likethe 1987 panic, except bond rates haven't risen. Back the the dollarkept falling. I think the bulls kept cheering until it was apparent itwas falling faster than the trade and dollar values could actually goup. Weak dollar isn't going to balance trade if it means oil goes offthe chart. Once the liquidity crisis hits, i think the dollar rallies.A stronger dollar probably reprices the market lower. No joke here.There is going to be a real struggle to get enough dollars before thisgame is done. | ||||
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![]() ![]() | metchakutcha | NEW 11/7/2007 1:36:43 PM | ![]() | |
What are you banking on (forgive the pun)? Alot of creative destruction? | ||||
![]() ![]() | mannfm11 | NEW 11/7/2007 1:46:14 PM | ![]() | |
Theyare selling stocks to raise money right here. Who are they? Who knows,but eventually they are going to suck all the cash available for buyingstock to plug some other hole. You might note the contrary move incopper that is going on right now. It might merely be seasonal, but atsome point the hoarders of this metal are going to have to mark tomarket. You must realize that stocks are considered bank balances by alot of people, except that they go up without making additionaldeposits and down without making withdrawals. When it is going down,the players need cash, not stocks to maintain liquidity. 1987 was abond crash as much as it was a dollar crash. It might take another bondcrash to create a stock crash. There is clearly a lot more priceinflation than the Fed or the Commerce department of nonsense isadmitting to, but I think it is going to be spun with asset deflation.Asset deflation is what this decline in the dollar is about at thepresent. I think the spiral in costs of materials is also nothing morethan fearing the debt paper in the US at the present. I believe Asia isputting up as much oil into storage or under contract as they can get.I wouldn't forget that if there is a fleecing going on, it might looklike the banks and the wealthy people that are short tons of gold andhold most of the stock, but it is the common folks that are going tohave to give up their positions. | ||||
![]() ![]() | son-of-curtis | NEW 11/7/2007 2:00:40 PM | ![]() | |
This is my contention all along mannfm11. I don't believe that the big fish are at all worried about gold and silver shorts.. AntalFeteke has documented well the amount of gold that has gone intoprivate hands and my contention is that those holders are not smallspecs... like the ones on this board.. The vast majority of theworld's wealth is in a very few hands and after the washout of thedepression to will still be there... Many herepooh-pooh the idea of the World Court, IMF and United Nations but myreading on the documents held at these august bodies give me rise tothink after the SHTF and everything ends back up straight again theywill have the titles to a lot of the worlds resources and the legaldocuments to prove ownership... The sheeple will then and onlythen realized they never really had a chance to bequeath their childrenthe inheritance that was bequeathed to them from their forefathers... Theywere just the conduit of the elites of all countries sucking dry thelemmings holdings...Not conspiracy but just the way the world works... |