

going to Feeding with Love program at LAMP,Nov.26,2012

(2012-11-27 22:23:32) 下一个

Today we had a guest speaker Natali to talk about Healty Teeth for children and children's dental care.


Tooth decay is one of the most common early childhood diseases.Decay forms from food and bacteria on the teeth.White spots on the teeth are signs of early tooth decay.Decay affects a child's sleep,concentration,eating and appearance.Proper feeding practices and good oral hygiene help prevent decay.The risk of tooth decay inceases the longer teeth are exposed to food or drink.


Tooth decay is preventable.Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months is best for your infant.

Good oral hygiene:clean your child's teeth after feeding and especially before bedtime as soon as the first tooth appears.


Avoid spreading bacteria:do not share anything that has been in your mouth with your child.


Eat fruit,drink water:offer water,not juice or pop,when your child is thirsty.


Lift the lip:check your child's teeth once a month for early signs of tooth decay.


Parenting:avoid using food to manage your child's behaviour.


For information,call Toronto Health Connection 416-3387600


Tooth decay makes teeth look bad,is painful,may cause sleeping problems,can cause poor self-esteem,can lead to infections and tooth loss,is expensive to treat.


Bacteria in the mouth mixes with sugar in food and forms an acid.This acid causes tooth decay.Sugar is found in fruit juice,sweetened tea,soft drinks,breast milk,cow's milk,baby formulas and many other foods.The longer the acids are in the mouth,the greater the chance of tooth decay.


Sugar + Bacteria = Acid

Acid + Teeth = Decay


Babies should not go to sleep while breastfeeding or with formula,milk or juice in a bottle.This will cause more acid to form in the mouth.Never put baby to sleep with any food or drink.


Normally,saliva helps to wash away food.It also stops acids made by mouth bacteria from working.This protective effect decreases during sleep because less saliva is produced.


Foods to keep teeth healthy:Limit the amount of juice you give your child.If you do offer it,give no more than 60 to 120 ml of 100% juice per day.It is betterto use a cup and serve juice with a meal or snack only.

Avoid food high in sugar such as dried fruits,candy,sweet baked goods,pop and fruit drinks such as punch.


Serve nutritious,tooth-friendly snacks such as plain yogurt,hard boiled egg,cubes of cheese,sandwiches,fresh fruit,raw or cooked vegetables,peanut butter,hummous,unsweetened cereals and bread.


Good nutrition helps children's teeth to be healthy and well formed.Follow food guild and includes foods from all of the four food groups:vegetables and fruit,grain products,milk and alternatives and meat and alternatives.


Caring for teeth and gums:wipe your baby's gums with a soft clean cloth twice a day before baby has teeth.

Don't leave your baby in bed with a bottle of formula,milk or juice.If the baby should have a bottle at sleep time,only put water in the bottle.Clean your baby's teeth before she goes to sleep.Do not give your childa pacifier dipped in honey or other sweeteners.Giving honey to babies can lead to more serious problems.Honey should not be given to babies under one year old since it can cause botulism,a serious type of food poisoning.


Use toothpaste with fluoride when your child is old enough to spit it out.If the child is unable to spit it out,do not use toothpaste.Instead,use toothbrush and water.


Start giving a baby a cup when he can sit.Babies older than one year old should be using a cup,not a bottle.Once a month,lift your baby's lip and check for changes in colour or spots on the teeth.If you see white or brown spots on the teeth,visit the dentist right away.

Take your child for the first dental visit at 12 month.

Be a role model to your child.Let your child watch you brush your teeth.


A baby's first teeth appear before their first birthday in a process called teething.

Teething is a natural process.Your baby is born with a set of 20 teeth hidden beneath the gums.Teething is the process of these teeth working their way through the gums.The first teeth normally appear between six and 10 months of age with the rest following over the next two to three years.This is a guide,each child is different.


It is important that these first teeth are kept healthy,as they each keep a place for the adult teeth that come later.The natural loss of a baby's first teeth and arrival of adult teeth usually happens between the ages of six years and 12 years.The first adult teeth to appear are four molars.They come in behind the baby molars.


There are common signs of teething:teething can cause minor discomfort for your baby.You might notice the following signs as teeth begin o appear through their gums.There is no need to worry,it is all part of the teething process.Your baby may:

drool,be more cranky and irritable,have red cheeks and red,swollen gums,show a need to chew on things.


Do not confuse teething with illness:

Fever,stuffiness,runny nose or diarrhea are not signs of teething.Blaming teething for these symptoms could delay the diagnosis of an ear infection,urinary tract infection,meningitis or other bacterial or viral infection.


You can help your baby during teething:

Follow these tips to help your baby cope safely with teething:

Directly massage an irritated,swollen gum with your finger for a couple of minutes.Massaging the gum with a clean,wet cloth that has been chilled in the regrigerator also works well.

Babies massage their own gums by chewing on hard,smooth objects.Give them a teething ring,or a wet cloth that has been chilled.

Give your child a piece of chilled banana.Avoid hard foods like raw carrots that could cause choking.

If these suggestions don't seem to help,an infant's dose of acetaminophen can be given for one day.Over the counter gels for teething should not be used unless advised by your doctor.


Healthy mouths,healthy kids,I shall keep my baby's teeth and gums healthy and clean.


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