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hair loss

(2012-06-11 05:55:27) 下一个
To hear abiyt someone's hair loss and to witness someone's hair loss, that's totally different. The hair loss started from the weekend, and everyday you see everywhere the short hair and you just told yourself: No more, I don't want her to suffer again. Before I prefered to try every method to but the hair, the hair is like the last straw that broke the camel's back. I feel heartache: Please, no more suffering, the life quality is avant tout ce qui me concerne

I feel I'm like an ostrich that hides her head in the ground...but hiding is good, hide as long as possible.

As I started to study the history of philosophy I read some history of Greece, and it recalled me the wonderful short story of Jorge Luis Borge: Les Immortels. I read it several times  and I was so amazed by the scenes and imagination. Now since I read the Philosophy I could trace the root of the story. It just unveiled and became less mysterious...Again it reminded me a term: what attracts people, no matter litterature or human, the element, is called Exotique.
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