
Believers in infinite inflation ALL get hurt. (by smokey)

(2007-10-20 20:40:07) 下一个
Believers in infinite inflation ALL get hurt.smokey
NEW 10/20/2007 8:10:26 PM
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Adam believed in infinite inflation.

Rome believed in infinite inflation.

Napoleon believed in infinite inflation.

The British Empire believed in infinite inflation.

The tulip speculators believed in infinite inflation.

The citizens in Weimar Germany believed in infinite inflation.

The '29 stock speculators believed in infinite inflation.

LTCM believed in infinite inflation.

Japan believed in infinite inflation.

The Asian Tigers believed in infinite inflation.

The NASDAQ speculators believed in infinite inflation.

Real estate buyers of the past five years believed in infinite inflation.

And... last and certainly not least...

Citibank believed in infinite inflation.

All these fools have one thing in common.

All these fools looked at the events of past and believed that the events of the future would mimic the events of the past.

This tendency to think that the past will repeat itself is derived from man's tendency to luxuriate in "belief."

Itis not well known that the main ingredient in ignorance is "belief."Belief is a mental crutch wherein the mind would rather be provedwrong, than expend the energy necessary to see something new.

Somethingnew is going on all around us all the time but most minds are simplytoo tired to drop past conclusions. These minds would rather embracethe past as a predictor of future events and call this 'knowledge'

This mechanism seems to work as long as this ignorance has a modicum of control over present experience.

"Hey!I was right and they were wrong. I'm sitting here in Pig Heaven makingmoney hand-over-fist and they are working for a living... Ha Ha!"

Adam,Rome, the British Empire, Napoleon and the other believers in infiniteinflation have wallowed in this ignorant arrogance thinking and bettingall they had in tomorrow repeating the past.

And they all got hurt...


They all got KILLED.

Death IS the ultimate deflation.

We are all deflationists.
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