

听笑话学英语之-Ellen Degerneres's Standup

(2007-08-17 16:59:42) 下一个

听外文说到底就是一如既往不停歇的听听听。不过在基本的句子结构已经懂得以后,我感觉上要靠多读才可以帮助听力的进步, 因为词汇量是基础。

我还意识到一个问题,那就是我们学习外文都要过的一个坎儿-越过在脑子中作无声翻译的坎儿。 只要我们停在脑中翻译的阶段上,对英语的理解就总是打了折扣的, 因为不仅是理解的速度慢, 而且由于文化的不对等, 不少词和文化现象难得翻译的清楚,所以直接从英文去理解是真正懂得英文的关键 – 这不仅是听, 其实是全方位的,要做到的使用英文想。 这样把中文和英文实际上是放在脑子的两块不搭界的地方, 直到需要时才互用。 我感觉放弃中英字典而只用英英字典, 放弃中英对照而只看英文是个挺不错的途径。

另外,听的开始阶段也许需要听清每一个词, 但是等到你熟悉以后, 更重要的是听关键词和时态,有了这些, 意思也就清楚了。 这就跟听中文一样, 你不见得听到说话人的每一个字,可是这并不影响你懂得说话人的意思。下面的这段美国相声就是表达这个意思吧。

下面这段是我喜欢的Ellen Degeneres 的一段单口相声 (standup comedy)。 跟美国人的日常生活现象挺有关系的。 各位先听。很好笑的。 我在录像的下面把她的相声的主要内容记录了些来给作参考。

Attention-span is short
Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD)
We don’t have the time and patience to pronounce the entire disorder
TBD-Too Busy Disorder
When I was kid, we just had crazy people

All the commercials on television now are for anti-depressant,… Prozac, Paxil
They get you right way
Are you sad? Do you get stressed? Do you have anxiety?
Yes, I have all those things, I’m alive.
I don’t want to take a pill.
Go to Africa, follow some bushman around, he got chased by a lion, that’s stress.

When I was a kid, news were on once a day, you either caught it or miss it
Crawl down there
You put your opinion on a poll
You catch end of something….”Madonna’s left foot’
Waiting for it come around again
There should be just one crawl goes around and around again-‘Things are getting worse.’

Local news:
They want you to watch every broadcast to gut.
It’s incredibly cruel-‘It could be the deadliest thing in the world you maybe having it for dinner'
Is it peas?

Feel sorry for newscasters-
We can turn it off,
They just read these stories, they just come up on Teleprompter
They have to go through this range of emotion
There were no survivors
Candy bar helps you to lose weight
Still to come, is Asteroid headed toward the earth
Cheesiest burger in town
A disturbing new study finds that studies are disturbing

They get schizophrenic by the end of news
No wonder they snap when they talk to the weather man
Johnny, When you gonna stop the rain, bring us some sunshine!
I’ll stop the rain when you stop the carjackings, Colleen....

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