
人们怀疑Mary Magdalene 是耶稣的老婆,还有一女SARAH.

(2006-11-17 11:07:15) 下一个
人们怀疑Mary Magdalene 是耶稣的老婆,还有一女SARAH.

根据是圣经上说到Mary Magdalene 是最后离开刑场,看着把耶稣尸体台到墓里的.

20:1 [hgb] 七 日 的 第 一 日 清 早 , 天 还 黑 的 时 候 , 抹 大 拉 的 马
利 亚 来 到 坟 墓 那 里 , 看 见 石 头 从 坟 墓 挪 开 了 。 [kjv] The first
day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto
the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. [bbe]
Now on the first day of the week, very early, while it was still dark, Mary
Magdalene came to the place and saw that the stone had been taken away from
it. 20:2 [hgb] 就 跑 来 见 西 门 彼 得 , 和 耶 稣 所 爱 的 那 个 门 徒
, 对 他 们 说 , 有 人 把 主 从 坟 墓 里 挪 了 去 , 我 们 不 知 道 放
在 哪 里 。 [kjv] Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the
other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away
the LORD out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.
[bbe] Then she went running to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple who
was loved by Jesus, and said to them, They have taken away the Lord out
of the place of the dead and we have no knowledge where they have put him.
20:3 [hgb] 彼 得 和 那 门 徒 就 出 来 , 往 坟 墓 那 里 去 。 [kjv] Peter
therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre.
[bbe] So Peter and the other disciple went out to the place of the dead.
20:4 [hgb] 两 个 人 同 跑 , 那 门 徒 比 彼 得 跑 得 更 快 , 先 到 了 坟
墓 。 [kjv] So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun
Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. [bbe] They went running together,
and the other disciple got in front of Peter and came first to the hole in
the rock; 20:5 [hgb] 低 头 往 里 看 , 就 见 细 麻 布 还 放 在 那 里 。
只 是 没 有 进 去 。 [kjv] And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the
linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. [bbe] And looking in, he saw the
linen bands on the earth; but he did not go in, 20:6 [hgb] 西 门 彼 得 随
后 也 到 了 , 进 坟 墓 里 去 , 就 看 见 细 麻 布 还 放 在 那 里 。 [kjv]
Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth
the linen clothes lie, [bbe] Then Simon Peter came after him and went into
the hole in the rock; and he saw the linen bands on the earth, 20:7 [hgb]
又 看 见 耶 稣 的 裹 头 巾 , 没 有 和 细 麻 布 放 在 一 处 , 是 另 在
一 处 卷 著 。

可能是发现耶稣还没死,Mary Magdalene把耶稣放跑了.后来才跑去告诉彼得耶稣不
见了. 关于是他老婆的部分太难翻译了. 我找一下中文的.

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