

My baby showers Nov.19,2011

(2011-11-27 09:35:55) 下一个

Today I had two baby showers. One was at my friend Cicily's house,the other one my colleagues at work gave me a big surprise,they didn't tell me at all, just asked me to Ariam's house and all of them are there.I was surrounded by friendship,supports,warmth,caring,and lots of presents.


In the afternoon,many friends got together at Cicily'house,thanks for Cicily's well organizing,plans and arrangements, we all had so much fun together,it was a great success.


First all the ladies sat down around the tables,besides lots of snacks and refreshments to fill the stomaches, Cicily planed lots of fun baby shower games,we laughed,ate,and talked and played games,enjoyed the ladies'happy hours.Gentalmen and kids stayed upstair in the living room for the men talks.


First introduced to each other, then everyone had a piece of paper to mark down baby's faces features to be alike as mom or dad,my answers will the the right ones,everyone guessed what the unborn baby's future look,and then the winner was Jane, she got the first prize-a 2012 calendar and a Xmas reindeer.


Then all the kids were asked to draw a baby's portrait,Youyou and Hannah's drawings were the best,Cicily posted them on the wall. Me and Aaron were asked to covered our eyes,one by one we walked to the portait to paste a baby's mouth piece on the baby's mouth. Of course,we didn't aimed well, I pasted on the baby's right face and Aaron pasted on the left face.We laughed at the funny look of the baby's portrait.


Then I opened some of the presents. Lots of baby stuff. Thanks for the generous gifts,I think my baby is so lucky,even before she was born,she already has so much. I don't even need to buy anything myself.


Then another game,to guess how many my waist line was, all the lady had to decide how long they will cut off the string,that length will be my waist line,most of the ladies guessed my waist line way too big,Alice won the prize,she guessed exactly my waist line-her string was perfact as my waist line-99cm.Wow,how good she was.She won the prize as well thanks for Sophie provided all the prizes.


The hard part for Aaron was to practise to change baby's diaper.First,Cicily showed him how to change diaper on a baby doll,then he managed to do it by himself,next his eyes were covered and changed the baby,it was harder,I was asked to hold the baby and feed the baby milk bottle at the same time,I gave him some instuctions to finish the task.Eventually,he did it. Well done,hubby,I think you will be a ok dad although all the ladies were laughing when they watched Aaron's clumsyness.


Time for openning other gifts again, this was my favarite part,to see what I got from my friends,openning gifts always so excited,I got more presents,they are all so useful and practical,for sure,my baby is going to use them,thanks a lot, my dear friends.


Another fun game was the ladies were asked to hold a paper plate on the heads and draw a baby's portrait without looking, it was a hard task,everyone tried the best to draw a baby,then,put on the table,Aaron will be the one to choose which one he likes the most,then that one will be the winner,Alice again won the prize,her baby portrait looked happy and quiet,Aaron liked it.


Time passed fast,the party was going to the end,before we left,we shared a home made pizza which I made this morning, a cabbage casole made by Vicky's hubby.It was very delicious,he is really good at making them.


Almost 7pm, me and Jane,Jonas and Oscar(later Jian joined us,and Meg and her two boys were there as well) went to Ariam's house,we were invited there for her daughter's birthday party(actually it was my baby shower),when we entered into the house,it was dark,then the light turned on, I saw many of my colleagues were in the living room,and shouted to me,Surprise,it was really a surprise,I didn't expect so many of my colleagues got together for me,I was so happy and touched,and the food,Ariam prepared so many of them,some of them were cooked by other colleagues like spicy Nigerian style rice,and Vanessa bought from China Town the fried noodle and beef fried with rice noodle,and the egg balls were made by Christy.And the home made cake and bread made by Ariam.Others were fish,salad,pizza...


A full table of food,everyone enjoyed the dinner together,talked,laughed,happy hours passed by before I was asked to sit down in the living room to open my gifts,lots of gifts openning again.I am the most happy,luckiest expectant mom today,I thought.


Thanks to all my friends and colleagues,I think with your supports and caring,me and Aaron will have the confidence to handle the new challenging in our life.






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