2007 (150)
2008 (100)
2009 (57)
2011 (62)
2013 (61)
2014 (36)
2024 (85)
2025 (6)
从 2006 年起我买了一些 I bond,当时主要作为 emergency fund。那年头随时有被雷的可能,一般来说,家里应该存有够用一年半载的现金,以备不时之需。用 I bond 作为应急专用款,第一因为它的风险非常低,第二因为它的利率相对高。
美国的 I 债卷的利率每年调整2次,与通货膨胀指数挂钩。今天去看了一下,2006年存的那些现在的利率是 5.7%,去年存的利率 4.6%。相对现在其他银行的存款利率,这个实在是好太多了。现在股市上下波动剧烈,像我这样的懒人,哪怕是为省事,I 债卷也是不错的选择,何况还有既保险又不低的回报。
虽然美国债卷评估被从AAA下调到AA,与其他发展国家相比,这个评估仍是世界上最好之一。所以像俺这样的工薪族,投资要保本,要盈利、还要省事,I bond 就是最好的选择了。对了,I bond 的利息免州税,听说如果用于教育费用(小孩的学费等),利息全免(联邦和州)税。这就使 I bond 更加吸引人,既可以作为应急款,不用救急时,也可以将来用作小孩学费。起码比529好吧。
有关 I bond 的介绍,请大家到 treasury direct 自己去看,在此恕不多言,以免误导。
By the way, when IBOND is used for educational purpose, they are tax free both federal and state. See below
From http://collegesavings.about.com/od/ussavingsbonds/ss/savingsbonds_2.htm
Potential Advantages:
Purchasing US Savings Bonds (Series EE or I) is one of the simplest ways to set aside money for college. There is no need to open an account at a financial institution, complete complex paperwork, or research and manage investment options. Further, the future value of Savings Bonds, especially Series EE bonds, is very easy to estimate.
Savings Bonds are available in small denominations and can be purchased for as little as $25 at a time.
The interest on these bonds is fully exempt from Federal and state income taxes when used for qualified college expenses, which makes them competitive with higher paying, but taxable investments.
Potential Disadvantages:
The biggest disadvantage, which is generally the case with any increased level of safety and simplicity, is a lower rate of return. With a historical rate of return between 4-6% annually, successful stock market investments can easily outperform U.S. Savings Bonds by double.
Another disadvantage, is that the exemption from paying taxes on college expenses is more limited than some of the other college savings accounts. Series EE and I bonds are only exempt from taxation when used for tuition (not room, board, or books), and are available only for taxpayers whose income is less than certain amounts.
FORIX 是债卷基金,债卷基金和债卷两码事,基金现在风险非常高。