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Miss LeePeizhen, this year 17 years old-高三女生致焦柏固的

(2007-03-17 06:53:16) 下一个


发件人 : 宦蓃 <ningboyinxian@gmail.com>"吴一然" <zmdd89@hotmail.com>
我叫李佩臻,今年17岁 ,正在上高三。今去信向您诉说包头军区司令和交警支队给我家带来的的种种灾难,请求您救救我生命垂危的父亲,他现被关在劳教所里,求您能帮我们脱离灾难,讨回人权公道。
我父亲被包头市军分区司令乘坐的吉普车压伤致残以后,紧接着又遭受军分区和交警的接连不断的迫害打压,使我的家庭陷入了灾难的深渊,搞的我家破人亡 。

The pitiful this ----- high three female students send Mr Jiao Baigu the letter Chinese human rights Uncle Mr Jiao Baigu: Hello! My name am Miss LeePeizhen, this year 17 years old, on are being high three. Now goes to the letter to you to relate Baotou military district commander and the traffic police crew the family brings for me all sorts of disasters,
requested you rescue my life critically ill father, he is presently closed in the reeducation through labor institute, asks you to be able to help us to be separated from the disaster, asks for the human rights justice.
After my father which is ridden by Baotou military sub-region commander the jeep crushes cripples, follows closely is suffering the military sub-region and traffic police's continuously persecution hits the pressure, caused my family to fall into the disaster abyss, did I was with one's family broken up and decimated.


The father is hit remnantly, the mother is persecuted lethally, elder brother is compelled insanely, the father is  caught, sentences the reeducation through labor two years, in the present family only remains me and the younger sister, Broke the source of income pitiful not has been helping life. In order to rescue the father to leave prison, I have to discontinue studies, everywhere runs around calling for help.
On January 16, 2002 5 PM of many. My father pushes the motorcycle on the unsurfaced road to walk when the street, walks the proficient entrance roadside, by Assistant Deputy Commander Wang is ridden the vehicle to damage, cripples, the vehicle number is 30668, 213 jeeps,

父亲住院治伤,母亲边护理父亲,边找军分区解决医疗费问题,可多次 遭到辱骂,训斥、推搡、关押,偿尽了难以想象的屈辱、磨难。饱受虐待后换来的两万元救命钱被他们系数扣下,说是"押金"。

After is the driver liquor drives, exceeds the speed limit the string to enter goes against the flow the access road to follow to. (The address is reaching the cyclopentadiene flag newly developed area. Shouts left side of the white road nearby the unsurfaced road "165 kilometer place"), so clear commander the vehicle violates regulations to hit the person, the traffic police unexpectedly makes the responsibility respectively to pay a half absurd processing decision, the military sub-region rejection legally undertakes the responsibility which should have.
The father is hospitalized governs the wound, nearby the mother nurses the father, looks for the military sub-region solution  Buys the medicine money question, may encounter the insult many times, reproved, pushes and shoves, imprisons, recompenses the humiliation, the tribulation which imagined with difficulty. After fully suffered 20,000 Yuan(RMB) which the maltreatment trades to save a life the money to deduct by their coefficient, said is "deposit".

为了给父亲治病,母亲变卖了家中的所有财产,可是太少了,和所需费用相差悬殊 ,由于无钱,无法彻底治愈,父亲留下了严重的后遗症。而且至今伤情严重,不断恶化。

    In order to treats an illness to the father, the mother has sold off in family's all properties, but too has been short, with needs the expense phase difference to be disparate, because does not have the money, is unable thoroughly to cure, the father has had the serious sequela. Moreover until now the state of an injury is serious, unceasingly worsens.
2002 to 2003 year more than year time in, my parents looks for the Baotou military sub-region to solve the problem many times, the Baotou military sub-region not only does not give solves the problem, but also insults many times, the maltreatment, creates obstacles my parents. They also are called the soldier to beat me the parents, suffers many times imprisons, limits the personal freedom, the behavior is extremely bad. My mother on is only imprisoned in several months time the accumulation to reach 40 day.

