

went to Square One mom's club and Norah's home March 7,2012

(2012-03-09 09:06:00) 下一个

My baby's little buddy Norah's mommy invited us to her mom's club located in Square One,Mississauga as they just live very close by. It was a warm,sunny day, temperature 15 degrees,perfact for an outing.So here we came.


For me, it was an great adventure since it was the first time I brought baby in the car with me going out. Before Aaron was the one who load and unload the baby and the car seat. The car seat was so heavy with baby in and it was a challenge to me. Aaron came back from work to help me in the morning to load the car seat and stroller in the trunk. I insisted to carry them and load them myself as I know in the future I must do by myself. Aaron was watching me to load them with great efforts but I did it. Alright, baby was set in the car. Here we go.Thanks for daddy's help.


First we went to Norah's building just beside Square One, Norah's mom Vivian already was waiting us in the lobby. She instructed me to park my car in the visitor's parking then help me unloading the car seat and the stroller.


Together both babies in two strollers with Norah's grandma,three of us pushing the strollers.We walked a short distance to Square One mall, we arrived in the church where the mom's club is holding beside the Burger King store. We were late, the lecture already started and it was packed with pregnent women. Today's topic is Infant's Massage.There were a few new moms as us brought babies with them. Vivian was so excited to see the moms and the staff there since it was her first time coming back after delivering the baby. She was introducing her new baby to them pridely.I met with a few Chinese moms and babies,there were Shirley and her baby, Feng Hua, Josephine and her baby, and others.


After the lecture, four of us hang out in the mall for a while. We discussed about holding more activites in the future. Shirley and Vivian are going to organize a formal mom's club so that all the moms,babies can hang out together to socialize,exchange information etc. 


Four babies in their stollers in a row we took some photos.All the babies were doing great. They were so quiet and co-operative.It looked so cute that so many babies and strollers together in the picture.


It was lunch time. Vivian invited us to her home for lunch. We pushed the strollers back to the high rise building just across to the street.


Por Por(Norah's grandma) cooked lots of delicious food,there were grilled chicken, tomatoes fried with eggs,veggies,shirmps,pork feet soup with Bok Choi,and cold dish. When we were eating, I put Jessie in Norah's swing. She loved it.


What a great adventure today. Both babies and moms had a great time together.


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