好山好水好寂寞, 好脏好乱好热闹-漏了一点:
(2010-09-22 14:08:20)
随着中国经济的发展,中国人生活水平有了很大的提高.中国人出国旅游也很普及.我的不少中国朋友来过美国和加拿大.他们都有这样的同感:北美确实环境不错,但华人太少,不热闹. 得出了”北美是好山好水好寂寞, 而中国是好脏好乱好热闹”的结论.在最近一次老同学聚会上,中国朋友对我说:
你看我们在中国活得多潇洒,经常下馆子,洗脚,卡拉OK. 我们也跟你们国外一样,有房有车了.国外多闷,没有什么好玩的.你说说,你们美国除了空气干净一点,天蓝一点,你们平时还有什么好玩的东西?
我这句话出来,他们都沉默了. 是啊,在国内,孩子们没有一个快乐的童年. 在一个腐败,尔虞我诈的社会环境,无力自卫的孩子是第一个受害者.还没有出生,就已经失去了有兄弟姐妹的权力, 因为有权的人希望从父母身上勒索钱.出生以后,面临着巨大的各种学习,补习,兴趣班的压力,因为有钱的人希望从父母身上骗取更多的钱.
人人都抱怨养孩子贵,养孩子累. 孩子压力大, 又没有伴, 根本谈不上有快乐童年. 有钱的人一心希望把孩子送出国. 大家对中国的未来毫无信心. 但是,大家还是本着今朝有酒今朝醉的态度,抓紧时间享受目前所有的物质,而把中国未来的烂摊子推给后人来收拾.
We chose to have my wife stay home for the kids so we will not get stressed out for childcare. We make do with what we have. Ideally we want a house with 6 bedrooms so each one of our 4 kids can have one bedroom. But I don't make that much money so we got a house with 4 bedrooms and that means 2 kids need to share one bedroom. If my wife goes to work too we might be able to afford our dream house, but then we won't have time for our dream family anymore.
A house is just 4 walls and a roof. A home is where you and your loved ones create lasting memories. Material is nothing. Family is everything.
A Happy family.
至于天伦之乐,别说国内没有,国内只会更多。国内的孩子有爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷叔叔姑姑舅舅舅妈堂兄弟姐妹表兄弟姐妹,你在美国的孩子有吗? 除非你把你全家都办过来。
谁说回国就是奔"有好玩的"回去的? 美国好玩之处就是养一堆孩子?这洗脚下馆子的和养孩子玩的境界都够高的
Maybe you are a richer person and you have more freedome than other people. But I'm not, I have to spend 1.5 hours on the road, then have to cook,, when I finish, it's almost time to go to bed. My child spend 9 hours at school, 4 hours at elementary, another 5 at afternoon school. The only quality time we have together is weekend. But usually we do mass house cleanning during the weekend.
I can't feel the way you felt. You are a lucky person perhaps.