家产能变卖的早已变卖光了,到了无法生存的地步。父亲因这场车祸不但完全丧失了劳动能力,还要每天吃药   实在没有一点办法了,03年12月26日这天,母亲带着父亲,再去包头找领导谈话,抱着很大希望,找了这个不行又找那个,结果问题没解决,却遭至更加不堪入耳的一连串的谩骂和羞辱。第三天母亲摇摇晃晃搀 扶着父亲拖着疲 惫 不堪的身体怀着绝望的心情回到家中。早已饱受精神肉体折磨的母亲经过这次打击,再也起不来了。15天后也就是04年1月15日,我的母亲含恨而死。

The family property could sell off already sells off up, to has been unable the situation which survived. The father because this traffic accident not only has completely lost the ability to work, but also had to take the medicine really not to have means every day, 2003 years on December 26 this day, the mother was leading the father, again went to Baotou to ask the leader to converse, is entertaining the very high hope, not not good looked for this to look for that, finally the
question has not  solved, actually suffered to a succession of railing which even more was revolting to the ear with the shame. The third day mother shakily supports by the arm the father to tow the body which is utterly exhausted to have the feelings which despairs to get in the home. Already fully suffered the mother which the spiritual human body suffers to pass through this attack, again also could not get up. After 15 days also are 2004 years on January 15, my mother nurses hatred dies.

从此,父亲柱着双拐,孤身一人,艰难行走在进京 上访的路上。寒来暑往19次进京,19次被抓回,每次都说回去一定解决问题,每次都是欺骗,甚至残酷虐待。

In this occasion has not had the single cent, had to betray the house and yard, has interred the mother. 39 year-old mother like this walked. Her only relic is Chang Bei knapsack, inside the single cent does not have, only some three the responsibility which distort the law to rule recognized the book and she before death has no way out when prays for rescue the requisition to the government department. The father remnant mother dies attack, at that time year only 17
year-old elder brother sudden mental aberration, afterwards was lost, until now the whereabouts is unclear. From this time on, the father column double is turning, all alone, difficultly walks in on the road which goes to the capital appeals for help. 
Winter has come, summer went 19 time goes to the capital, 19 time is grasped, each time all said certainly
solves the problem, each time all is deceives, even brutally maltreats.

 如 在05年12月3日父亲被包头市交警支队两位领导"从北京南站"押到"北京东城分局看守所"关押了28天。没有任何人通知我们,妹妹在北京焦急的找了半个多月,仍没有音讯。多次问到包头市交警支队,他们佯作不知,像在人间蒸发一样没有了音讯,直到父亲被释放回家。

If on December 3 the father is detained in 05 years by Baotou traffic police crew two leaders "from Beijing south station" to "Beijing east city sub-bureau lockup" has imprisoned 28 day. Nobody informs us, the younger sister anxious has looked for more than half months in Beijing, still did not have the message. Asked many times the Baotou traffic police crew, they feigned ignorance, likes evaporates in the world equally did not have the message, is released until the father goes home.
A some armed force minute military officer incites 4 soldiers barbarically to put up my father to a black passenger vehicle in, pulls far away to in the dilapidated house which shouts city Daqingshan next to abandon, turns the flowing pressure to step on his remnant body, devastates the maltreatment to reach for more than 7 hours. They on deprive the personal freedom like this at will, suffers the person at will.


Recently this was more serious, former days daily night the father which made the phone call to us, evening did not have the message all of a sudden from September 28, 2006. On September 30 past 5 o'clock I suddenly have afternoon received a telephone, that person said: Your father appealed for help by us is carried off. Which hasn't he  said the belt? I asked he is the Baotou traffic police crew's person, he said "was" has  made the telephone call! One could not come a
telephone, also is Baotou's number, but has only made a sound, hung.

