the wind to ascend 民物 with: Republic ofChina, has snatched Qing government's complete family belongings; WangJingwei, and assassinates the Qing Dynasty official "Chinese PeopleNational history":
Generous swallow city,
Calmly makes the prisoner of the state of chu!
Directs the knife to become one is quick,
Does not lose the few years!
Is the evident proof. Although his poem writes, compared to FuZhengming poem, is good very good multiple, but already is not havingthe knowledge; Also did not know ashamed center, the minimum companysociety knowledge all lacks!
Afterwards, monkey Mao Zedong, got a big crowd of ruffian, snatchedcompletely Republic of China the property - complete familybelongings, including common people's complete family belongings, allsnatched - first is the landlord; Rich farmer; Revolution; Villain;Afterwards snatched to arrives the poor peasant, the lower-middlepeasant, all wanted including the life, Lian Roudu swallowed - with敲骨吸髓 the word, not too! Including common people's property,likes by 12 levels of typhoons is been same, blows without a trace!
Must see the Jinlong popular sentiment to open: 1,949, 10, 1, before,part of populace hoodwink - do not know 卢山 the true colors;Afterwards was acts in a play, ruled as a dictatorship like Iraq, mostrecent several days 做寿, unavoidably in flattered in the sound;Latter how many days? His picture, is overthrown, but also reallysteps on under the foot - 罪有应得: Monkey crowd of tomorrow!
The knife soldier water and fire comes in once: Puts aside the landreform murder; Outside the suppress counter revolutionaries murder,the three anti's kills people; The five antis murder, the counter-right wing murder, the Great Cultural Revolution kills people,,
Wen Qiandou rice nobody 籴: Wants the grain coupon! Withoutthe grain coupon, a rice grain all does not sell, therefore starves todeath several ten million, brings disaster to the nation!
Guangdong Province person; The Guangxi person, all is called Yuan, oris called "an article". That time rice, sells 0, a 096 Yuan catty,Yuan, has bought 1,025 catties rice. According to Fujian Province,Jianning County, bucket of rice (fight slightly), = five litres rice -ten catties. In the Jianning lockup is hungry has no way, to discusseats, to the struggle, can eat a peanut bucket, but struggles a bucketonly to have five litres rice to be big!
Here appears God to direct! Otherwise, according to Anhui's fighting,how also didn't say ten catties rice, are bucket of rice!
The father dies nobody brothers to lift: God selects candid person'smother - Lu Qisheng, by the extremely evil communist party, thepitiful situation which starves to death! The father, the mother inthe same year, does not have the son in over 40 years old, 45 yearsold, have wanted candid person's birth mother - Chen Yangxian. The46th time, has lived the candid person. The parents are speciallyhappy (however birth mother, actually receives the world biggestinjury, later specify) opened 49 桌席 - to hit happy! Entertainsguests at a banquet - the people all to congratulate that, Hu stillincreased the family fortunes, fell down a dragon! Really could notthink that, God sends this emperor to save, by a rebels Sun Yat-Sencrowd, the harassment landscape, 忠孝, the justice and humanity, iscompletely gotten rid! On more than 9 million sides kilometer land,has become monkey crowd of big bases! When six years old, the birthmother returns to heaven, God decides the mother is the father. Cruelfate mother painstakingly life (67 years old) in December, 1959 25, isstarved to death by extremely evil monkey Mao Zedong. Is Wang Yanlithe father's younger cousin (cafeteria distillery, very greatly hungrycrime); Li Ming sends the father's younger cousin (party chief, verygreatly hungry crime), two people is lifted up the mountain, inters.This is her brother, the younger brother lifts! Behind, but also talksabout. Calculates the password.
Jinlong 绊马 half chaotic Shanghai: God ridicule monkey DengXiaoping - Jinlong. The Marxism, changes becomes two not pictures themonsters. Monkey Mao Zedong; Monkey Liu Shaoqi; Monkey Zhu De; MonkeyZhou Enlai, four herdsmen apes picture, India on 100 Yuan bills - halfchaotic Shanghai: The Shanghai, looks up < dictionary > is the monkey!Tells fortunes by physiognomy; Tells fortunes, all knows "Shanghai"meaning. Also therefore, monkey Mao Zedong forbids to tell fortunes byphysiognomy!
The people, have blame monkey Deng Xiaoping, Zhao Ziyang; Hu Yaobang'stwo monkeys push aside - do not keep a promise, by monkey Mao Zedong,calculates the first generation; Monkey Deng Xiaoping, calculated thesecond-generation, refuses to accept. Must know this is contradictory- Mao Deng!
28 stars ask the aborigine: According to appears in the newspapers:Area the coast, massive becomes a fugitive Hong Kong; Aomen, inserts,it is said the Shenzhen river is dyed by the blood red.
The so-called central faction monkey, dives into Hong Kong, found withmodels the house which the gummed paper (mainland did not have tocover at that time), many people! Calls to account: Why runs away HongKong? All cries to answer, does not become a fugitive, starves todeath!
Afterwards, only then relaxed the frontier, otherwise escaped!
The dishevelled hair female dishevelled hair marries: God refers toHong Kong; Aomen returns: Because of an its crowd the rich man,dividees into the bourgeoisie, fights but actually 批臭, is calledyou not to ask for money; But in monkey Mao Zedong crowd of - coffinsputs out a hand, to die asks for money! Not only, wants your money,all wants including yours short remaining life! Hong Kong, the Aomenpeople all are the big shot, God, in here analogy, the dishevelledhair female "the people all tires of"!
Bows with hands clasped and give precedence new Mr. to let old Mr.:God refers to Hong Kong; Aomen returns, is new Mr., but Hong Kong;Aomen, how many people does have it to work as new Mr.? But people,then the person sees the person to hate! Outmoded extremely evil old"Mr."!
1, from the free Asian broadcasting station, the evening, all has manypeople every day, as if weeping and complaining; Why Chinese? Mustcomplain on the foreign broadcasting station?
2, the whole world, each honest website, enumerates tragedy, bigtragedy; Why in the Chinese website looks all is good? Good
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