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作为一个生活在加州硅谷的码农,这部电视剧是必看。此剧今年已经是第5季,里面太多熟悉的人物和面孔(figuratively speaking),完全就是给我们码农们专制啊。对硅谷文化是个非常准确的写照。那么多似曾相熟的故事,多么的让人回味往事……
从早期就出现在前面4季里打边鼓的华人“设计家”Jian-Yang (杨建)第5季中开始有主线故事了,和今天中美贸易战很靠题:The stubbornly ambitious Chinese-born designer Jian-Yang has been looking all season for ways to exploit other people’s work and get rich quick, like his longtime foil Erlich Bachman used to do. Jian-Yang has settled on copying popular American technologies for a Chinese market lax about patent protection. In the process, he’s stumbled on a way to knock off Richard’s new internet, and he may beat Pied Piper to market. 整个季节中杨建一直在想方设法的利用其他人的发明创造来快速发财,最后终于成功的山寨了美国的技术,并抢在美国人前面上市,轻而易举的打败真正的发明者Richard。How ironic! How realistic!