我和小妹两人焦急万分 来到包头市交警支队找父亲。事故科的人说不清楚这件事,让去包头市公安局查。包头市公安局政治处的人说没这回事。让我们去包头交警支队事故科查一下。我们就这样被骗来骗去,找不到父亲,急得我们整日以泪洗面。

I and the younger sister two people anxious extremely come to the Baotou traffic police crew to look for the father. The accident branch person said not the clear this matter, lets the Baotou municipal public security bureau look up. The Baotou municipal public security bureau political office's person did not say this matter. Let us go to the Baotou traffic police crew accident branch to look up.
We like this are  deceived deceive, cannot find the father, is anxious we all
day to cry. Afterwards, I suddenly remembered have only to make a sound the telephone number which hung breaks?
 I hit on directly tell him me am the Li luxuriantly growing forest's daughter, asked which telephone number this is? He tells me. He is Baotou Dong River hands over Traffic police, your father is closed in the Baotou lockup. I asked he
can see me the father? He said cannot!

You look for the Baotou traffic police crew, the person are they close, I am not greatly clear. I look for Baotou traffic police crew accident branch section chief. They only are repeatedly delay, has not let me see my father's meaning. I and the younger sister nearly quickly collapsed!
On October 20 this day morning I come to the Baotou traffic police crew accident branch. I found Section Chief Liu, I said my quick month has not  seen my father, ask you to let me sees my
father! Section Chief Liu actually said this matter is not I manages. I am not clear, but, you wait for the little while. Bring back to your father's detention written notice.


I also asked when Section Chief Liu can see I the father, he said for 1 month.
Perhaps is because we are the common people! Basic does not have the personal freedom power, they are an official want to imprison imprison, does not give solves the problem, but is imprisons injured party's dirty trick with this kind to construct the so-called harmonious society, our human rights is deprived cleanly, including was killed the right which protested all not to have.
2006 years on November 3 I come to once more the Baotou traffic police crew. Found Section Chief Liu to have to seek an interview the father.


But Section Chief Liu actually said that, Looks for me uselessly, I did not know is how a matter. On November 8 afternoon I alone arrive the Baotou lockup. I with the gate guard said I am the Li luxuriantly growing forest's daughter, wants to have a look me the father, the gate guard to say: The young girl, your father morning past 10 o'clock are carried off by the Baotou traffic police crew's people.  known which me hadn't the belt to. Obviously morning past 9 o'clock I also in the Baotou traffic police crew, the accident branch person added did not know. Why? They always are in cahoots deceive me? Why doesn't let me meet with the father? Inside has the secretive secret?


On November 9 the morning, 9 o'clock I come to once more Baotou traffic police crew Section Chief Liu the office, Section Chief Liu put out a education-through-labor decision book to say that, For: This is your father's education-through-labor decision book. Your father by education-through-labor two years. I said has been able to see my father?
More than months I have thought of the father very much.
Section Chief Liu said that, You could see your father today. May be contrary to what expects, I used mostly a day time group to rush about to the reeducation through labor institute, or did not let see.


On November 10, my grandfather is critically ill, displays wants the surface to see father's intense desire, hands over Traffic police for this me to Baotou Section Chief Liu to make the phone call, does not meet, again hits, closing machine, but gives reaches the cyclopentadiene flag to hand over Traffic police (to start to handle accident unit) Yan Binda the telephone, he inhuman persistently unreasonable said, your grandfather dies with me has not  related.
Then, grandfather evening 8 o'clock is leaving on November 11 near Is bringing the regrettable death the regret the world. On November 15 I run to the reeducation through labor institute, this finally saw the father, saw the father looks ashen, full face sweating caused by illness or shock,

电话:138-4785 6709

The hair is shaved the light, his most treasure loves the beard is also shaved the light. It can be imagined, the father has endured the how big humiliation, the sick and disabled body suffers after two month and a half has not weakly been unable to withstand, again continues to imprison, can have the life danger as necessary. Facing father's appearance, I only can be grieved, only can sob, works as these heart like wolves' evil people, what can I request their?
Asks uncle certainly rescues our entire family, rescues me the father, I and the younger sister sob the sound in this to thank!
Telephone:138-4785 6709 billion

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