laoyangdelp (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

亚裔是“平权措施”(Afirmatoin Action) 的最大受害者?

(2007-04-24 13:41:48) 下一个

My answer is NO.

My understanding is that AA is not only for非洲裔,西班牙裔和印第安裔. It’s for “disadvantaged minority groups”, Asians included. Have you seen many Vietnamese and Pilipino students from poor family benefit from AA? Check out any campus in University of California, especially UC Berkeley. You’ll find many Asian beneficiaries of AA. I don’t agree with AA myself because it is racial biased. I think the new policy UC system has adapted is better. It is more based on “economic and social disadvantage”. Do you know some kids from NY or San Francisco China town? Their parents worked in the sweatshops or restaurants all their lives and for two or more generations. They don’t speak English, get paid minimum wage and living in government subsidized housing. It is very hard for these Chinese-American kids to get high marks in schools because they don’t have a role model like many educated Chinese/Taiwanese parents. They have to help the family to make the end-meets. I happened to know some of them and understand how much more effort they have make in order to get a high school diplomat.

On the other hand, USA public education is designed to provide for “public” because it is supported by tax payer’s money. It is like all the rest of public school system: every one moves forward together, i.e. the pace is set by slower movers. If you are not happy with this philosophy and you always have the option to send your kid to private schools where parents pay for the education and they have a say about how they want their kid being taught.

I happened also to know something about private university admission. They do NOT apply AA there, especially the Ivy-League ones. These schools are “need blind” only, which means if you qualify to be admitted, you’ll be able to attend regardless your family has money or not. Good private schools normally have money (by donations from its alumnus). For example Harvard is one of the richest organizations in US.

I think the author has very limited knowledge about US school admission policies and probably is mad about his/her kid could not go to a good public school because they are normally cheaper than private ones. If your kids don’t benefit from AA then you probably do not belong to “disadvantaged” group. Be happy that you are doing better than many other poor people. If your kid is a well balanced student he/she will do well in any school.

取消AA后的变化 2006.10

加州的AA废了以后,现在入学打分看家庭收入。Kids from Economically disadvantaged family 可以少考几十分而进入 UC Berkeley.

Every special treatment has it's value in certain time. When most Asians were economically, politically disadvantaged in past, AA helps them to get in the main stream and provide crucial support. Most Asians benefited from AA and now Asians income level is comparable to whites. So AA lost its meaning. And it should be voted off and did. The same for union laws. During the beginning of capitalism society, unions protect labor's interests, prevent child labor etc. and was a positive force in the society. But today, 资本家们has improved and IMHO, union becomes a drag. It reduces productivity and has negative impact on society. American unions should be outlawed. On the other hand, China is the place really need an independent union right now.
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