湾区理财 原创文集

富裕自己,造福他人。 让自己开心,让身边的每个人开心。
BayFamily (热门博主)
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(2007-02-15 07:08:37) 下一个

我从来不相信政府的通货膨胀数据(CPI) 可以用来衡量未来的财富,更可靠的是labor inflation. labor inflaiton 通常会比CPI 高出几个百分点。查查1970的工资,房价,物价, 历史数据表明,三十年以后,

Typical engineer salary will be 1 million/year
Typical bay area house will be 10 million
Harvard 4 years tutition will be 2 million/4 year.
One bedroom apartment in NYC will be 10 million


• labor inflation is 5% above typical inflation-where you got it? -PoorKids?给 PoorKids? 发送悄悄话 PoorKids? 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (13 reads) 2/12/07 
• here it is -bayfamily给 bayfamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (230 bytes) (90 reads) 2/13/07 
• US has white collar jobs only?! Are burger flippers white collar -PoorKids?给 PoorKids? 发送悄悄话 PoorKids? 的个人博客首页 (2 bytes) (6 reads) 2/13/07 
• we only care white collar, because we are, we will compare with -BayFamily给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 2/13/07 
• it does not matter. -Pediatrician- ♂ 给 Pediatrician 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (275 bytes) (160 reads) 2/12/07 
• 没什么, -siso- ♀ 给 siso 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (28 bytes) (70 reads) 2/12/07 
• 也就是说,现在五,六十万的房子,那时候要五,六百万???? -shn888- ♂ 给 shn888 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (24 reads) 2/13/07 
• very right, check the house price history and you will know -BayFamily给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (19 reads) 2/13/07 
• Not4kids has some data that shows real estate price history -it888给 it888 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (38 bytes) (53 reads) 2/13/07 
• here is the data -bayfamily给 bayfamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (3532 bytes) (100 reads) 2/13/07 
• 那当然,50年代一万多的房子现在都50万了 -britannica给 britannica 发送悄悄话 britannica 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 2/13/07 
• 当然前提是没有重大波折,这个可是谁也不能保证的 -britannica给 britannica 发送悄悄话 britannica 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 2/13/07 
• 真的inflation应该在两者之间。 -A-mao- ♂ 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的个人博客首页 (185 bytes) (118 reads) 2/13/07 
• 30 years later, Ipod will be gone, but I++++Pod will cost you 2K -BayFamily给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (63 bytes) (28 reads) 2/13/07 
• That's why you want to invest in equity and precious metals -it888给 it888 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (406 bytes) (155 reads) 2/13/07 
• they can only keep track of labor inflation -BayFamily给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (83 bytes) (42 reads) 2/13/07 
• Sooner or later, we will enter -it888给 it888 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (36 bytes) (82 reads) 2/13/07 
• hehe, not that bad :) -bayfamily给 bayfamily 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (72 bytes) (32 reads) 2/13/07 
• 看来看去只有一条:多生孩子:)) -britannica给 britannica 发送悄悄话 britannica 的个人博客首页 (68 bytes) (176 reads) 2/13/07 
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