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(2007-07-17 03:59:27) 下一个

Nepal's Mao Pai and Washington's communism victim monument
   Today China, although in the rostrum of Tian An Men still is being hanging the mammoth, above the Renminbi still is printing the mammoth, but the Mao Zedong Thought already will be the out of date and no longer of interest. The Chinese intellectual circle also has minority "the new left wing", like Wang Shaoguang, Wang Hui, the spacious new year, class of the Kong Qingdong, declared how oneself worships(God, decides it is the monkey)Mao Zedong. But this merely is their survival strategy, they or study away from home the west, enjoy the rich treatment; Or occupies the prominent position in China's famous school, at times on television mirror. They compared to the majority China populace's life even more capitalism, they have individual all housing and the automobile, also ever does not reject the Internet which uses "the beautiful imperialism" to invent. Today genuine wool principle Superstition, not in China, but in Asian country and so on Nepal, India impoverished mountainous area. Impoverished has become the fertile soil which this kind of evil thought continues to be able to breed.

   Mao Zedong's spirit also loafs in this world sky. Nepal's wool sends the anti-government force, is one of present Asia area cruelest terrorist organizations. They cruelly torture the police and the Nepalese imperial family army soldier which and kills many is captured, they urge the child to participate in the front the fight, "the boy scout" becomes a they murder machine. The wool has sent the military equipment and government troops' since 1996 has the fierce conflict, already some more than 4,700 Nepalese people die during the bilateral fight. Although the government troops arm excellent, are well-trained, but the wool sends the anti-government force to carry out Mao Zedong "hits and runs" the strategy, and imitates Peru "the sunlight path" the procedure, often attacks the police gate house and the local authority organization, captures the weapon and the money, the government troops with difficulty exterminates for a while it. Will have the international media the Nepalese wool to send the armed and the same year Cambodia kills people like the hemp "Khmer Rouge" to place on a par, thought if this organization has captured Nepal's political power, will have the possibility to turn this paradise India the living hell.

   Although has the hearsay to say the Chinese Communist Party secretly supports the Nepalese wool to send the anti-government force, but Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs's spokesperson gives the denial many times. Nepalese Mao Paiye ever did not acknowledge they are the Chinese Communist Party "the son party", and to positively joins the globalization take Hu Jintao as general secretary's Chinese Communist Party authority the policy to think otherwise. If said the Nepalese communist approves the Chinese Communist Party authority which today and the international capital dances lightly, was inferior to said they approved the same year to stop all foreign contact, fighting spirit spirited Lao Mao and its the thought way.

   US "Time" weekly reporter when sends to the Nepalese wool the leader pula prosperous reaches carries on the interview, this the terrorist which poses as by "young Mao Zedong" speaks with confidence: "Marx - Lenin - the Mao Zedong principle is one kind of proletariat social revolution integration science, is from the populace which shocks the world struggles develops comes. As one science, it must unceasingly, continually develop. ' The pula prosperous reaches the route ' is Marx - Lenin - the Mao Zedong principle acts according to Nepalese the condition utilization, also is to its one kind of rich." Likes Mao Zedong voluntarily to increase "Mao Zedong long live" the slogan at in the National Day ceremony procedure to be same, the pula prosperous reached also not mince matter proposed "the pula prosperous reached the principle" - all dictators all is that similar. The dictators all like with own name naming "the principle", and refuses to acknowledge this is one kind "the personality cult" performance.

   Although Nepal is a poor small country, although Nepal's wool faction The influence too is small, temporarily the incapable subversion state power, but it will revolutionize outputs the world the lofty aspirations and high ideals, actually certainly was not inferior to the former days Mao Zedong. The pula prosperous reaches even declared: "Our people's war is the brand-new 21st century war. We not only at and the despotic monarchy struggle, we also must with the evil imperialism world struggle, struggle with hypocritical so-called democratic system like superpower US." Today is on the decline which in the world communism movement, such manifesto not is at variance with the cricket ant to shake the tree, such castle in the air forever also cannot construct.

   In 2006, the Nepalese wool sends the military equipment the high level leader saw the military struggles the future to be endless, then on own initiative proposed is willing to participate in the coalition government, accepts the parliament election the rule. But they still "generation of police enforce the law" in its control area, exact a confession by means of torture even kill the different opinion, the landlord and the intellectual. They pledged the participation will found Nepalese the future and peace, but will be one expedient measure. Mao Pai participates in government by no means the peaceful dawn, because they turn in the weapon by no means, give up the military struggle by no means. At the same time, Nepal has not been able to set up is similar to South Africa "the truth and the conciliatory committee" such organization, these obtain by no means by the killing ghost and the family member comforting which should have. If to the rank smell of blood butcher's trial, has not had the justice promoting, does not have the true peace.

   However, always American former president Carter which bragged by "the peaceful messenger", recently was visiting Nepalese time unexpectedly declared, Washington should send the anti-government force with the Nepalese wool to establish the relation, did not have to continue them to regard as the terrorist. He said that, the Nepalese people already will admit the wool faction to enter Nepalese the political mainstream, the wool send the anti-government force to help to construct Nepalese the future. Carter did not face up to Nepalese Mao Pai to kill people in the past, now still in the murder fact, actually will criticize the spear point to aim at the American government, inexplicably let the person be amazed. Since positively opposed the Iraqi war, Carter already has said certain similar foolish talk.

   Luckily now White House's policy-maker is not Carter but is young Bush. Carter is in the American history most incompetent president one, because processes at the Iranian US embassy hostage event time fault again and again, prepares people's accusation. Carter in processing international question time, frequently because "kernel of the woman" confuses the most basic right and wrong good and evil the judgement. Facing the Communist Party of the Soviet Union political power aggressive offensive, he continuously scared lost presence of mind at that time, clumsily to should be right. With Reagan and young Bush The right and wrong, obtains clearly, firmly guard the democracy, the freedom and the human rights value standpoint compares, Carter "the pacifism" is one kind weak is hypocritical, one kind of observer's nobleness. The European left wing "is correct constrained by politics" the idea, in order to express to President Bush instead fears strategic the opposition, unexpectedly awards the Nobel peace prize Carter. This act unobstructive instead fears and  the general situation to the world, actually has shamed Nobel peace prize oneself, was similar to same year awards the terrorist and corrupt molecular Alfate this prize is same.

   On capital Katmandu sends the molecular defense in Carter in Nepal for the wool, and kindly meets both hands to moisten the full blood the wool to send the leader pula prosperous reaches, President Bush actually in Washington personally attended the communism victim monument unveiling ceremony. Two kind of behaviors ,That correctness! That is not correct, distinguish right from wrong by mistake. President Bush pointed out in the brief lecture that, the cruel communism thought harm world various quoins, the American capital actually always does not have a commemorative communism victim's monument, really cannot be justified. He doggedly strives for to the victim family member for more than 10 years, finally as soon as recompenses the long-cherished wish, the expression heartfelt admire. President Bush also pointed out, the communism not only seizes victim's life, they also attempt to steal their human nature, wipes disappears their memory. This monument being completed, is must return their human nature, reconstructs their memory, they never could forget. President Bush's this speech, is one kind of reply which absurdly suggested to Carter? Whether Carter did hear this kind of reply?

   In this quite important speech, President Bush with converges the communism take the Islam original Nonsense principle as the main body terrorism a kind. This is one kind of brand-new angle of view, this view will express the American government instead to fear with the view which 反共 treated impartially. The terrorism is one kind of at present threat, but the communism disintegrated after Soviet Union actually turned one kind of latent threat. North Korea, Cuba and so on the strong communist party small country, is similar to the louse provocation lion, is insufficient to harm the global peace; The Vietnamese communist party's essence although has not changed, but its reform actually largely advances, and repeatedly ejects the olive branch to US; Even if is the present biggest communist party country Chinese Communist Party political power, also no longer carries out the output revolution the objective, but take makes money as the highest goal. Thereupon, certain westerns then lost to the communism have been vigilant, in "nine • After 11 "event, they suggested the west completely shifts the center of gravity to instead fears the aspect, but Elimination communist party  temporarily will give to put aside. But this President Bush's speech clear indicated that, Instead fears no doubt importantly, Elimination communist party also may not go slowly. The communism harm although is inferior to the cold war time to be that imminent, but insect of the its centipede, dies but is not stiff, has the danger as necessary which resurges. Not yet approaches before the final victory, cannot on first lower one's guard.

   Appeasement policy maintenance peace cannot be lasting, hugs the security which the evil receives in exchange possibly to lose as necessary. Carter in president no matter what on has already handed over a failing grade answer paper, he early should shut up. While ago, President Bush receives the various countries democratic personage in Czechoslovakian capital Bragg the time, has published the topic is "Expansion World Freedom Democratic Boundary" lecture. In this lecture, he explicitly pointed out that, "The communist party country once believed in one kind of dignified ideology, they declared has controlled the historical development direction, but finally, the people have gotten rid of it, because they had to survive, because they had to worship God, because they had to speak the truth to the child. The communist party country also once experienced person's the and so on Brezhnev, Honecker and Ceausescu severe rule, but finally, it defeated only WaErSaSi Swindler  and Harvill's ideal, Sacharoff and the sand Swindler ShAlanSiji base resistance, Reagan and Madame Thatcher's determination as well as John • Paulo two th dauntless testimonies. The historical experience clearly showed a truth: Free may resist, free may delay, but is free cannot resist." Carter must carefully listen attentively to this section of speech, he can for own be ignorant and unprincipled feels ashamed? Nepal's wool sends the members also this carefully to listen attentively to this section of speech, they can but be fearful and apprehensive for it?

   The communism victim monument finally stands erect in a Washington Capital Hill side. Today western world, needs to like Churchill, Madame Thatcher, the Reagan such powerful leader, but is not like Chamberlain, Carter such does not have the right and wrong, but asks In the past one day, has idled about one day the politician. Without a doubt, the Nepalese Mao Pai evil must obtain the exposition and the cleaning up, the reality which Chinese, North Korea, Cuban and a Vietnamese these four countries communist party party rules as a dictatorship also must obtain the change. Today western world, needs is not with Nepalese Mao Pai, Kim Jong Il, the castro, Hu Jintao makes the friend, but is said name of announcement by the truth: You are evil cannot be long-time!

   - - "Observation" first round

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